INF 133 Notes
V 11/13
V Kickoff
V Review Salzburg
* Ambient Intelligence 2009
V Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz
* Filming Knight and Day
V Give out MozartKugel
V Cards
V Authentication in TUIO protocol?
* None at the network level
* It would have to be implemented by the application.
V Will be able to run on actual phones?
* Yes
V Why did Verizon decide to pick up on Android?
* To compete against AT&T and Apple
* They were courting Apple for a while, it must have fell through
V How many entries in our design notebook?
* 10 total
V Does Android have an interface building tool?
* I don't know.
V Is SQL a big part of software storage?
* No. It's a language for relational databases.
* The database can actually be implemented by different technologies/companies.
* It is well-known and convenient
V What are the main differences between Android and Chrome
V Brin was recently quoted as saying they will probably merge
V Do I think the day will come when buying a phone will mean buying a handset and an operating system versus bundles?
* No I think the phone concept will die and the mobile interface will replace it.
V Are the details of Android known for iPhone?
* Yes, but you have to sign an NDA in order to see the details.
* Being part of the Apple developer network gives you insight into a lot of it and that's free
V Android Assignment a group project?
* Yes. 3 or less.
V Will Verizon Droid be a good competitor for the iPhone?
* No. Verizon will screw it up, but Android will live on and beat the iPhone long-term
V Why is there such a shortage of good documentation for open-source software?
* No one wants to write it.
V How does an unlocked phone work?
* You buy a chip and you put it in your phone. Whoever you buy your chip from sets up an account with a telecom company for you. That telecom company charges you. Unlocked phone does not mean free phone service.
V Is it easy to unlock a phone?
* For a computer geek yes.
V Assignment status
* Assignment 1 is mostly graded
* Assignment 2 is mostly graded
* Assignment 3 is being graded
* Assignment 4 is described on the website
* Design Notebook final due date is done
* Shaping Things Crossword is also scheduled but not release
* Pass the phone around