The Open Exam Preparation:

Possible Mid-Term Exam Questions for Review and Study for M271/F271

1. Enterprise systems are situated within the business processes and workflow of people working within a dynamic setting ______ (answer: True)

2. Use Cases characterize:
a. a verb or action that denotes a relation ______ (ans. True)

b. low-level implementation details in a Rich Picture _______ (ans. False)

c. functional and non-functional requirements of an enterprise system ______ (ans. False).

3. Identify four possible roles that people can play with an enterprise system:

a. ________________, b. _____________, c. ______________, d. _______________.

(ans. ANY four from the following: domain analyst, subject matter expert, executive/internal customer, internal end-user, external end-user, supplier/vendor, other (e.g., government regulator, consumer rights advocate))

4. Identify the items (by letter) in the LEFT column that best correspond to items in RIGHT column.

a. generic classification              _________ process (ans. b)

b. has inputs and outputs           _________ inheritance (ans. d)

c. part-whole                            _________ composition (ans. c)

d: is-a                                       _________ general-to-specific (ans. a)

5. Identify whether each item or activity is primarily associated with (R)equirements, (A)nalysis, or (D)esign

a. ______ how the system is to be implemented (ans. D)

b. ______ concerns for why the system should be developed (ans. R)

c. ______ what the system does (ans. A)

d. ______ Use Cases (ans. R)

6. In this Rich Picture, identify the Roles people play within the context of Fishy Web Inc.


(ans. Director, Market Research, Administration, Web Analyst, HTML Coder)