The dynamic loading feature may not be available on certain machines

It should be remembered that because of the definition of the syntax of a term, to assert a procedure of the form p :- q,r it is necessary to enclose it in parentheses: assert((p:-q,r)).

in case you don't use modules this is the module eclipse

An example of using this feature   is the library ifdef.

This is in fact ambiguous; the system predicate compiled_stream/1 which is exported from the module sepia_kernel is more precise.

This style is not recommended.

The standard approach is to index only on the first argument

this is controlled by an automatic scheduler.

Please note that current_predicate_body/2 and get_flag_body/4 are the tool bodies of current_predicate/1 and get_flag/3. They must be imported from sepia_kernel to be used.

When the library rationals is loaded, rationals are printed and accepted in the more familiar form of e.g. 1/3. For compatibility reasons, this syntax is not the default one.

Since single and double floats do not unify, the float_precision flag should not be switched during execution to avoid confusing behaviour.

Note that this optimisation is only done in :- nodbgcomp mode

Though this feature could be used to make a copy of a term with new variables, it is cleaner and more efficient to use copy_term/2 for that purpose

A similar problem can occur when the global counter is used by an interrupt handler

Note that this means that for File to be an atom it will often have to be quoted, since many file names will have non alphanumeric characters in their names, e.g. `program.pl'

For compatibility with previous versions, the form open(String, string(Size), Stream) is also supported, however, the given size is not significant

type(goal) stands for suspensions.

So that the user can redefine it with a local one.

This is necessary because the compiler recognises simple predicates as deterministic at compile time and so if a simple predicate would cause the invocation of a non-deterministic error handler, the generated code may no longer be correct.

Indeed it is entirely possible to assign an external predicate (one written in a language other than Prolog) as an error handler.

Note that since the interrupt handler has only one optional argument which is a number, it cannot bind any variables in the current resolvent.

provided that the underlying operating system supports this

The packet boundaries are not of much interest in Prolog because every Prolog term represents itself a message with clear boundaries.

This predicate is dependent on the UNIX facility for dynamic loading.

Micha Meier
Mon Mar 4 12:11:45 MET 1996