Writing and Loading Dynamic C Functions for PostgreSQL Databases Running Under Windows


To add dynamic functions to a PostgreSQL database, they must be written in C and contain calls to certain postgreSQL-provided C code that makes them compatible with the protocols PostgreSQL uses to call functions; that code is in numerous PostgreSQL-provided "include" (C header) files and the library postgres.lib. The C source is compiled and then linked to form a "dynamic linked library" (DLL) that's placed into the directory where postgreSQL searches for such libraries. Then, via psql or pgAdmin or similar tool, the CREATE FUNCTION SQL command is used to add the functions into the postgreSQL database; authorized users can now employ them. Completing all these steps is not dificult—once you know what they are—but they must be done carefully to avoid errors.


Writing, Compiling and Linking

To illustrate writing, compiling and linking of C functions for inclusion in a postgreSQL database, we provide testFunctions.c, which contains two functions. The first, add_one, simply adds 1 to its parameter and returns the result, thus showing how numeric operations are handled. The second, concat_text, concatenates two strings and returns the result, to show how text is processed. Do review this program, in conjunction with the points below, to see how this program is fashioned:

Compile the file (in C), and link it to become a DLL:

Adding Functions to the Database

  • Place testFunctions.dll into a folder that does not have any spaces in its path name: If the path has a space, when you (try to) add the function to the database, you will get the error message "%1 is not a valid Win32 application"! Also remember that when you use a blackslash character in postgress strings, it must be escaped: wherever you want "\" to be part of the string, enter "\\".

  • Link the DLL into the database. To do so, log into the database via psql or pgAdmin as the postgres user of the database. (Since postgreSQL considers C functions "unsafe," only superusers can add C functions to a database.)

    Add the functions to the database via the CREATE FUNCTION command:

    CREATE FUNCTION add_one(INTEGER) RETURNS INTEGER AS E'<path to DLL>\\testFunctions', 'add_one' LANGUAGE C STRICT ; 
    CREATE FUNCTION concat(text, text) RETURNS text AS E'<path to DLL>\\testFunctions', 'concat_text' LANGUAGE C STRICT ;

    (The E at the front of the string ensures that the \\ escaping mechanism is interpreted properly; see the String Constants reference, above, for details.)

    You can check that the functions were added, and are working properly, by entering psql (or pgAdmin) as a user (e.g., testuser) and executing the functions:

    fabflixs# SELECT add_one(1) ;
    fabflixs# SELECT concat('Hello ', 'world') ;

    If you need to remove a function from the database, you use the DROP FUNCTION command; for instance:

    fabflixs# DROP FUNCTION add_one(integer) ;

    If you want to replace a function with a new one with the same name and parameters, use CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION, as in


    Written by Chen Li, Winter 2005
    Minor revisions made by Norman Jacobson for the Spring 2005 offering of ICS185, May 2005
    Additional revisions, including additional comments about computing string lengths, made by Norman Jacobson, May 2005
    Revised to include updates to reflect postgresql 8.1.4 made by Chen Li and Shengyue in their version of Phase 3 and
      other minor changes for clarity, by Norman Jacobson, April 2007
    Minor revisions by Norman Jacobson, September 2007
    A major revision of "A Primer on Writing Dynamic C Functions in PostgreSQL" to correct problems with provided postgres header files and to reflect how C functions are written,
      compiled and linked under postgreSQL 8.3.3 running under Windows, by Norman Jacobon, September 2008
    Fix of minor typo in link command line, by Norman Jacobson, November 2008
    Major revisions to compile line and CREATE FUNCTION lines to reflect posrgreSQL 8.3.7; additions to discuss replacing and dropping functions; adding of references; correction of some minor typos, by Norman Jacobson, March, April & May 2009