The Chana Mindel Newman nee Uri Family

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From: "Larry R. Feder"  
Subject: Re: Many new Schonfeld descendants added 
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 20:05:16 -0600 
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4133.2400 

Dear Moishe,
       Our family is descended on my mother's side from the Lisker Rav, R.
Tzvi Hersh Friedman, of Olaszliska, Hungary.  My mother's maiden name was
Goldberger, direct line from Yoizef Goldberger, son -in -law of the Lisker
(author of Ach Pri T'vua and HaYoshor V'Hatov-more on that later). I only
wish our connection to the Bnei Yissochor was as clear.  I will fill in the
missing information that I know offhand, as I don't have time to look up
trees, charts, and birth records right now.  I will fill in what I know in
CAPS, so that it will be easy for you to see what I've added.
    I also forwarded your message to another family member, and told him to
respond to you as able.
> Descendants of Chana Mindel Uri
>          1       Chana Mindel Uri
> ..              +Tzvi Newman
> .........       2       Naftali Yeshaya Hertz Newman    1888 - 1952
> .............           +Ettel GOLDBERGER> .........               *2nd
Wife of Nathan Newman:
> .............           +Krantcha GOLDBERGER? (A SISTER TO ETTEL)
> ....................    3       Yosef Newman
> ............................... 4       Tcharna Faiga Newman
> ............................... 4       Chana Mindel Newman
> ............................... 4       Maxi Newman
> ....................    3       Chana Mindel Newman (MARGIE)
> ........................                +Pesach Dovid Schonfeld 1910 -
> ....................    3       Herschel Newman
> ....................    3       Gittel Leah Newman
> ....................    3       Louie Newman - RACHI
> .........       2       Perri Newman
> .............           +boy Klein
> ....................    3       child Klein
> ....................    3       Tzvi Klein
> ............................... 4       Avrohm Dovid Klein
> .........       2       Shea Newman
> .........       2       Yankel Newman
                Louis Newman has another brother name Ari, married to a
SHUStERMAN, currently lives in Fla., a sister Nellie (Krantche) married name
            Together, we can probably piece together more of this.
From: "Larry R. Feder"  
Subject: Newman family clarification & corrections 
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 21:27:41 -0600 
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4133.2400 

Dear Moishe,
    I made a mistake.  Herschel Newman is married to a Shusterman & living in Fla.
	Ari passed away several yrs ago. 
	I have Chana Mindel Uri's son listed as Shaya Naftali, not Naftali Shaya.If you
	don't know of any family members to consult about this, I could probably find
	someone to ask, although I am not in direct, constant contact with them.My aunt
    A key Q for you, which would hint at a lot of info:  Do you know who Naftali 
	Yeshaya (or reversed) was named after? Again, my Schonfeld Ggrandfather was
	Naftali Yeshaya Asher, and I don't know of an antecedent with that name, though
	I can go back 2 more generations.  What about the town of origin?  My Newman
	source tells me the Newmans came from Uhely.
    Also, your birthdate for NYH of 1888 seems wrong-or my dob for Ettel of 1863 is
	wrong. Let's check on that if we can.
    At this point I am still in the process of researching & entering Newman family
                                                    Regards, Elizabeth
From: "Larry R. Feder"  
Subject: Re: Neuman- Gldberger-Lisker 
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 21:18:04 -0600 
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4133.2400 

----- Original Message -----
To: "Larry R. Feder" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 6:24 AM
Subject: Re: Many new Schonfeld descendants added

> What is your OWN lineage in this tree?
> -Moishe
> Ettel & Krantche were sisters to Zalman Leib Goldberger, who was my
mother's father.  Krantche is a very common name in the Lisker family, as
that was the Rebbetzin's name.
From: "Larry R. Feder"  
Subject: Re: Neuman- Gldberger-Lisker 
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 06:50:16 -0600 
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4133.2400 

----- Original Message -----
To: "Larry R. Feder" 
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 10:17 PM
Subject: Re: Neuman- Gldberger-Lisker

> Who were Ettel, Krantche and Zalman Leib's parents?
Aharon Goldberger & Gendendel (Nanci) Lefkovits
> Do you have dates for when they were born or at least age order? Sorry,
No.  I do know that Zalman Lieb (Lajos, legally,) was born April, 1885.  The
rest I'm still working on.
    Do you know after whom Shaya Naftali Hertz was named?  My
great-grandfather on the Schonfeld side was Naftali Yeshaya Asher Schonfeld,
and I am trying to
see where a connection might be.
    Also, the Lisker sefer that I mentioned has lots of info in it.  It is
currently out of print, and I am trying to get access to it and to get the
pertintent gen. pages xeroxed.  So far, I haven't had success with that.  I
had an unexpected opportunity to see that sefer for a short time this past
summer, and was not in a position to take proper advantage of the
    I will IY"H be seeing my aunt & uncle in mid- Dec, and hope to clarify
some of this.

