Late Notes: See new form: two bytes of address for all instruction See Extend_address to use larger addresses (by one more byte); can be used multiple times (comes prior to instruction, with upper bits) Executing Code in The Python Virtual Machine Levels of abstraction are important in computing. We can look at a computer (and the software it runs) at many levels of abstraction: as quantum devices implementing logical components, as collections of these components implementing digital circuits (described by Boolean formulas), as digital circuits combined into an instruction set architecture (ISA which we'll cover in today's lecture) as an architecture capable of running "translated" computer programs written in a high-level language, as large applications written in high-level programming languages, and as distributed/networked applications running on multiple machines communicating over a network. It is difficult to hold all these levels of abstraction in our minds while we are exploring and creating computing systems/software. We often focus on just one level of abstraction for our jobs, while knowing some -but less- about the levels directly below and above. We have spent most of ICS 31-33 at the level of discussing computing via the high-level programming language Python. In this lecture we will look down one level, at the architecture, which Python programs are translated into and run on: the Python Virtual Machine. Some programming languages (e.g., C++) are translated into instructions that run directly on hardware. We speak of "compiling" programs in that language onto a specific hardware architecture. Other programming languages (e.g., Java and Python) are translated to run on a common architecture. Interpreters (or virtual machines) for that architecture can be written in a low-level language (like C, which targets most architectures) or in the machine's hardware language itself for maximal speed. Exactly the same translated Java/Python programs can run unchanged on any architecture that has the virtual machine program implemented on it. It is really running under control of the virtual machine program, not the hardware itself. The compiling approach has the advantage of producing programs that execute speedily on real machines. But it is a large undertaking to produce a good compiler for a new architecture, and compiling a program can take a long time. The virtual machine approach is much easier to port to new architectures (it requires writing just one smallish, well-understood program that on the new architecture) but the extra layer of software (even as well as we know how to write interpreters) above the machine reduces performance, often by a factor 2-10, or even more. So there is no right way to write language translators: each approach comes with its own advantages and disadvantages, and each can be used/abused in situations. In fact, hot-spot compilers do a bit of both. They profile programs while interpreting them to find their hots spots (small amounts of code that are executed frequently) and then they compile just those small pieces -all while running the program- so they execute at maximal speed. Language translation is and has always been an important area in Computer Science. At UCI this topic is covered initially in COMPSCI 142A/B: Language Processor Construction. The computer architectures for real machines (into which compiled programs are compiled) are covered first in ICS-51. In this lecture we will discuss the code that Python is translated into and how this code is run on the Python Virtual Machine. There is no way to cover this topic fully in one lecture, so my goal is just to introduce this material and show you an interesting vertical slice through it. We will leverage off Python's module, whose dis function ("dis" means "disassembly") shows us, in a readable form, the Virtual Machine instructions that Python functions, classes, and modules are translated into. At the very end of this lecture we will return to material related to analysis of algorithms, by counting the instructions that our Python functions