Problem Solving with Recursive Backtracking Introduction: In the next two lectures we will look at how to think about solving certain kinds of problems, by thinking about finding their solutions as the process of searching through trees. In this lecture, we will look at problem solving using "depth first search" and backtracking. Actually no tree gets constructed explicitly (no new TreeNode() statements will appear in any code), but the pattern of recursive calls to try solving the problem can be nicely visualized as a tree of choices, which the recursive code generates piece by piece until it finds one solution, all solutions, or fails to find any solution. Really, this is just a variant of some recursive calls/structure that we found in the size or height of a tree (especially N-ary trees), by recurring on each subtree. We will illustrate backtracking search with a few different examples and then some code. Generally, we start with a problem of some specific SIZE and we repeatedly reduce the size of a problem by choosing some ASPECT of the problem and generating all the possible VALUES for that aspect. Think of every node in the tree representing some problem and the children of that node each representing a smaller problem: we label the edge between each parent and child with the aspect chosen and the value for that aspect, which reduces the problem size. Eventually either there are no aspects left to choose for a problem, or an aspect has no possible values. If the problem has been reduced to size 0, we can check for a solution by examining all the aspects and their chosen values. If they do not correspond to a solution, then we can BACKTRACK, undoing some aspect/value choices and continue to examine other aspect/value choices (either if we did not find a solution or found a solution but want ALL solutions). We use the term "combinatorial searching" to characterize this approach to solving these problems, because we search through all possible combinations of aspects and their values. If we drew out complete search trees, we would generate a tremendous number of nodes (this is called the "combinatorial explosion"). For a problem of size N, If the average number of children of a node in the solution tree is C (meaning each aspect chosen has C possible values), then there will be C^N nodes at depth N. So even if C is small, say 2, a problem with 10 aspects will require a search tree with 1,000 leaf nodes; a problem with twice as many aspects (20) will require a search tree with 1,000,000 leaf nodes. Examing all these nodes is in complexity class O((C^N): exponential in the N. We will now look at three problems that can be solved simply by recursive backtracking: satisfiability of boolean formulas, N-queens (placing N queens on an NxN chessboard so that no queen can attack another), N-colorability (finding N colors, if possible, to color a graph so that no connected nodes are the same color). Finally, we will look at a general algorithm to solve all these problems. Satisfiability: The first problem that we will show how to solve with bactracking search is: Given some boolean formula, try to find one or all assignments to each of its variables (each is assigned either true or false) that "satisfies" the formula: i.e., make the formula evaluate to true. For some formulas, there may be just one assignment, for others many assignments, for others all assignments work (such a formula is called a tautology: e.g., a || !a), and for others no assignments work (such a formula is called a contradiction or unsatisfiable: a && !a:). We might want to stop when we find the first solution, or continue searching until we find all solutions. We will examine the formula (!a || b) && (a || !b) && (a || b). We show the root of the solution tree as a problem with two unknown aspects/variables a and b: {a=?,b=?}. {a=?,b=?} Then we start by choosing some unknown aspect of the problem: any variable that we have not assigned a value to. In some problems we might use some special information to determine which aspect to choose (sometimes it is better to choose one aspect over another). In this problem, we just choose the first variable, a. Then, there are two possible choices for values of a: false and true. So we draw these choices as follows (using T to abbreviate true and F to abbreviate false). The children each have one fewer unknown aspect of the problem. {a=?,b=?} a=F/ \a=T {a=F,b=?} {a=T,b=?} Let's explore the left subtree first (and the right one later). On the left we choose any unknown aspect: the only variable remaining is b, so we choose it. Likewise, it has two possible values, true and false. Each leads to a node with no unknown aspects. {a=?,b=?} a=F/ \a=T {a=F,b=?} {a=T,b=?} b=F/ \b=T {a=F,b=F} {a=F,b=T} Again, let's explore the left subtree first (and the right one later). There are no unknown aspects of the problem (we have assigned values to all the variables) so we can evaluate the formula with a=false and b=false; the result is false (the third conjunct is false), so this assignment is not a solution to our problem, so we mark it NS. {a=?,b=?} a=F/ \a=T {a=F,b=?} {a=T,b=?