Re: Version identifier in URL

Dave Long (
Thu, 30 May 1996 14:43:57 -0700

>If you really want to surf into the past, maybe you need to decorate
>the URLs at the beginning rather than the end, with the idea that
>relative links might still work.

In fact, this is what the "previous versions" GNNpress/GNNserver
feature does.  Picking up a previous version of a page involves
traversing a link to an URL which has a timestamp decoration at the
front, so all local images, applets, and links are retrieved as of
that time as well.

As far as I know, no one has used this much more than for
disaster recovery, but I can check in with the GNN-DEVELOPER
mailing list to see if anyone there has  comments.


Come to think of it, this probably subsumes much of the need for
configurations.  I can imagine if one were sophisticated, it would
be nice to declare "configurations" of asynchronous components, but
I find that for most purposes, a configuration is equivalent to a
snapshot at a given time.