are translated into. Finally, see Section 31.12 in the Python Library documentation for many more details about today's lecture. Once you "get" the big picture, you might find it quite interesting to "dis" a variety of software components. I tried to find information about the Python Virtual Machine on the web, but it is pretty sparse. So I put together this lecture based on general principles and the documentation I could find. There is much more information available for the Java virtual machine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Basics: Every function object (what we are mostly concerned with in this lecture) is associated with 3 tuples: (1) its local variable names including parameters (in .__code__.co_varnames) (2) the global names it uses (in .__code__.co_names) (3) the constants it uses (in .__code__.co_consts) These tuples are built at the time Python defines the function; they are stored in the __code__ object associated with the function. For example, if we define def minimum(alist): m = None if len(alist) == 0 else alist[0] for v in alist[1:]: if v < m: m = v return m Then, minimum.__code__.co_varnames is ('alist', 'm', 'v') minimum.__code__.co_names is ('len', 'None') minimum.__code__.co_consts is (None, 0, 1) Load operations (e.g., LOAD_FAST, LOAD_GLOBAL, LOAD_CONST, which are all discussed in more detail below) are followed by an integer that indexes these tuples. So for example, in the function addup addup.__code__.co_varnames is the list ('alist', 'sum', 'v'), so the operation LOAD_FAST 0 loads/pushes onto the stack the value the name alist refers to. LOAD_FAST 1 loads/pushes onto the stack the value the name sum refers to. LOAD_FAST 2 loads/pushes onto the stack the value the name v refers to. This scheme allows us to use simple numbers to enumerate arbitrary names. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Python Virtual Machine (PVM) and an example trivial calculation The main data structure in the PVM is the "regular" stack (which is like a restricted a list, allowing only the operations push=append and pop=pop; those are both O(1) operations). A stack's primary operations are load/push and store/pop. We load/push a value on the top of an upwardly-growing stack (incrementing the stackp -stack pointer- that indexes the top); we store/pop a values from the top of a stack (decrementing the stackp). There is a secondarily important block stack that is used to store information about nested loops, try/except, and with statements. For example, a break statement is translated into code that uses the block stack to determine which loop to break out of (and how to continue executing at the first statement outside the loop). When Python begins the execution of loops, try/except, and with statements, information about their blocks are pushed onto the block stack; when Python terminates executing these control structures, this information is popped off the block stack. The block stack is too complicated to discuss in today's lecture and we do not needed to understand it: so when we run across block stack instructions we will point out the fact that we are ignoring them. Here is an example of a simple sequence of stack operations to perform the calculation d = a+b*c, assuming that a, b, c, and d are local variables inside a function: assume co_varnames is ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd') and the actual values for these names are stored in a parallel list [1, 2, 3, None]: e.g., the value for 'a' is 1, the value for 'b' is 2, the value for 'c' is 3, and the value for 'd' is None. Generally the value for a name at index i in the co_varnames tuple is stored in index i in the list of actual values. As we will see in more detail below the meaning of LOAD_FAST N load/push onto the stack the value stored in co_varnames[N], written stackp += 1, stack[stackp] = co_varnames[N] STORE_FAST N store/pop the value on the top of the stack into co_varnames[N], written co_varnames[N] = stack[stackp], and stackp -= 1 BINARY_MULTIPLY load/push onto the stack the * of the two values on the top, written