CompSci 260 - Winter, 2020 (Dillencourt)

Final exam status page

If you have chosen to take the optional final exam for CompSci 260 rather than accept your provisional grade, check this page frequently for announcements and updates.

Announcement will be numbered and posted in chronological order, oldest first. As the list grows, the most recent announcements will be at the end.

Posted March 24

  1. A list of topics for the final exam is posted here.

Posted March 25

  1. Solutions for the recommended homework problems for chapters 7 and 8 have been posted on the class notes page.

  2. Availability for exam / preference for exam format: The number of students choosing the final exam option is small enough that we could easily all fit in a room and maintain a more than adequate social distance. So from a practical viewpoint, it is feasible to give a proctored, on-campus written exam with adequate social distance separation. Whether the University will permit this at any time during spring quarter and whether anyone prefers this option is another question.

    Please send me an email answering the following two questions:
    1. Given the choice, would you prefer to take an a proctored, on-campus written exam or an online exam?
    2. If the answer to the first question is an on-campus written exam, please let me know your availability for the exam during spring quarter. (This is for planning purposes. I am not asking for an hourly schedule. Rather, I am asking whether plan to be in the Irvine area for some or all of spring quarter, and if so roughly when that would be.)

Last modified: March 25, 2020