} b=F/ \b=T {a=F,b=F} {a=F,b=T} NS So we now explore the right subtree (of the left child of the root). Again there are no unknown aspects of the problem, so we can evaluate the formula with a=false and b=true; the result is false again (the second conjunct is false), so this assignment is not a solution to our problem either. {a=?,b=?} a=F/ \a=T {a=F,b=?} {a=T,b=?} b=F/ \b=T {a=F,b=F} {a=F,b=T} NS NS Now we have completely explored the left subtree of the root (all possibilites when a = F), but have found no solutions. We next backtrack to explore the right subtree of the root (where a is assigned a different value, T). On the right we choose any unknown aspect: the only variable remaining is b, so we choose it. Likewise, it has two possible values, true and false. Each leads to a node with no unknown aspects. {a=?,b=?} a=F/ \a=T {a=F,b=?} {a=T,b=?} b=F/ \b=T b=F/ \b=T {a=F,b=F} {a=F,b=T} {a=T,b=F} {a=T,b=T} NS NS Again, let's explore the left subtree first (and the right one later). There are no unknown aspects of the problem (we have assigned values to all the variables) so we can evaluate the formula with a=true and b=false; the result is false (the first conjunct is false), so this assignment is not a solution to our problem, so we mark it NS. {a=?,b=?} a=F/ \a=T {a=F,b=?} {a=T,b=?} b=F/ \b=T b=F/ \b=T {a=F,b=F} {a=F,b=T} {a=T,b=F} {a=T,b=T} NS NS NS So we now explore the right subtree (of the right child of the root). Again there are no unknown aspects of the problem, so we can evaluate the formula with a=true and b=true; the result is true (all conjuncts are true), so this assignment is a solution to the problem and we mark it S. {a=?,b=?} a=F/ \a=T {a=F,b=?} {a=T,b=?} b=F/ \b=T b=F/ \b=T {a=F,b=F} {a=F,b=T} {a=T,b=F} {a=T,b=T} NS NS NS S So, we have systematically generated and examined all possible combinations of values for the variables a and for b. We represented all these choices in a binary tree (two choice for each variable), where each node shows the known and unknown aspects of a problem. Note that each time the problem size (the number of boolean variables in the formula) goes up by 1, the depth of the tree increases by 1, and the total number of nodes at the bottom (where we evaluate the formula) doubles. Thus, the height of the tree is the same as the problem size, and there are 2^height leaves in the tree of possible solutions. The complexity class of solving this problem is thus O(2^n) which is a function that grows more quickly than any polynomial function of N: e.g. O(N^1000) is more slowly growing than O(2^N). (at what value is 2^N = N^1000? when N = 1000Log2N, or N = 13,747; so 2^N is bigger when N > 13,747. Again, this is called a "combinatorial explosion": the number of combinations of variables and values "explodes" for larger and larger N. The satisfiability problem is a well studied and useful problem in computing. Often proving the correctness of a circuit (or a protocol for transfering information) can written as a boolean formula with a very large number of variables. There are no algorithms that are known to have a complexity class below O(2^N) although clever algorithms have a constant so low that problem of N in the thousands can be solved. If anyone discovers an algorithm for solving this problem that is polynomial (not exponential) in time, variants of that algorithm can be used to solve very many problems that are all similar and important: all such problems are in a class of problems called NP, which stands for problems whose solution is "checkable in Polynomial time). The satisfiability problem is an NP-complete problem: as hard as any problem in the NP class, and a polynnomial solution to it implies a polynomial solution to all problems in the NP class). Proving whether NP problems can be solved by an algorithm in polynomial time is one of the most famous open problems in mathematics. It can be proven by finding an algorithm that solves an NP-complete problem in polynomial time (which no one has done); it can be disproven by showing that no such algorithm can exist (a harder problem, which no one has proven). In fact, the Clay Institute of Mathematics has offered a $1 million prize for anyone proving or disproving the existence of this kind of algorithm. They have prizes for other mathematical conjectures (one of which has been solved since the prizes were offered). See For the problems, see and click P vs. NP for this particular problem. N-Queens: We can use this same approach to generate solutions for the N-Queens problem. In the N-Queens problem, we ask whether it is possible to place N queens on an NxN chessboard so that no queen is able to capture any of the others (moving vertically, horizontally, or diagonally; it is not possible to place N+1 queens on such a board, because then 2 queens would be on the same row, and could capture each other). If such a configuration is possible, we want to know the row and column positions of every queen. This problem is more interesting than the satisfiability problem (although nowhere near as important in computer science) because there is not a fixed branching factor at every node: the branching factor is based on where queens have previously been placed. Let's choose a small-sized problem: the 6-Queens problem. We will represent the root of the problem tree by 6 aspects: in which column does the queen in rows 1-6 reside. {r1=?,r2=?,r3=?,r4=?,r5=?,r6=?