* origami - ultra mobile PC?
* Nokia emulator
wedge Mapping
wedge Two big players
* Google and Yahoo
* Microsoft?
wedge Google Maps
wedge Get us started with housing maps
* example of a mashup
wedge Tour of Google Maps
* US
* UK
* Japan
wedge UI features
wedge single search box
wedge entering a location
* Address
* Cross street
* city
* State
* Zipcode
* airport codes
* subway stations in UK (paddington station)
* lat/long
* place *to* place - webpage
* thing *near* place
wedge geocoding
* pinning a lat and long to something
* yahoo provides geocoding as part of the API, google does not
* draggable maps
wedge integrated local search
* search confined to map
wedge satellite imagery
* zoom scale
wedge scale changes with latitude
* Mercatur projection
* keyboard shortcuts
* clickable pins
wedge emailable links
* directions as example book marked
* tinyurl
* break the URL down
wedge what does this mean?
* making links in a spreadsheet is easy
wedge getting access
* your own web site
* account
* remote Javascript - slide
wedge Google Documentation
* www.google.com—documentation
wedge Hello world
* example
* Click to get lat and long
* PowerMaps