V 2/10/2009 Lecture Notes
V Kick-off:
* Cool Hunting video KK Projects
V Learning Objective:
* Clarify Assignment 05 and 06
* Understand the evolution of queries
* Go over schedule
V Cards
* Name
* One question that you have about content of class
V Stressors:
V Lots of stuff
* tests in other classes
* cars, relationships,
* grade in this class
* what to do when graduating
* money
V Mid-Term Evaluation
* Thanks for your input
V Hadoop is a brand new assignment
* We are going to do much more explicit instructions for this
* We are canceling Quiz 4
* We are doing the assignment in two stages
V Use the forum to ask questions
* Many of you had the same concerns that could have been easily addressed, but made assumptions about who knew what etc. etc.
V Groups
* New groups for Assignment #5
* No one is making you work in groups that you don't want to work in. If you don't want to be in a group with someone, you've got to figure that out and make it not happen.
V Google Trip
* working on it.
V Assignments all posted
* The field is changing fast. The assignment's we did last year aren't state of the art any more. Very hard to do this.
V Expected Grades
* Pretty high
* Once we are done grading assignment 04 I will post what I am thinking your current grade is
* posted to EEE
V Video break
* Nothing today