} For writing purposes, this notation is actually too big, so we will just abbreviate it more compactly as {??????}, 6 question marks, where the ith ? represents ri (row i): the value there represents the columns in which the queen is placed for that row. We will use a board to keep track of where queens are placed and which squares can be attacked. We will choose the aspects as row 1, row 2, ... row 6 in that order. So, to start we choose r1 and see that we can assign it 6 different values: columns 1-6. So the branching factor for root node is 6. {??????} r1=c1/ r1=c2/ r1=c3/ \r1=c4 \r1=c5 r1=c6 {1?????} {2?????} {3?????} {4?????} {5?????} {6?????} Next we explore the leftmost child. Note that the edge is labeled r1=c1 meaning that the queen in row 1 is in column 1. Here is a picture of that queen and all the squares that other queens CANNOT occupy. 1 2 3 4 5 6 +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 1 | Q | X | X | X | X | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 2 | X | X | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 3 | X | | X | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 4 | X | | | X | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 5 | X | | | | X | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 6 | X | | | | | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ Now let's explore the children of {1?????}. We will zoom in on the part of the search tree and elide the other parts for now, because of space constraints. For this node r2 can have the values c3, c4, c5, and c6 (the queen in r1,c1 can capture queens at r2,c1 and r2,c2. {??????} r1=c1/ \\\\\ {1?????} ..... r2=c3/ r2=c4/ \r2=c5 \r2=c6 {13????} {14????} {15????} {16????} So the branching factor for the leftmost child of the root {1?????} is 4: its choices are a bit more constrained. Next we explore the leftmost child (13????}. Here is a picture of both queens and all the squares that other queens CANNOT occupy. 1 2 3 4 5 6 +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 1 | Q | X | X | X | X | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 2 | X | X | Q | X | X | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 3 | X | X | X | X | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 4 | X | | X | X | X | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 5 | X | | X | | X | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 6 | X | | X | | | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ Now let's explore the children of {13????}. We will again zoom in on the part of the search tree and elide the other parts for now, because of space constraints. For this node r3 can have the values c5, and c6. {??????} r1=c1/ \\\\\ {1?????} ... r2=c3/ r2=c4/ \r2=c5 \r2=c6 {13????} {14????} {15????} {16????} r3=c5/ \r3=c6 {135???} {136???} So the branching factor for {13???} is 2: its choices are even more constrained. Next we explore the leftmost child (135??}. Here is a picture of all three queens and all the squares that other queens CANNOT occupy. 1 2 3 4 5 6 +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 1 | Q | X | X | X | X | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 2 | X | X | Q | X | X | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 3 | X | X | X | X | Q | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 4 | X | | X | X | X | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 5 | X | | X | | X | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 6 | X | X | X | | X | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ Now let's explore the children of {135???}. For this node r4 can have only the value c2. {??????} r1=c1/ \\\\\ {1?????} ... r2=c3/ r2=c4/ \r2=c5 \r2=c6 {13????} {14????} {15????} {16????} r3=c5/ \r3=c6 {135???} {136???} r4=c2| {1352??} So the branching factor for {135???} is 1! Next we explore the only child (1352??}. Here is a picture of all four queens and all the squares that other queens CANNOT occupy. Of course, we can see a problem here on row 6: every column in that row can be captured by a previously placed queen. But let us still constinue running the algorithm. 1 2 3 4 5 6 +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 1 | Q | X | X | X | X | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 2 | X | X | Q | X | X | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 3 | X | X | X | X | Q | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 4 | X | Q | X | X | X | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 5 | X | X | X | | X | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 6 | X | X | X | X | X | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ Now let's explore the children of {1352??}. For this node r5 can have only the value c4. {??????} r1=c1/ \\\\\ {1?????} ... r2=c3/ r2=c4/ \r2=c5 \r2=c6 {13????} {14????} {15????} {16????} r3=c5/ \r3=c6 {135???} {136???} r4=c2| {1352??} r5=c4| {13524?} So the branching factor for {1352??} is also 1 Next we explore the only child (13524?}. Here is a picture of all five queens and all the squares that other queens CANNOT occupy. 