V 1/8/2009 Lecture Notes
V Kick-off:
V Learning Objective:
* "To understand the history and current landscape of Web-based Information Retrieval so that we have enough information to go into depth on the architecture and algorithms of web search engines"
* Go over names
V Review Cards
* If you want to submit a different card with something you don't understand take two (anonymous)
V Working in groups
* Depends on the assignment
* You can pick the group. It is optional.
* I encourage you to not use the same group twice - I may require that later.
* Google Tour is mandatory if it happens and it doesn't conflict with a different final that you have.
V Can we ask questions in class?
* Yes - absolutely.
* The cards are just another medium for "dumb" questions or shy people.
* Why dont we teach Ruby?
* What does crawling require?
V What are the expectations for getting an "A"
* Start your assignments early.
V Hyperwords
* not part of class
V Taxonomy vs Search
* Find out about preparing cardoon
V more about open lab
* Review [INF 141] tag in email
* Require java
V Go over changes to assignment:
* Checkmate
* Assignment 02
V Introductions
* Yasser
V Video break