Assignment 1-1: MakeAGraph

Due date: January 13th 5:00pm

Informatics 122

Software Design II

Winter 2015

Professor Emily Navarro

Your client wants you to create MakeAGraph, a graphing program that creates a wide variety of customized graphs, given a set of data. For example, a user might want to keep track of how their bowling score has improved over time (in the form of a line graph or a scatter plot), or see how many rainy vs. snowy vs. sunny days we have had lately (bar graph), or discover where all their money is going (pie chart). 

For this initial version of MakeAGraph, the client wants to keep it simple and support just two modes: scatter plot mode (in which the user can generate a scatter plot) and bar graph mode (in which the user can generate bar graphs). This will be a Java application, run through the console, with textual output only, and input coming from system console (no GUI required).

Scatter Plots
A scatter plot is a plot of the values of Y versus the corresponding values of X. For a detailed description of a scatter plot, as well as some examples, see

A few specifications about scatter plots created by MakeAGraph:

    Lemonade Sales vs. Temperature

| *

  60  - 

| * *


  50  - 

Daily Sales (in US$) | *


  40  -

| * *


  30  -

| * * *


  20  - * *



  10  - *


        0  - _____________________________________________________

| | | | | | | | | | |

40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90

Temperature (degrees Fahrenheit)

Bar Graphs
A bar graph is a way to graphically display data by showing it as bars of different heights. For a detailed description of a bar graph, as well as some examples, see

A few specifications about bar graphs created by MakeAGraph:

    Student Grades in Informatics 122


  12  - 


| *

  10  - *

Number of Students | *

| *

    8  - *

| *

| *

    6  - *

| *

| *

    4  - * *

| * *

| * *

    2  - * * *

| * * * * *

        0  - _____________________________________________________



Future Changes
For future versions of MakeAGraph, the customer may want to include pie charts, line graphs, and possibly other types of charts. They will also want to allow more customization of each graph, such as letting the user set the colors for the background, bars, data points, lines, etc. Keep this in mind as you make your design.

Assignment Details
For Assignment 1-1, you are to create a UML, object-oriented design for a software implementation of MakeAGraph. You should provide additional documentation beyond the raw UML diagrams, where needed. Feel free to use any UML or diagramming tool. There is no page limit/requirement, but as a general rule of thumb you should have about a one-page UML diagram with about a half-page to one page of documentation describing how it works, what the different classes do, and how your design contains the flexibility necessary for the specified future changes.

Bring one printed copy of your design to class on January 13th. 

This is merely part 1 of this assignment. It will continue for several more lectures. You will be evaluating and implementing each other's designs, so be sure to put your best effort and thought into this.

For Assignment 1, you will be graded on three things: