Universal Database (netDB2) Introductory Guide

The netDB2 Environment

When you log onto netDB2, the browser will display the netDB2 interface which allows you single click access to a commercial-strength database management system. Using the interface, you can create, drop, and alter the tables in your database, load data into the tables, run SQL queries and save results in files. The netDB2 interface offers you the following functionalities:

  • The SQL Textbox:
    You can enter your SQL queries including commands to create, alter, and drop  tables, and run SQL queries into the textbox. If you need to save your queries, we suggest that you write your SQL commands into a file on your local machine and use the cut and paste options to enter command into the textbox. This will prevent you from losing the work since currently the SQL command entered into the textbox is not saved by the system.  Please note that you can use the textbox to enter only a SINGLE SQL command only.  If you enter multiple commands, only the first command will be executed. Also, do not need to terminate your command with a semi-colon (;) as is usually done in SQL.
  • Get Table Information:
    You can use the get table information button to display the schema of  the current tables in your databases. The table information is displayed in the panel on the right hand side. Since your database may consist of many tables, you will need to use the scroll button to look through the schema definition of all your tables. Please note that currently, netDB2 DOES NOT display the information about constraints (e.g., primary key, unique, check constraints, referential integrity constraints, etc.) you may have specified as part of your schema. When you create tables, we suggest that you save the commands used for this purpose in a file in your local machine. Else, later you will not be able to figure out the constraints declared on the table. As we mentioned in class, netDB2 is a system prototype which is still being built, and future iterations of netDB2 will provide support for users to visualize the schema including table level as well as general constraints more properly.
  • netDB2 Load Facility: 
    netDB2 allows you a powerful mechanism to load data into tables from files on your local computer. All you need to do is to specify the table into which you wish the data loaded, and also the local file on your machine containing the data. The local file can be accessed by using the browse button which allows you to look navigate through your local directory to get to the file to be loaded. Please note that the file to be loaded must adhere to a specified syntax as is specified in the load section of this introductory guide.
  • netDB2 Script Center:
    Often you would find yourself wanting to run multiple SQL commands one after another. For example, once  you have decided on the schema for your tables, you need to enter them into netDB2. If you use the SQL textbox for this purpose, you will only be able to enter a single create table command at one time. You may find it more useful to enter multiple commands (one for each table to be created) all at once using the netDB2 script center. To access the Script Center, simply press the Script Center button. This will pop up a new window for you which has a textbox into which you can enter your script. As suggested before, it is advisable that you write your script into a file on your local computer and use the cut and paste option of your local computer to enter the script into the netDB2 script textbox. This way your work is saved on your local machine.
  • netDB2 Stored Procedures Tool:
    netDB2 allows you to enter SQL procedures using its Stored Procedure tool. Simply click on the stored procedure tool and another window will pop up.. The Stored procedure window will allow you to  list the procedures that you have declared so far. Also, a textbox allows you to create new procedures. As with the SQL query textbox and the Script textbox, remember to save your stored procedures in a local file and use cut and paste to enter the procedures into netDB2. This way you will have a copy of all the procedures you have declared so far. Once you have declared stored procedures, you can use them in any SQL query.