stack[stackp-1] = stack[stackp-1] * stack[stackp]; stackp -= 1 (turns the two values on the top of the stack into their product) BINARY_ADD load/push onto the stack the + of the two values on the top written stack[stackp-1] = stack[stackp-1] + stack[stackp]; stackp -= 1 (turns the two values on the top of the stack into their sum) The PVM code for d = a+b*c is LOAD_FAST 0 LOAD_FAST 1 LOAD_FAST 2 BINARY_MULTIPLY BINARY_ADD STORE_FAST 3 Here is what happens step by step. Initially .... +--------------------+ 3 | | +--------------------+ 2 | | +--------------------+ 1 | | +--------------------+ 0 | | +--------------------+ stack (with stackp = -1, meaning is empty stack) execute LOAD_FAST 0 .... +--------------------+ 3 | | +--------------------+ 2 | | +--------------------+ 1 | | +--------------------+ 0 | 1: value of a | +--------------------+ stack (with stackp = 0) execute LOAD_FAST 1 .... +--------------------+ 3 | | +--------------------+ 2 | | +--------------------+ 1 | 2: value of b | +--------------------+ 0 | 1: value of a | +--------------------+ stack (with stackp = 1) execute LOAD_FAST 2 .... +--------------------+ 3 | | +--------------------+ 2 | 3: value of c | +--------------------+ 1 | 2: value of b | +--------------------+ 0 | 1: value of a | +--------------------+ stack (with stackp = 2) execute BINARY_MULTIPLY .... +--------------------+ 3 | | +--------------------+ 2 | | +--------------------+ 1 | 6: value of b*c | +--------------------+ 0 | 1: value of a | +--------------------+ stack (with stackp = 1) execute BINARY_ADD .... +--------------------+ 3 | | +--------------------+ 2 | | +--------------------+ 1 | | +--------------------+ 0 |7: value of a+b*c | +--------------------+ stack (with stackp = 0) execute STORE_FAST 3 .... +--------------------+ 3 | | +--------------------+ 2 | | +--------------------+ 1 | | +--------------------+ 0 | | +--------------------+ stack (with stackp = -1) At this point d's value is 7, the value that was at the top of the stack when STORE_FAST was executed. The actual values for these names are stored in the list [1, 2, 3, 7]. Problem: show (by drawing what I drew above) how the following instructions compute d = (a+b)*c LOAD_FAST 0 LOAD_FAST 1 BINARY_ADD LOAD_FAST 2 BINARY_MULTIPLY STORE_FAST 3 Any similar expression can be translated into similar code for the PVM to evaluate its value by loading values onto the stack and performing operations. The order of loads/operations depends what expression is being computed. I will briefly explore (Polish) postfix notation, which we can use to unambiguously specify arithmetic expressions, without resorting to knowing about either operator precedence or parentheses. It is trivial to translate postfix expressions into the kind of stack-based code explored above. ------------------------- Control (the fetch/execute cycle) of the PVM Each instruction (some of which are shown above) in the PVM consists of 1 or 3 bytes of information (a byte is 8 bits, and can represent numbers from 0 to 2**8 = 255). The first byte is the operation or byte code; the second two bytes are the operand for that byte code (but not all byte codes require operands: LOAD_FAST does; BINARY_ADD doesn't). Two bytes (16 bits) can represent the unsigned numbers 0 to 2**16 = 65,535: when I first learned this fact, I conjectured that Python function cannot have more than 65,536 different local variable names (it turns out I was wrong; a student showed me a Python function that had more variables, and it still was still able to be translated and run). Can you think how the student wrote such a large function and tested it? There are other special Python operations that allow exceeding the 2-byte limit. The instructions are stored in memory: think of memory too as a kind of list of bytes, named m, which stores sequential data (bytes) in one location after the other. We can illustrate this by writing the instruction sequence above as follows: Memory Instruction Location -------------------------- 0 LOAD_FAST 0 (load in byte 0, 0 in bytes 1 and 2) 3 LOAD_FAST 1 (load in byte 3, 1 in bytes 4 and 