Kol Tuv, Elizabeth
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 23:29:23 EST 
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Many new Schonfeld descendants added 

My name is Tully Auerbach.
I am named after my grandfather, Yeshaya Naftali Hertz Newman (not Naftali 
Yeshaya Hertz, as you have it.)
His second wife was Ettel or Esther, who was the sister of his first wife, 
Esther had two children with Yeshaya Naftali Hertz Newman.
1) My mother Krantche (Nellie)
Married to Moshe Aharon Auerbach
Three children:
Pessel (Phyllis) married to David Schoenbrun
Raize (Ronnie) married to Peter Stern
Yeshaya Naftali Hertz (Tully, me) Married to Alisa Feldman
2) My uncle Louis Newman, married to Rachi
I have always wanted to trace the family back to the B'nei Y'saschar
My zayde, O'H has on his matzeyva that he is a Dinover aynikle
My mothetr was born in Uhel and came over when she was three
There is a family in Brooklyn named Heller, who were cousins of my 
who are also descended from the B'nei Y'saschar
UIcan fill you in on the whole Klein mishpoco too, as my cousin, Yiddel Klein 
lives across the street from my parents in Far Rockaway.
If you would like any more names of children of my mother's half-siblings' 
children & grandchildren, just ask & I'll ask my mom.
If you want the names of my kids or my sisters' kids & granchildren, just ask

Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 23:29:47 EST 
Subject: Fwd: Correction 

Sibling #2 of my mother, a son of Esther & Nathan Newman was Artie (Irving 
Newman) O'H not louis, & married to Rochelle
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 00:38:57 EST 
Subject: Re: Request + Info 

Dear Moishe,
Thank you SO much for the information.
Iwould be happy to tell you everything I can.
I'll call my mom & get the Klein facts.
I'll get my cousin Yidel Klein's phone # for you & you can speak to him 
Do you know of my uncle Louis Newman in Far Rockaway?
He is a fantastic source. If not, I'll get you his number too.
Interestingly, My zayde Nathan, had a brother who, as the family story goes, 
embarassed the family by working on shabbos. Supposedly Nathan told him to 
desist or leave New york. He left, and ended up in Mexico.
There is a whole Newman branch in Mexico City, headed by their patriarch, 
the nephew of Nathan. I can get you his number too, if you wish.
Speak to you soon,

By the way, my sisters & I were all delivered by a Dr. Langsam in Far 
Rockaway, a prominent Og-Gyn in the area for many years. A relative perhaps? 
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 16:28:35 EDT 
Subject: Distant Relative 
X-Mailer: AOL 5.0 for Windows sub 138 

Dear Moishe,
    I must start by saying that I will always be eternally grateful to you.  
My grandparents have always told me that I was related to the Bnei 
Yissascher, but no one in my family quite knew how.  With your extensive and 
pervasive family tree, it was very simple to trace my family all the way back 
to Pesach Langsam.  I am a descendant of R' Yakov Uri, and his second wife 
Yitta Leah through their daughter Chana Mindel and Tzvi Neuman. One of their 
daughters - Perel (Perri) is the mother of my grandfather.  Perel married 
Dovid Klein and had 14 children.  I can also help you with Perel's brothers, 
as I see your'e missing information after her mother's generation.  And as 
for Perel's descendants I can take you all the way to the youngest baby alive 
today (though I don't think you want that much information). Please let me 
know how many generations of  information you want and I will do my best to 
send it to you. On another note, I would like to know how I could obtain a 
copy of Suzan Wynne's book "The Langsam-Spira Family" that you mention on the 
web site.
                                                                Yoni Gottlieb 
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 17:02:04 EDT 
Subject: Re: Request? 
X-Mailer: AOL 5.0 for Windows sub 138 

    This time around the email from August came through, and I will review 
all the family information that you have up to this point for Chana Mindel 
Uri, and will work on filling in as much as I possibly can.  
    As for my own lineage from her, I'd be glad to detail it for you right 
now: As you already have down, one of the children Chana Mindel Uri and Tzvi 
(Hersh) Neuman had was Perel (Perri). She was my g-grandmother.  Also, as you 
have down correctly, she perished in the Holacaust. (The Yartzeit we observe 
for her is 27 Iyar 1944).  She was born in Mezalaborce, Hungary in 
approximatley 1891-5.  She married Dovid Klein of Satoraljaujhely, Hungary, 
who was born in approximatley 1891. They got married in Mezalaborce in 
approximatley 1911-12. One of those children, the sixth,  was Yidel Klein 
(born Jan. 12, 1923 in Satoraljaujhely, where the family resided until the 
war). He is my grandfather.  Yidel married (to make matters complex) his 
first cousin, Sara Klein, my grandmother (born in Polgar, Hungary on August 
16, 1927).  They got married in Satoraljaujhely on April 7, 1946.  They lived 
in Paris for a couple of years after gettin married, while waitng for visas 
to come to America, and finally moved to the US, and had my mother on 
February, 28 1949.  They then had 3 other children: Moti, Duddi, and Perri 
respectivley (birthdates for these children, and their children, I'll have to 
get for you later).  Anyway my mother married Eli Gottlieb on March 20, 1979. 
They had me, Yoni, on February 18, 1980, Moti on May 12, 1984, and Dani on 
May 31, 1987.  My mother's brother Moti married Malka Gross on  December 16, 
1973, and had Esther, Dovid, Binyomin, Elana, Moshe, and Yakov. My mother 
next brother Duddi, married Faigie Honig on July 12, 1987, and had Mordechai 
and Shmuel, My mother's youngest sister, Perri, is not married.
    I live on the south shore of Long Island. My address is: 44 Arrowhead Lane
Lawrence, NY 11559
    If you have any questions about the above information, please let me 
know.  Also, let me know if you'd like the future information I give to you 
in paragraph form or  if you can tell me a different format that may be 
easier to understand.
                                                                Yoni Gottlieb 

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I would be very interested to hear from anyone with knowledge or an interest in the Miller family.

Moishe Miller

My home address is
           1374 East 28th Street
           Brooklyn NY 11210-5311

Last updated 9/24/01