DISpro statistics


Since March 1 2004 Last week
Tasks 951 9
Tasks per day 0.64 1.29
Requests 951 9
Query length (avg.) 380.11 767.89
Time to serve a request (avg.s) 1.06 1.44
Total CPU time (s) 1006.00 13.00

DISpro statistics:
usage of servers

Server Since 1 Mar 2004 last week
Total tasks 951 9
DISpro 951 9
DISpro was created on 15 April 2004.

For DISpro:
domains sending requests

Rank Queries% Domain
1 18.612 Commercial (.com)
2 17.245 Japan
3 13.249 Non-Profit Organization (.org)
4 11.672 US Educational (.edu)
5 9.253 India
6 4.627 Taiwan
7 3.891 France
8 3.260 Australia
9 1.788 Germany
10 1.577 United Kingdom
11 1.262 Portugal
12 1.052 Italy
13 1.052 Romania
14 0.946 Austria
15 0.946 Canada
16 0.841 Switzerland
17 0.841 Netherlands
18 0.736 Ukraine
19 0.631 Spain
20 0.631 Israel
21 0.526 Czech Republic
22 0.526 Network (.net)
23 0.526 Sweden
24 0.315 Belarus
25 0.315 China
26 0.315 Singapore
27 0.315 South Africa
28 0.210 Argentina
29 0.210 Belgium
30 0.210 US Government (.gov)
31 0.210 Hungary
32 0.210 Mexico
33 0.210 Poland
34 0.210 Russian Federation
35 0.105 Denmark
36 0.105 Korea (South)
37 0.105 US Military (.mil)
38 0.105 Turkey

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Jianlin Cheng , jianlinc@ics.uci.edu