5) 6 LOAD_FAST 2 (load in byte 6, 2 in bytes 7 and 8) 9 BINARY_MULTIPLY (multiply operation in byte 9) 10 BINARY_ADD (add operation in byte 10 11 STORE_FAST 3 (store in byte 11, 3 in bytes 12 and 13) Just as the virtual machine has the name stackp for indexing the stack, it has a name pc (program counter) for indexing memory. Note that the first instruction is stored in m[0], and each subsequent instruction is stored in a location that is 3 higher (if the instruction has an explicit operand, as the load/store instructions do; most instructions have implicit operands: stack and pc) or 1 higher (if the instruction has no explicit operands, as the binary operator instructions do). Technically, the operation name (e.g., LOAD_FAST) represents a one byte value (an integer from 0 to 255). The next two bytes are typically the higher and lower bits in an integer between 0 and 2**16-1: 65,535. Once a program (instruction sequence) is loaded into memory, the PVM executes it according to the following simple rules. This control/execute cycle is what animates computers, allowing then to execute programs. It is fundamental in Computer Science. Here we assume pc is initially 0 (the index where the program starts). (1) Fetch the operation and its operand (if present) starting at m[pc] (2) pc += 3 (if operator 2-byte operand) or pc += 1 (if no operand is present) (3) Execute the operation code (maybe change its operand, stack, stackp, or pc) (4) Go to step 1 Some operations manipulate the stack/stackp and the lists that store values, others can change the pc (examples of such jump instructions appear in later sections, changing the locus of execution of the code). So, when the pc is initially 0, the PVM executes the code above as follows 1. fetches the operation a m[0] and the operand at m[1] and m[2] 2. increments pc to 3 3. manipulates the stack (see above) 4. goes back to step 1 1. fetches the operation a m[3] and the operand at m[4] and m[5] 2. increments pc to 6 3. manipulates the stack (see above) 4. goes back to step 1 1. fetches the operation a m[6] and the operand at m[7] and m[8] 2. increments pc to 9 3. manipulates the stack (see above) 4. goes back to step 1 1. fetches the operation a m[9]: it has no operand 2. increments pc to 10 3. manipulates the stack (see above) 4. goes back to step 1 1. fetches the operation a m[10]: it has no operand 2. increments pc to 11 3. manipulates the stack (see above) 4. goes back to step 1 At this point there is no more code to execute. In the next example we will see how the PVM executes more complicated code, specified by full (but still simple) Python functions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The dis function in the dis module As described briefly in the introduction, we can print a symbolic/annotated description of any Python function (and module/class too; but in this lecture note we will stick with just functions) by using the dis function in the module. Here "dis" means "disassemble" the code in the function object into a form that is readable by people. The dis function prints information in the console window (a better idea would be for it to return a string that could be printed or processed in other ways). Here is an example function (with line numbers) and the result dis.dis displays for it). All the operation codes and their meanings are covered in detail in the next section; we will look ahead at the relevant ones. 1 def addup(alist): 2 sum = 0 3 for v in alist: 4 sum = sum + v 5 return sum Actually, I wrote the following simple function to show useful information about any function object (its name, its three tuples, and the dis information:) labelled. def func_obj(fo): print(fo.__name__) print(' co_varnames:',fo.__code__.co_varnames) print(' co_names :',fo.__code__.co_names) print(' co_consts :',fo.