The Pesach & Moishe Langsam Family

HOME wrote:

I found your email listed under JewishGen's Family Finder on the 
internet. I am working on a family tree starting with Pesach Langsam,
born in 1748  I have a website devoted to this pursuit and would 
welcome your feedback. It is at
Please note that the URL is case-sensitive. If your browser has problems
(like some old AOL browsers) accessing this page, please try the tree 
itself at
If neither one works, try to redirect from
Please bear in mind that "clicking" on the tree image from 
any page will bring you back to the homepage

Thanks for your time!

-Moishe Miller
Thursday January 7, 1999
To:   Moishe Miller/PSG/Prudential
Subject:  Re: Langsam Family

Thanks for your email.  I checked with my grandmother Ann Wolf (formerly
Wolosky) who is 91 year's old and she said she had a cousin Pesach Langsam
on her father's side.  He lived in Jersey City, NJ and worked for the Ward
Baking Company.  Then he moved to New York City or Brooklyn, she couldn't 
remember and then again to San Francisco.  She also said her cousin Molly 
Wolosky, also on her father's side was from Sanok.

I hope this helps.  I am curious to know if there is any connection.


Marcy Wolf
______________________________________________________________________ wrote:

Very exciting! With a name like Pesach Langsam, there must be a connection,
as he was the progenitor of the branch. Can you tell me more about him 
and how your grandmother is related to him. Does he have any living 
offspring  you or I can contact?

Subject:  Re: Langsam Family
PostedDate:  01/07/99 03:53:36 PM
SendTo:  CN=Moishe Miller/OU=PSG/O=Prudential
DeliveredDate:  01/07/99 03:52:58 PM


Here is the only other information we have.  
Pesach was a cousin to my grandmother's father, 
Max Wolosky/or Volosky some family members - the ones
from Europe used a W. She does remember that Pesach had
a brother named Moishe who she thinks also lived in 
Brooklyn.  She knows Pesach had a wife and children and
since the last time she saw Pesach, or Philip Langsam, 
he lived in  San Francisco maybe his children or 
grandchildren are still there.

Best regards.

Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2001 21:23:05 -0500
From: "" 
Subject: Langsam


Its been a long time since we last wrote. Just wanted to keep you posted.
With the Ellis Island Database I was able to find the ship manifest for 
Moshe Langsam, brother to Pesach/Philip. I also found his petition for 
naturalization here in Brooklyn. He was from Telesnica. This town is about
15 miles SE of Sanok and 15 miles SW of Dobromil. Therefore I think that 
your H71 listing on my page should be H60 under the old numbering scheme 
from the Langsam-Spira book. 

Based on all this data, the picture we have is that Abraham Langsam had 
two known sons, a son Pesach/Philip and a son Moishe. 

Pesach, born in 1896, came to the USA in 1914 at the age of 18 (single).
His father Abraham was still alive and living in Telesnica, Galicia.  
Moshe, born in 1898, went to Buenos Aries, Argentina. He came to the USA
in 1922 at the age of 24 (single). He lists his last residence at his 
friend: Enrique Edelman, B. Mitre 2574 Bnos. Aries. He states that he is 
going to brother Phillip Langsam at 236 Hopkins, Brooklyn NY. Moshe was 
born in Telesnica.

Can you check any of this, especially the dates, with your grandmother? 
Does she remember them being about a decade older than her? 

Also, on Jewishgen why do you have recorded that you are researching 
Langsam's from Krakow? Who was from Krakow? Is this another branch or 
this one too somehow?

-Moishe Miller


I would be very interested to hear from anyone with knowledge or an interest in the Miller family.

Moishe Miller

My home address is
           1374 East 28th Street
           Brooklyn NY 11210-5311

Last updated 12/26/01