INF 133 Notes
V 11/13
* Kickoff
* Cards
V Assignment status
* Assignment 1 is mostly graded
* Assignment 2 is being graded
* Assignment 3 is due Monday
V Notes from Shaping Things 7-10
V "Trash is always our premier cultural export to the future"
* Valuable things wear out
V People go away, things remain
* most of the things are "pollution"
V "Most advanced - yet Acceptable"
* Designers as gatekeepers
* Advancement as a continuum -> "Most"
V "Yet" implying resistance
* A perfectly designed solution must also address the cultural impact to be successful
V Being designry/ galmorous
* Helped to seduce customers
* See also Steve Jobs
V "No material thing can ever achieve full an utter acceptability"
* "A thing is not merely a material object but a frozen technosocial relationship"
V Acceptability changes
* Lucky Strike
* Meta-History and Advanced are intertwined
V Gizmos
* Free is not the metric it used to be
* Loss-Leader
V Wine
* Why can't Sterling now all about the product?
* All the ways in which things - apparently free - are not really free
* Transportation, exact chemical analysis, labor practices
V Transparent production
* Critical for a society determined to continue surviving
V What are the consequences?
* Of buying the wine
* Of drinking the wine
* Of discarding the rubbish
V Who should reveal the consequences?
* Designers
V Spimes
* Things with transparent consequences
* "A spime is a set of relationships first and always, and an object now and then"
V "A Spime is an identity of a thing"
* quote on page 78
* The bar code has become the method for naming the flows of material and energies coming together at one time and place