Key problems in CSCW


1. In any type of meeting:

"Channel limitations"
(In face-to-face conversations, the meaning of a message is transported as follows [Mehrabian 1972]: 7% verbally, 38% para-verbally (intonation, volume) and 55% non-verbally (facial expression, gestures, body language))

2. In multi-party remote meetings:

- Turntaking (audio delay, video angle, lack of peripheral/sublimal awareness...):
       Finger pointing right strict floor control

 - Lack of immersion

3. In multi-party physical meetings with remote members:

- Same as above, for remote members

- Social dynamics changes

4. In 1 on 1 conferencing (but also multi-party)

Eye contact The linked image shows a computer-based videoconferencing system (namely Microsoft's Netmeeting)