__code__.co_consts,'\n') print('Source Line m operation/byte-code operand (useful name/number)\n'+69*'-') dis.dis(fo) calling func_obj(addup) prints the information about the addup function: addup co_varnames: ('alist', 'sum', 'v') co_names : () co_consts : (None, 0) Source Line m op/byte-code operand (useful name/number) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 0 LOAD_CONST 1 (0) 3 STORE_FAST 1 (sum) 3 6 SETUP_LOOP 24 (to 33) 9 LOAD_FAST 0 (alist) 12 GET_ITER >> 13 FOR_ITER 16 (to 32) 16 STORE_FAST 2 (v) 4 19 LOAD_FAST 1 (sum) 22 LOAD_FAST 2 (v) 25 BINARY_ADD 26 STORE_FAST 1 (sum) 29 JUMP_ABSOLUTE 13 >> 32 POP_BLOCK 5 >> 33 LOAD_FAST 1 (sum) 36 RETURN_VALUE Note that any line prefaced by >> means that some other instruction in the function will jump to it (start executing code at it). Jumping in the PVM (by setting pc) is how loops and if statements in Python do their computation: repeating code in a loop; deciding which block to execute in an if. Here is a high-level description how this function executes. For more details, see the exact description of each instruction in the next section. Line 2: m[ 0]: loads the value 0 (co_consts[1]) on the stack m[ 3]: stores the value 0 into sum (co_varnames[1]) Line 3: m[ 6]: setup for the loop by pushing the size of the loop onto the block stack (recall that we won't be doing anything with the block stack) m[ 9]: loads the value of alist (co_varnames[0]) on the stack m[12]: replaces its value on the stack by its iterator (by popping and pushing) m[13]: loads the next iterator value on the stack (like next(), jumping to m[32] - the pc + 16- if StopIteration is raised (code in m[29] jumps back to this location to make the code loop) m[16]: stores the next value into v (co_varnames[2]), popping it off the stack Line 4: m[19]: loads the value of sum (co_varnames[1]) on the stack m[22]: loads the value of v (co_varnames[2]) on the stack m[25]: removes from stack/adds two values, pushes the result on the stack m[26]: stores the value into sum (co_varnames[1]), popping it off the stack m[29]: sets pc to 13, so the next instruction executed in at m[13] (jumps back to a previous location to make the code loop) m[32]: pops what m[6] pushed onto the block stack (recall that we won't be doing anything with the block stack) (code in m[13] jumps here, on StopIteration, terminating the loop) Line 5: m[33]: load the value of sum (co_varnames[1]) on the stack to return m[36]: return from the function with the result on the top of the stack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Operation/Byte Codes Below is a list of many important operations and how they manipulate the PVM. The complete list is available in section 31.12 of the Python documentation. Recall that many operations manipulate stack, stackp, and pc. Loading/Storing LOAD_CONST N stackp += 1, stack[stackp] = co_consts[N] LOAD_FAST N stackp += 1, stack[stackp] = co_varnames[N] LOAD_GLOBAL N stackp += 1, stack[stackp] = co_names[N] STORE_CONST N co_consts[N] = stack[stackp], and stackp -= 1 STORE_FAST N co_varnames[N] = stack[stackp], and stackp -= 1 STORE_GLOBAL N co_names[N] = stack[stackp], and stackp -= 1 There are general Load and Store operations that look up names based on the the LEGB rules, if Python is unsure where these names will be found. Generally it uses the operations above. Operators UNARY_POSITIVE stack[stackp] = +stack[stackp] UNARY_NEGATIVE stack[stackp] = -stack[stackp] UNARY_NOT stack[stackp] = not stack[stackp] (for bool values) UNARY_INVERT stack[stackp] = ~stack[stackp] BINARY_ADD stack[stackp-1] = stack[stackp-1] + stack[stackp]; stackp -= 1 BINARY_SUBTRACT stack[stackp-1] = stack[stackp-1] - stack[stackp]; stackp -= 1 BINARY_MULTIPLY stack[stackp-1] = stack[stackp-1] * stack[stackp]; stackp -= 1 BINARY_TRUE_DIVIDE stack[stackp-1] = stack[stackp-1] / stack[stackp]; stackp -= 1 BINARY_FLOOR_DIVIDE stack[stackp-1] = stack[stackp-1] // stack[stackp]; stackp -= 1 BINARY_MODULO stack[stackp-1] = stack[stackp-1] % stack[stackp]; stackp -= 1 BINARY_POWER stack[stackp-1] = stack[stackp-1] ** stack[stackp]; stackp -= 1 BINARY_SUBSCR (indexing/subscripting) stack[stackp-1] = stack[stackp-1] [ stack[stackp] ]; stackp -= 1 BINARY_LSHIFT stack[stackp-1] = stack[stackp-1] << stack[stackp]; stackp -= 1 BINARY_RSHIFT stack[stackp-1] = stack[stackp-1] >> stack[stackp]; stackp -= 1 BINARY_AND