1 2 3 4 5 6 +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 1 | Q | X | X | X | X | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 2 | X | X | Q | X | X | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 3 | X | X | X | X | Q | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 4 | X | Q | X | X | X | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 5 | X | X | X | Q | X | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 6 | X | X | X | X | X | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ Now let's explore the children of {13524?}. THERE CAN BE NONE! With the positions already chosen for the previous queens, there is no choice for the queen in the 6th row that will not be captured by another queen. So we mark that path NS {??????} r1=c1/ \\\\\ {1?????} ... r2=c3/ r2=c4/ \r2=c5 \r2=c6 {13????} {14????} {15????} {16????} r3=c5/ \r3=c6 {135???} {136???} r4=c2| {1352??} r5=c4| {13524?} NS Now we must backtrack to this node's parent: {1352??}. There are no other children of this node, so we must backtrackyu to its parent: {135???}. There are no other children of this node, so we must backtrack to its parent: {13???}. There is another child of this node, so we explore it: {136???}. Here is a picture of all three queens and all the squares that other queens CANNOT occupy after backtracking. Note that backtracking just means undoing a decision (binding a value to an aspect) that we have explored, so that we can explore other decisions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 1 | Q | X | X | X | X | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 2 | X | X | Q | X | X | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 3 | X | X | X | X | X | Q | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 4 | X | | X | X | X | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 5 | X | | X | X | X | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 6 | X | | X | | | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ Now let's explore the children of {136???}. For this node r4 can have only the value c2. {??????} r1=c1/ \\\\\ {1?????} ... r2=c3/ r2=c4/ \r2=c5 \r2=c6 {13????} {14????} {15????} {16????} r3=c5/ \r3=c6 {135???} {136???} r4=c2| r4=c2| {1352??} {1362??} r5=c4| {13524?} NS So the branching factor for {136???} is 1! Next we explore the only child (1362??}. Here is a picture of all three queens and all the squares that other queens CANNOT occupy. 1 2 3 4 5 6 +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 1 | Q | X | X | X | X | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 2 | X | X | Q | X | X | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 3 | X | X | X | X | X | Q | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 4 | X | Q | X | X | X | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 5 | X | X | X | X | X | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 6 | X | X | X | X | | X | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ Now let's explore the children of {1362??}. THERE CAN BE NONE! With the positions already chosen for the previous queens, there is not choice for the queen in the 5th row that will not be captured by another queen. So we mark that path NS. {??????} r1=c1/ \\\\\ {1?????} ... r2=c3/ r2=c4/ \r2=c5 \r2=c6 {13????} {14????} {15????} {16????} r3=c5/ \r3=c6 {135???} {136???} r4=c2| r4=c2| {1352??} {1362??} r5=c4| NS {13524?} NS Now we must backtrack to this node's parent: {136???}. There are no other children of this node, so we must backtrack to its parent: {13????}. There are no other children of this node, so we must backtrack to its parent: {1?????}. There is another child of this node, so we explore it: {14????}. OK, so we won't explore it. This process is much better carried out by a machine than us. But I have shown the details of how the machine does it. There are 4 solutions to the 6-Queens problem, but we would have to do a lot of hard work to find them. See the following references. N-Coloring a Graph: We can use this same approach to generate solutions for the N-color problem. In the N-Color problem, we ask whether it is possible to color a graph (and what those colors would be) with N different colors, such that no nodes in the graph that are connected by an edge are the same color. Not all graphs can be N-colored. For example the following graph cannot be 3-colored because each of its 4 nodes is connected by edges to the 3 others, so with only 3 colors one of the 4 nodes would have the same color as a node that it is connected to. 1 - 2 | \ / | | + | | / \ | 3 - 4 This problem is related to a very old and interesting mathematical problem, known as the 4-color conjecture. It concerns the number of colors needed to display a geographic map, such that two adjacent "countries" (consider oceans countries too) are not the same color. We can tranform any geographic map into an equivalent graph (if you can N-color one, you can N-color the other) by representing each "country" by a node, with edges connecting nodes representing countries that share a border. The resulting graph will be called "planar" meaning it can be drawn in the plane, with no intersecting edges. Note that the graph above is not planar, because the + sign in the middle shows where two edges cross. The graph below has 4 nodes and 5 edges, and is planer. It can be 3 colored with the colors