Bibliography Files

The following bibliographies are all in BibTeX format. Although they were primarily collected to be used for my own papers (as indicated by the "related publications" pointers), I have updated them by performing literature searches in popular databases and included many references beyond the ones I cited myself. See the "related publications" pointers for more detailed descriptions of the bibliographies' subjects.

I am currently in the process of converting these databases to BibGene, a free BibTeX-compatible bibliographic database program for the Macintosh. Converted files (indicated by the availability of a BibGene version) should be much cleaner than my original hand-edited BibTeX sources.

I'm also making available here two BibTeX style files (last updated ): These BibTeX style files modify the standard "abbrv" style by including world-wide-web URLs in the bibliography items they produce. Simply add url=... lines to your BibTeX records, and include the LaTeX2e package url (or define your own \url{} macro to format URLs). Other modifications include better formatting of series lines and omission of some fields. Unabuser is just like abuser, but unsorted.
David Eppstein, Theory Group, ICS, UC Irvine,