Basic Terminology 2 (Sections 3+4)


Experimental error is caused by randomized nuisance variables, variations in the
experiment, measurement errors, etc..

Within-group differences = experimental error

Between-group differences = experimental error + possibly treatment effects


between-group differences      expected value
------------------------------------     = 1 if there are not treatment effects,
within-groups differences        > 1 otherwise

since   (treatment effects)+(experimental error)
= 1 if there are not treatment effects
                             experimental error                            > 1 otherwise


F = MSA / MSs/A          where MSA = SSA / dfA ,       MSs/A = SSS/A / df s/A

If the treatment effect is 0, a probability distribution of F can be simulated and computed for a given number of treatments and subjects (or more precisely: for given degrees of freedom of the nominator and the denominator).