INF 133 Notes
V 10/26
V Kickoff
V Augmented Reality for a non-game application
V Cards
* *********** : Too Fast (12)
* ********************* : Just Right (24)
* * : Too Slow (1)
V Can online purchases give away your location?
* No more than your networking connection, but it does enable different organizations to find your location than normal
V How accurate are wifi-based localization services?
* depends on density - maybe 50 - 150m
* I made the GPS graph with Matlab.
V What is the future of GPS with sensor fusion?
* You are living it with cell phones right now.
V Assignment status
* Assignment 1 is being graded
* Design Notebooks are being graded
* Crossword puzzles are graded. Pick yours up after class
V Assignment 2 is posted and due on upcoming Wednesday
* Teams of 2 are okay.
* Mid-term evaluation is live.
* Multi-touch demo