Statistical Models for Event-based Social Network Data

Statistical Models for Event-based Social Network Data

Christopher DuBois, Statistics @ UC Irvine

Carter Butts, Sociology @ UC Irvine

Daniel McFarland, Sociology @ Stanford

Padhraic Smyth, Computer Science @ UC Irvine

Event-based network data

Example: Interactions among students

Communication in small groups

Modeling goals

  • Dynamics of interaction in small groups
    • Differential propensity to act
  • Investigate association with known covariates
    • regarding the individual
    • previous history of events
    • context

The problem of interest for today's talk involves a set of entities and events among them occurring over time. Each of these events can be called edges or relational events. One example we will return to throughout today's talk will be one where the nodes represent students in a particular classroom and the edges represent direction acts of communication. The individuals might be distinguished by some covariate, such as age, as represented by the different colors here. One of the most fundamental goals is to characterize the differential propensity to interact, and better understandhow these differences are associated with known covariates. For example, we might want to ask whether interactions between same-gender students are more likely and, furthermore, how this varies by context. To answer these types of questions, today we will discuss a statistical model for interaction in small groups of people. ----- The problem of interest for today's talk involves a set of entities and events among them occurring over time. Each event represents some interaction directed from one entity to another. I might refer to these entities as nodes, vertices, or individuals. Each of these events can be called edges or relational events. One example we will return to throughout today's talk will be one where the nodes represent students in a particular classroom and the edges represent direction acts of communication. The individuals might be distinguished by some covariate, such as age, as represented by the different colors here. This type of interaction data is of particular interest to Sociologists who study social networks and the dynamics of small groups. One of the most fundamental goals is to characterize the differential propensity to interact, and better understandhow these differences are associated with known covariates. For example, we might want to ask whether interactions between same-gender students are more likely and, furthermore, how this varies by context. To answer these types of questions, today we will discuss a statistical model for interaction in small groups of people. I will be talking about some of the challenges that arise and how we propose to solve them.


  • Previous work: Models for network event data
    • Background
    • Relational event framework
    • Simulated example
  • Contribution: Hierarchical models for multiple sequences of events
  • Application: High school classroom dynamics
  • Future directions

Dynamic network data

"Static" analysis

Aggregate over time and analyze the weighted network

(Holland, JASA 1981) (Feinberg, JASA 1985)

Dynamic network data

"Snapshot" analysis

Time 1

$p(Y_1 | \theta_1)$

Time 2

$p(Y_2 | \theta_2)$

Time t

$p(Y_t | \theta_t)$

Dynamic network data

"Snapshot" analysis: Questions

  • How do we choose the resolution for aggregating?
  • A network for each day? A network for each hour?
  • What happens if the behavior of interest is at a smaller time scale?

Dynamic network data

Event-level analysis

  • $N$ people: $i,j \in \{1,\ldots,N\}$
  • Each interaction is an edge with a timestamp: $(i,j,t)$
  • Observe a sequence of edges: $\{(i_k,j_k,t_k), k\in [1,M]\}$
  • Often edges can occur more than once
  • Can benefit from thinking of each edge as a process with some rate

Modeling rates of events

rate of interaction $(i,j)$ at time $t$

vector of covariates about $(i,j)$ at time $t$

Model rate of each edge using previous history

Modeling rates of events

Assume event rates change only when events occur.

A relational event model

A relational event model

A relational event model

Rate of kth observed event

A relational event model

Represents the fact that no event occurred between event k-1 and event k

A relational event model

For more info see (Butts, 2008).



Model specification

$\lambda_{ij}(t) = \exp\{\beta'X_{ij}(t)\}$


Model specification

$\log \lambda_{ij}(t) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 X_{ij1} + \beta_2 X_{ij2} + \beta_3 X_{ij3} + \beta_4 X_{ij4} + \beta_5 X_{ij5} + \beta_6 X_{ij6}$


Model specification

$\log \lambda_{ij}(t) = \beta_0 + $ $\beta_1 X_{ij1}$$ + \beta_2 X_{ij2} + \beta_3 X_{ij3} + \beta_4 X_{ij4} + \beta_5 X_{ij5} + \beta_6 X_{ij6}$


Model specification

$\log \lambda_{ij}(t) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 X_{ij1} + $$\ \beta_2 X_{ij2}$$ + \beta_3 X_{ij3} + \beta_4 X_{ij4} + \beta_5 X_{ij5} + \beta_6 X_{ij6}$


Model specification

$\log \lambda_{ij}(t) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 X_{ij1} + \beta_2 X_{ij2} +$ $\ \beta_3 X_{ij3}$$ + \beta_4 X_{ij4} + \beta_5 X_{ij5} + \beta_6 X_{ij6}$


Model specification: Participation shifts

$\log \lambda_{ij}(t) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 X_{ij1} + \beta_2 X_{ij2} + \beta_3 X_{ij3} + \beta_4 X_{ij4} + \beta_5 X_{ij5} + \beta_6 X_{ij6}$

