Setting up your project

  • Create a new java project in Eclipse
  • In your src folder, put your code from task 12
  • Download crawler4j and crawler4j's dependencies. This is a bunch of .jar files.
  • Create a "lib" folder as a sibling to your "src" folder
  • Put all the jars into the "lib" folder
  • Refresh Eclipse ("F5"), so that Eclipse becomes aware of the new files on your hard disk
  • Right-click on your project name and select "Properties"
  • Choose "Java Build Path"
  • Select the "Libraries" Tab
  • Select "Add jars" and add all the jars that you downloaded to your project. This allows your code to use the methods and objects that are defined in those jar files
  • Now, make sure you are using java 1.7 to compile with. In the screen shot that shows up as JavaSE-1.7. Also make sure you have "JUnit 4". Those are system Libraries that tell Eclipse how to run and compile your program. If you have the wrong things there, select them, then "Remove", then "Add Library" and a "JRE System Library" and/or a "JUnit Library"
Screen shot of the project set up