Langsam related to Blaus/Diller of Sanok, Galicia


Subject:  Langsam
PostedDate:  01/03/99 12:17:17 PM
SendTo:  CN=Moishe Miller/OU=PSG/O=Prudential
DeliveredDate:  01/03/99 12:10:26 PM

Funny you should ask.

My great-aunt Ethel Blau passed away last Monday at 95.  On Wednesday her
remaining sister, Nedra Glasser, 84; Nedra's daughter, Abbe; and I buried
her at Mt. Hebron in Queens.  (Unfortunately it was the coldest day of the
week and had a biting wind to boot so it was a short ceremony.)

While we were there Abbe and I visited the office to see which other family
graves are in that cemetery and came up with quite a few in the Bnei Joseph
Degel area of Block 11, Path 14, Section 6.  I imagine that you have been
there.  Seeing so many Blaus, Dillers and Langsams side by side makes me
think that there probably is a real connection, but Nedra, 84, does not
really know what it is.

Anyway, what we particularly noted was the grave of a Gitel Blau.  Gitel is
Nedra's middle name.  I saw from your website that the name also occurs in
the Langsam family.

Abbe and I plan to return in the spring when it is warmer.

Do you have any information to share on Bnei Joseph Degel?

Thanks for keeping in touch!

Author:  "Naomi Geschwind" <> at INTERNET
Date:    1/30/98  10:13 AM
Priority: Normal
TO: Moishe Miller at CCSP27B1
Subject: Langsam
------------------------------- Message Contents -------------------------------
Your Langsam material is very impressive.  I wish I could tell you how I fit 
in but I don't know.  My great aunt says that there was a family named 
Langsam that she remembers from childhood and whom she believes were related 
to either the Blaus or the Dillers of Sanok, Galicia.  I will look through 
your material and see if I spot possible connections.
Thanks for writing to me!

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, March 14, 1999 11:45 PM
Subject: Re: Langsam

Wanted to touch base again. I know you were in contact with Suzan Wynne at
some point. I just wanted to flesh out what part of the tree you come from.
Can you target the two oldest generations of "Langsam" that you are aware
Subject:  Re: Langsam
PostedDate:  03/15/99 09:39:55 PM
SendTo:  CN=Moishe Miller/OU=PSG/O=Prudential
DeliveredDate:  03/15/99 11:40:56 PM

We're not anywhere in particular yet.  You'll hear.



I would be very interested to hear from anyone with knowledge or an interest in the Miller family.

Moishe Miller

My home address is
           1374 East 28th Street
           Brooklyn NY 11210-5311

Last updated 1/23/00