ICS 280, Fall 2000: Exponential Algorithms
Homework Assignment 4

Projects like distributed.net, SETI@Home, Entropia, and others, have attempted to apply the large number of computers available via the internet to perform massive computational tasks. The model of computation is that a problem is broken up into tasks, and each computer in the project requests a task from a central coordinator. When it finishes computing the task, it returns the results to the coordinator and requests a new task until the project is completed. In order to keep network bandwidth to a minimum, the description and results of a task should be short, and each task should take a moderate amount of time (say an hour or a day).

Which of the exponential-algorithm paradigms we've seen in this course (e.g. generate-and-test, backtracking, dynamic programming, random-walk, and quantum computing) would be suitable for application in such a distributed system? For each paradigm, explain how it could be partitioned into tasks or why it might be difficult to partition it into tasks.

Due by email Friday, Dec. 8, 10:30AM.

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