SSpro/ACCpro 4.03: Secondary Structure and Solvent Accessibility Predictors The first hybrid approach of combining neural network and homology analysis in the prediction of secondary structure and solven accessibility. Reference: J. Cheng, A. Randall, M. Sweredoski, P. Baldi, SCRATCH: a Protein Structure and Structural Feature Prediction Server, Nucleic Acids Research, Web Server Issue, vol. 33, 72-76, 2005 Contact: Jianlin Cheng Ph.D. School of Information and Computer Sciences University of California Irvine ################################################################################ Install SSpro4/ACCpro on Linux (Tested on Redhat Linux) ################################################################################ 1) unzip the tarball e.g. tar xzf sspro4.tar.gz 2) change the directory to unzipped sspro4 directory e.g. cd sspro4 3) open and set the $install_dir to the sspro4 installation dir. e.g. /home/your_home_dir/sspro4/ 4) execute to configure and install the package. e.g. ./ Installaltion is done! ################################################################### Test Installation ################################################################### 1) test secondary structure predictions on sample sequences (1aqta or 1s12) using both neural network (ab-initio) and homology analysis (a hybrid appoach): cd test ../bin/ 1aqta.fasta 1aqta.test The prediction of secondary structure is stored in 1aqta.test file. Compare 1aqta.test with in the test directory. They should be identical. 2) test secondary structure predictions using neural network only (ab-initio): cd test ../bin/ 1aqta.fasta 1aqta.test The prediction of secondary structure is stored in 1aqta.test file. Compare 1aqta.test with in the test directory. They should be identical. 3) test solvent accessibility predictions on a sample sequence using both neural network (ab initio) and homology analysis (a hybrid approach). cd test ../bin/ 1aqta.fasta test.acc Compare test.acc with 1aqta.acc. They should be identical. combines results from neural networks and homology. 4) test solvent accessibility predictions using neural networks only (ab-initio) cd test ../bin/ 3chya out.acc out.acc should be the same as 3chya.acc.ab ################################################################## Descriptions of sub directories ################################################################## bin: shell scripts model: model files of neural network script: perl script (homology script and main script) data: the database (big and non-redudandant database and pdb database) server: the sspro and accpro executables blast2.2.8: the blast tool (version 2.2.8 is used) test: test directory. ################################################################### Usage of SSpro and ACCpro ################################################################### Commands: For secondary structure prediction: path/sspro4/bin/ sequence.fasta output_file For solvent accessibility prediction at 25% threshold using both neural networks and homology information: path/sspro4/bin/ sequence.fasta output_file The output file format: name sequence predicted secondary structure or solvent accessibility(e: exposed, -: buried at 25% threshold) See 1aqta.fasta,, 1aqta.acc examples in test directory. NOTICE: The sequence in the fasta file should be one single line. The sequence can be up to a few thousand residues long. For solvent accessibility prediction at 25% threshold using neural networks only (ab-initio approach) path/sspro4/bin/ sequence.fasta output_file ##################################################################### Predict solvent accessibility at the thresholds other than 25% ##################################################################### To predict solvent accessibility at other thresholds, use script bin/ input_fasta_file output_file threshold threshold is an integer index between 0 and 19. 0 -> 0% 1 -> 5% ... 5 -> 25% ... 19 -> 95%. e.g. if you want 30% threshold, change it to 6. The threshold = integer * 5%. ##################################################################### IMPORTANT NOTICE Limitation on the Input Sequence Format The program only accepts sequence in the simple 2-line FASTA format as follows: >name Sequence Sequence should be 1-letter amino acids in UPPER case. Lower case is not accepted. If the program crashes on a protein sequence, please check the format. ##################################################################### ##################################################################### Release notes ##################################################################### 4.03: released on 1/19/2006 Add ab-initio prediction script (using neural network only, no homology) for secondary structure 4.02: released on 12/17/2005 Add ab-initio prediction script (using neural network only, no homology) for solvent accessibility 4.01: released on 8/12/2005 Fix a bug about solvent accessibility prediction for thresholds other than 25%. Add a new script to predict solvent accessibility at different thresholds. Don't need to change parameters manually anymore. I'd like to thank Dan Klose for the question leading to the bug fix. 4.0: released on 5/1/2005 First released version -----------------------------------------------------------------------