CS 111: Digital Image Processing

Quarter: Fall 2016

Instructor: Aditi Majumder (DBH 4056)

Class: M-W, 3:30pm-4:50pm

Office Hours: Wednesday 2-3pm

Email: majumder @ ics.uci.edu


Teaching Assistant: Mehdi Rahimzadeh

Email: rahimzadeh @ live.com

Discussion Hours: Tuesday 6:00-6:50pm

Office Hours: Monday 2-3:30pm, Thursday 11:30am-1pm

Course Description

In many business and industry application domains handling and processing of digital images is a basic and important component. This spans an extremely wide range of applications from digital content creation and management for web-based applications over medical imaging, digital photography, digital print and publishing to real-time 3D graphics in simulations and computer games. The widespread use of digital-image content makes it possible to effectively communicate visual results. This course prepares students in the fundamentals of digital image processing as used in various applications as outlined above and illustrates the various effects one can achieve with digital images and how to extract fundamental information.


ICS 23/CSE23, ICS6A/Math6A and Math6C/Math3A with grades of C or better.

Outline of the Syallabus

Tentative Class Schedule


Link to the Message Board


·        Logistics, Signals

·        Time/Space/Frequency Domain

·        Filtering Concepts

·        Edge detectors

·        Insights to 1D DFT

·        Sampling and Reconstruction

·        Extending to 2D DFT

·        Other Non Linear Filters

·        Histogram Processing

·        Color

·        Geometric Transformations

·        Morphological Operators

·        Compression Techniques

·        Review


Grading Policy

Programming Assignments

Written Assignments

Pop Quiz Keys

·        Week 2 Key

·        Week 3 Key

·        Week 4 Key

·        Midterm1 Key

·        Week 5 Key

·        Week 6 Key

·        Week 7 Key

·        Midterm2 Key