The Yissochor Dov (Beirish) Langsam Family of Bircza & Sanok

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Some background email from the family can be found here.

Yissochor Dov (Beirish) Langsam (June 6, 1849 - ?) was born in Bircza, Poland. He married Esther Moritz (born September 9, 1846) of Sanok and had two known children born in Sanok. The four of them show up together on the 1900 census.

Some background email from the family can be found here.

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I would be very interested to hear from anyone with knowledge or an interest in the Miller family.

Moishe Miller

My home address is
           1374 East 28th Street
           Brooklyn NY 11210-5311

Last updated 12/4/2016