Additive effects that model turn-taking in conversation (Gibson, 2003)


Model specification: $(j,i)$ to $(i,j)$ effect

$\log \lambda_{ij}(t) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 X_{ij1} + \beta_2 X_{ij2} + \beta_3 X_{ij3} + $ $\ \ \beta_4 X_{ij4}$$ + \beta_5 X_{ij5} + \beta_6 X_{ij6}$

E.g. $X_{ij4}$ immediately after event (12,15)


Model specification: $(k,i)$ to $(i,j)$ effect

$\log \lambda_{ij}(t) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 X_{ij1} + \beta_2 X_{ij2} + \beta_3 X_{ij3} + \beta_4 X_{ij4} + $ $\ \ \beta_5 X_{ij5}$$ + \beta_6 X_{ij6}$

E.g. $X_{ij5}$ immediately after event (12,15)


Model specification: $(i,k)$ to $(i,j)$ effect

$\log \lambda_{ij}(t) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 X_{ij1} + \beta_2 X_{ij2} + \beta_3 X_{ij3} + \beta_4 X_{ij4} + \beta_5 X_{ij5} + $ $\ \ \beta_6 X_{ij6}$

E.g. $X_{ij6}$ immediately after event (12,15)


Model specification

$\log \lambda_{ij}(t) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 X_{ij1} + \beta_2 X_{ij2} + \beta_3 X_{ij3} + \beta_4 X_{ij4} + \beta_5 X_{ij5} + \beta_6 X_{ij6}$

E.g. Entire matrix $\lambda$ immediately after event (12,15)


Model specification




  • Previous work: Models for event data in networks
  • Contribution: Hierarchical models for multiple sequences of events
    • Motivation and specification of our hierarchical model
    • Prediction experiments
    • MCMC with parallel tempering
  • Application: High school classroom dynamics
  • Future directions

Possible issues in estimation

  • Some event sequences may have few events
  • Effects may have few relevant events

Multiple sequences

  • May have a collection of event sequences
  • Problem: Model applies only to a single sequence

Hierarchical event models

Proposed Contribution

  • Hierarchical Bayesian model for multiple sequences
  • Principled way of sharing information across sequences
  • Perform population-level inferences
  • Understand sequence-level variation
  • Stabilize inference for poorly-constrained parameters

Hierarchical event models

Hierarchical event models

Hierarchical simulation

Parameters are Gaussians drawn from upper level

For each classroom $j$ and effect $p$:

$\begin{align}Y_j \sim& \mbox{REM}(\theta_j,\mathbf{X}_j) \\ \theta_{jp} \sim& \mbox{Normal}(\mu_p,\sigma_p^2) \\ \mu_p, \sigma_p \propto & 1/\sigma_p \end{align}$

Simulated data:

  • # individuals: 15
  • # sequences: 20
  • $\mu_p$ as in original example
  • $\sigma_p = .5$


Optimizing the posterior

$\begin{align} p(\theta,\mu,\sigma | \mathbf{Y}, \mathbf{X}) \propto & \prod_{j=1}^J \ p(Y_j|\theta_j,\mathbf{X}_j) \prod_{p=1}^P \ p(\theta_{jp}|\mu_p,\sigma_p) p(\mu_p,\sigma_p)\end{align}$

Hierarchical simulation

Learning back known parameters

Hierarchical event models

Predicting the next event

At each time $t$, rank $\lambda_{ij}(t)$

Precision @ k: Proportion of the next events that were ranked higher than k

Hierarchical event models

Predicting the next event


Markov chain Monte Carlo

  • Metropolis-Hastings: construct a Markov chain whose stationary distribution is the posterior distribution of our parameters
  • MH can get stuck easily: Peaked modes, some parameters might be at the boundary, and some $\theta_{jp}$ are more variable than others.
  • Finding a good proposal distribution is tricky


Parallel tempering


Parallel tempering


Parallel tempering: Sampling

Unnormalized distribution of interest: $g(\Theta)$

$$ \begin{align} \pi(\Theta_1,\ldots,\Theta_J) \propto& \prod_{j=1}^J h_j(\Theta_j) \\ h_j(\Theta_j) \propto & \exp \{-g(\Theta_j)/t_j \} \end{align} $$ where $t_0 < \cdots < t_J$ and $h_j(\Theta_j)$ is the target distribution for chain $j$.


Parallel tempering: Swapping

Swap between chains $j$ and $k$ at iteration $t$ with acceptance probability: $$\begin{align} \min \left\{ 1, \frac{h_j(\Theta_{k}^{(t)})h_{k}(\Theta_{j}^{(t)})}{h_j(\Theta_j^{(t)})h_{k}(\Theta_{k}^{(t)})} \right\} \end{align} $$

(Geyer 1991), (Madras 2003)


  • Previous work: Models for event data in networks
  • Contribution: Hierarchical models for multiple sequences of events
  • Application: High school classroom dynamics
    • Background
    • Parameter estimates
    • Model selection via DIC
    • Model checking via the posterior predictive
  • Future directions


High school classroom data

  • Collected via participant observation (McFarland, 2001)
  • 650 classroom sessions
  • Covariates about the class: subject, teacher, etc.
  • Covariates about the individuals: race, extracurriculars, etc.