stack[stackp-1] = stack[stackp-1] & stack[stackp]; stackp -= 1 BINARY_OR stack[stackp-1] = stack[stackp-1] | stack[stackp]; stackp -= 1 BINARY_XOR stack[stackp-1] = stack[stackp-1] ^ stack[stackp]; stackp -= 1 There are in-place versions of the binary operators: e.g., x += 1 vs x = x + 1 I will show the meanin of INPLACE_ADD and just list the others here: INPLACE_ADD stack[stackp-1] += stack[stackp]; stackp -= 1 INPLACE_SUBTRACT, INPLACE_MULTIPLY, INPLACE_FLOOR_DIVIDE, INPLACE_TRUE_DIVIDE, INPLACE_MODULO, INPLACE_POWER, INPLACE_LSHIFT, INPLACE_RSHIFT, INPLACE_AND, INPLACE_XOR, and INPLACE_OR Iteration: GET_ITER stack[stackp] = iter(stack[stackp]) FOR_ITER N (really, this should be called NEXT) stackp += 1; stack[stackp] = next(stack[stackp-1]) but if StopIteration exception is raised in part 2: pc += N Jumping (changing the pc from where the next instruction is fetched). This is how Python implements loops (jumping back to the start of the loop) and if statements (jumping over blocks executed when the test is True/False): JUMP_ABSOLUTE N pc = N JUMP_FORWARD N pc += N POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE N if stack[stackp] is True, pc = N (always stackp -= 1) POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE N if stack[stackp] is False, pc = N (always stackp -= 1) Calling Functions and Returning/Yielding CALL_FUNCTION N The first operand byte is a count of the position arguments: pcount The second operand byte is a count of the keyword arguments: kcount There are kcount name indexes (for parameter names) and values on the top of the stack followed by pcount values followed by the function to call This operation pops all function arguments off the stack to store them into the co_varnames tuple, and pops off the the function itself The function should leave its answer on the top of the stack RETURN_VALUE Return to the location that called this function (its returned answer on the top of the stack) YIELD_VALUE In the Library Reference, they use the notation TOS to mean the location at the Top Of the Stack, and TOSn to mean n down from the Top Of the Stack. So TOS is our stack[stackp] and TOS1 is our stack[stackp-1] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here is a slightly more interesting function. It contains both a conditional/if statement (lines 4-5) and a conditional expression (line 6), which translate into a variety of jump instructions. Also note how the tuple assignment in line 2 is translated via the UNPACK_SEQUENCE N instruction (which takes any sequence of values (tuple or list) and pushes N of them onto the stack right to left: so if (0,1) is on the stack, UNPACK_SEQUENCE 2 pops this value off the stack, pushing first 1 then 0 onto the stack (which is why the first value below is stored into sum and the second is stored into count). 1 def average_positive(alist): 2 sum,count = 0,0 3 for v in alist: 4 if v > 0: 5 sum = sum + v 6 count += 1 7 return sum / (1 if count == 0 else count) average_positive co_varnames: ('alist', 'sum', 'count', 'v') co_names : () co_consts : (None, 0, 1, (0, 0)) Source Line m operation/byte-code operand (useful name/number) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 0 LOAD_CONST 3 ((0, 0)) 3 UNPACK_SEQUENCE 2 6 STORE_FAST 1 (sum) 9 STORE_FAST 2 (count) 3 12 SETUP_LOOP 49 (to 64) 15 LOAD_FAST 0 (alist) 18 GET_ITER >> 19 FOR_ITER 41 (to 63) 22 STORE_FAST 3 (v) 4 25 LOAD_FAST 3 (v) 28 LOAD_CONST 1 (0) 31 COMPARE_OP 4 (>) 34 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE 19 5 37 LOAD_FAST 1 (sum) 40 LOAD_FAST 3 (v) 43 BINARY_ADD 44 STORE_FAST 1 (sum) 6 47 LOAD_FAST 2 (count) 50 LOAD_CONST 2 (1) 53 INPLACE_ADD 54 STORE_FAST 2 (count) 57 JUMP_ABSOLUTE 19 60 JUMP_ABSOLUTE 19 >> 63 POP_BLOCK 7 >> 64 LOAD_FAST 1 (sum) 67 LOAD_FAST 2 (count) 70 LOAD_CONST 1 (0) 73 COMPARE_OP 2 (==) 76 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE 85 79 LOAD_CONST 2 (1) 82 JUMP_FORWARD 3 (to 88) >> 85 LOAD_FAST 2 (count) >> 88 BINARY_TRUE_DIVIDE 89 RETURN_VALUE If there were an else: block, it would appear between 57/60: both jump back to m[19] when their blocks finish executing. Please