High school classroom data

Model specification

Individual effects
Event effects
Participation shifts
Event context

  • race
  • gender
  • teacher/student status

Model specification

Individual effects
Event effects
Participation shifts
Event context

  • mixing terms (e.g. same sex)
  • event is (teacher -> student)
  • actors are friends
  • number of shared activities

Model specification

Individual effects
Event effects
Participation shifts
Event context

  • reciprocity (AB-BA)
  • turn taking (AB-BY)
  • (AB-AY), (AB-XY), (AB-BY), (AB-XA)

Model specification

Individual effects
Event effects
Participation shifts
Event context

  • recency (sender/receiver)
    (e.g. rank of most recent individual)
  • current event and previous event are both (teacher,broadcast)

Model specification

Individual effects
Event effects
Participation shifts
Event context

  • Lecture
  • Silent time
  • Groupwork

Parameter estimation

Model selection

Deviance Information Criterion (DIC)


$D(y,\theta) = -2\log p(y|\theta)$

Effective # parameters:

$p_D = \frac{1}{L} \sum_{l=1}^L D(y,\theta^l) - D(y,\hat{\theta})$


$DIC = \frac{1}{L} \sum_{l=1}^L D(y,\theta^l) + p_D$


Model selection

Deviance Information Criterion (DIC)

Covs. + Recency + Pshift 413775 419375 463227 484837 418384 463451
Covs. + Recency 489450 527203 546694 595583 526441 544513
Individual mixing X X X
Edgewise effects X X X
Broadcast effects X X X X
Interaction w/ event context X X

  • Participation shift effects are important
  • Mixing terms important (e.g. $(i,j)$ are friends)

Model checking

Using the posterior predictive

  • Investigate whether the observed data is reasonable under our model.
  • Interested in a particular statistic of a sequence $T(Y_j)$.
  • Simulate $Y_j^{(i)} \sim REM(\theta_j^{(i)},\mathbf{X}_j)$
  • Compare $T(Y_j)$ to distribution of $T(Y_j^{(i)})$

Model checking

Degree distributions of a classroom session

Model checking

Participation shift statistics


  • Previous work: Models for event data in networks
  • Contribution: Hierarchical models for multiple sequences of events
  • Application: High school classroom dynamics
  • Future directions

Future work

  • Model the heterogeneity among the classroom sessions
  • Extend to allow for each event to include more than two individuals


Special thanks to Carter Butts and Padhraic Smyth.

Extra slides

Alternative hierarchical structure

Using a $t$ family for $\theta$:

$\begin{align}\frac{\theta_{jp} - \mu_{p}}{\sigma_p} \sim& t_{\nu}\\ \nu \sim & \mbox{Exponential}(r)\end{align}$

Multilevel modeling

$\mu_{p} = X_j \beta_p$

Informative hyperpriors:

$\begin{align} \mu_p \sim & \mbox{Normal}(\rho,\tau)\\ \sigma_p \sim & \mbox{Gamma}(\alpha,\beta) \end{align}$


Parameter shrinkage

Alternative modeling choices

Hierarchical normal models

Marginal posterior of tau

$\begin{align} \hat{\theta}_j =& \frac{y_{.j}/\sigma_j^2 + \mu/\tau^2}{1/(\sigma_j^2+\tau^2)} \\ \hat{v}_j =& \frac{1}{1/(\sigma_j^2+\tau^2)} \\ \hat{\mu} =& \frac{\sum_j \frac{1}{1/(\sigma_j^2+\tau^2)} y_{.j}}{\sum_j \frac{1}{1/(\sigma_j^2+\tau^2)}}\\ y_{.j} | \mu, \tau \sim & N(\mu, \sigma_j^2 + \tau^2) \\ p(\theta|\mu,\tau,y) \sim& N(\hat{\theta}_j, \hat{v}_j) \\ p(\mu,\tau|y)=&\frac{p(\mu,\tau,\theta|y)}{p(\theta|\mu,\tau,y)} \forall \theta \\ \end{align} $

Hierarchical normal models

Marginal posterior of tau

$p(\tau|y) \propto p(t) v_{\mu}^{1/2} \prod_j (\sigma_j^2 + \tau^2)^{-1/2} \exp(-(y_{.j}-\mu)^2/(2(\sigma_j^2+\tau^2)))$

Effect of hyperpriors

Only a big effect on AB-BA. Reference prior putting weight on smaller sigmas. Gamma(2,20) a strong prior, but AB-BA resisting.

Effect of hyperpriors

Under strong prior, some of the lower level effects $\theta_{jp}$ become more pronounced.

Effect of hyperpriors

Hierarchical event models

Predicting the next event