feel free to type in all sorts of small functions to see how they are translated to run on the PVM. The project folder that you can download includes some simple functions and the func_obj function. Note that the two simple functions shown did not call functions on their inside: see addup1 in the project folder, which uses range and len to iterate of the list indexes to compute the sum. The relevant line in the function is for i in range(len(alist)): The local/global names are co_varnames: ('alist', 'sum', 'i') co_names : ('range', 'len') and sequence of instructions is 9 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (range) 12 LOAD_GLOBAL 1 (len) 15 LOAD_FAST 0 (alist) 18 CALL_FUNCTION 1 (1 positional, 0 keyword pair) 21 CALL_FUNCTION 1 (1 positional, 0 keyword pair) 24 GET_ITER >> 25 FOR_ITER 20 (to 48) 28 STORE_FAST 2 (i) Here the range function, to call last, is loaded/pushed on the stack; then the len function, to call first, is loaded/pushed on the stack; then the alist variable is pushed on the stack. The stack looks as follows .... +--------------------+ 3 | | +--------------------+ 2 | alist value | +--------------------+ 1 | len function | +--------------------+ 0 | range function | +--------------------+ stack (with stackp = 2) The first CALL_FUNCTION 1 says using 1 positional argument (stackp=2), call the function specified at stackp-1 (len) on the stack, leaving the answer on the stack. The stack looks as follows .... +--------------------+ 3 | | +--------------------+ 2 | | +--------------------+ 1 | len(alist) value | +--------------------+ 0 | range function | +--------------------+ stack (with stackp = 1) The second CALL_FUNCTION 1 says using 1 positional argument (stackp=1), call the function specified at stackp-1 (range) on the stack, leaving the answer on the stack. The stack looks as follows .... +--------------------+ 3 | | +--------------------+ 2 | | +--------------------+ 1 | | +--------------------+ 0 | range(len(alist)) | The range iterator +--------------------+ stack (with stackp = 1) Then GET_ITER is called to do the iteration, which uses FOR_ITER to produce the first value (which is stored in local variable i). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Return to Analysis of Algorithms: We can use the result of dis to compute the worst case count of the numnber of instructions executed in a function. Let's return to (and review) the addup function for our analysis. 1 def addup(alist): 2 sum = 0 3 for v in alist: 4 sum = sum + v 5 return sum addup co_varnames: ('alist', 'sum', 'v') co_names : () co_consts : (None, 0) Source Line m op/byte-code operand (useful name/number) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 0 LOAD_CONST 1 (0) 3 STORE_FAST 1 (sum) 3 6 SETUP_LOOP 24 (to 33) 9 LOAD_FAST 0 (alist) 12 GET_ITER >> 13 FOR_ITER 16 (to 32) 16 STORE_FAST 2 (v) 4 19 LOAD_FAST 1 (sum) 22 LOAD_FAST 2 (v) 25 BINARY_ADD 26 STORE_FAST 1 (sum) 29 JUMP_ABSOLUTE 13 >> 32 POP_BLOCK 5 >> 33 LOAD_FAST 1 (sum) 36 RETURN_VALUE Here is how to account for the number of instructions executed when Python runs this function. As always we will assume that the len(alist) is N. Here there are no conditional statements so the worst case always executes all the code in the function (and the loop N times). Instructions done once (not in the loop proper) 2 for line 2, code before the loop: initialize sum 3 for line 3, setup for the loop; not repeated in the loop proper at m[13] 1 for line 4, at m[32], jumped to when StopIteration exception is raised 2 for line 5, code after the loop: load/push sum on the stack and return Instructions done in the loop 2 for line 3, m[13] and m[16]; note loop back to m[13] 5 for line 4, sum = sum + v and jump back to m[13] to get next iterator value Finally, note that the instruction at m[13] is executed N+1 times: N times it continues in the loop body and 1 time it raises StopIteration and jumps to m[32]. So, the I(N) is 8 (instructions done once) + 7N (instructions done in the loop) + 1 (m[13] done on N+1 iteration raising StopInteration) instructions. I(N) = 7N + 9 instructions