red, green, and blue (labeled R, G, and B). Note that the two nodes labeled r are not connected by an edge. Such a graph cannot be 2 colored (try it). R - G | / | | / | | / | B - R It was proven in the late 1800s that any geographic map can be 5-colored. There were many known examples of geographic maps that could not be 3-colored. But no one had a proof, or a counter example, as to whether every geographic map could be 4-colored. A few (incorrect) proofs of this conjecture were proposed and one was accepted as proof (no one could find a mistake at the time), but many years later it was shown to be incorrect. Finally, in 1976 Appel and Haken proved that every geographic map was reducable to one of 1936 different ones, and they wrote a computer program that verified that each was 4-colorable. The use of a computer program in a mathematical proof raised all sorts of philosophical questions about the nature of mathematical proof that are still being debated today. A well-written account of the history of this problem is: Wilson, "Four Colors Suffice: How the Map Problem Was Solved." Like the N-Queens problem, the branching factor for a node depends on the previously chosen aspects and their values. Let's attempt to 3-color the following graph (you have to draw in the edges). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Connections: 1: to 2, 3, and 4 2: to 1, 5, and 9 3: to 1, 7, and 8 4: to 1, 6, and 10 5: to 2, 6, and 8 6: to 4, 5, and 7 7: to 3, 6, and 9 8: to 3, 5, and 10 9: to 2, 7, and 10 10: to 4, 8, and 9 We will represent each node as {1=?,2=?,3=?,4=?,5=?,6=?,7=?,8=?,9=?,10=?} where each ? can be the color red, green, or blue. For writing purposes, we will abbrevate these colors as R, G, and B and abbreviate this notation as {??????????} where the ith ? represents node i. We will choose these aspects in the order 1, 2, ... It might be better (generate solutions faster) to choose the node that has the most number of edges (or the fewest) as the next aspect to try. This would be an interesting topic to explore on the computer, but is beyond what I can discuss here. We start by choosing an aspect (node in a graph) and the colors that it can be (say, Red, Green, or Blue), given the nodes that it is connected to that already have colors. Let's choose 1. {??????????} 1=R/ 1=G| \1=B {R?????????} {G?????????} {B?????????} We continue by exploring the left-most node and choose aspect 2. Since node 2 is connected to node 1, which already has color R, there are only 2 choices for colors for aspect 2. {??????????} 1=R/ 1=G| \1=B {R?????????} {G?????????} {B?????????} 2=G/ \2=B {RG????????} {RB????????} We continue by exploring the left-most node and choose aspect 3. Since it is connected to 1, which already has color R, there are only 2 choices for colors for aspect 3. In the tree below we will focus on {RGG???????} eliding its siblings. {??????????} 1=R/ 1=G| \1=B {R?????????} {G?????????} {B?????????} 2=G/ \2=B RG????????} {RB????????} 3=G/ \3=B {RGG???????} {RGB???????} We continue by exploring the left-most node and choose aspect 4. Since it is connected to 1, which already has color R, there are only 2 choices for colors for aspect 4. In the tree below we will focus on {RGGG??????}. {??????????} 1=R/ 1=G| \1=B {R?????????} {G?????????} {B?????????} 2=G/ \2=B RG????????} {RB????????} 3=G/ \3=B {RGG???????} {RGB???????} 4=G/ \4=B {RGGG??????} {RGGB???????} We continue by exploring the left-most node and choose aspect 5. Since it is connected to 2, which already has color G, there are only 2 choices for colors for aspect 5. In the tree below we will focus on {RGGGR?????}. {??????????} 1=R/ 1=G| \1=B {R?????????} {G?????????} {B?????????} 2=G/ \2=B RG????????} {RB????????} 3=G/ \3=B {RGG???????} {RGB???????} 4=G/ \4=B {RGGG??????} {RGGB???????} 5=R/ \5=B {RGGGR?????} {RGGGB??????} We continue by exploring the left-most node and choose aspect 6. Since it is connected to 4 and 5, which already have colors G and R, there is only 1 choice for the color for aspect 6. In the tree below we will focus on {RGGGRB????}. {??????????} 1=R/ 1=G| \1=B {R?????????} {G?????????} {B?????????} 2=G/ \2=B RG????????} {RB????????} 3=G/ \3=B {RGG???????} {RGB???????} 4=G/ \4=B {RGGG??????} {RGGB???????} 5=R/ \5=B {RGGGR?????} {RGGGB??????} 6=B| {RGGGRB????} We continue by exploring this node and choose aspect 7. Since it is connected to 3 and 6, which already have colors G and B, there is only 1 choice for the color for aspect 7. In the tree below we will focus on {RGGGRBR???}. {??????????} 1=R/ 1=G| \1=B {R?????????} {G?????????} {B?????????} 2=G/ \2=B RG????????} {RB????????} 3=G/ \3=B {RGG???????} {RGB???????} 4=G/ \4=B {RGGG??????} {RGGB???????} 5=R/ \5=B {RGGGR?????} {RGGGB??????} 6=B| {RGGGRB????} 7=R| {RGGGRBR???} We continue by exploring this node and choose aspect 8. Since it is connected to 3 and 5, which already have colors G and R, there is only 1 choice for the color for aspect 8. In the tree below we will focus on {RGGGRBRB??}. {??????????} 1=R/ 1=G| \1=B {R?????????} {G?????????} {B?????????} 2=G/ \2=B RG????????} {RB????????} 3=G/ \3=B {RGG???????} {RGB???????} 4=G/ \4=B {RGGG??????} {RGGB???????} 5=R/ \5=B {RGGGR?????} {RGGGB??????} 6=B| {RGGGRB????} 7=R| {RGGGRBR???} 8=B| {RGGGRBRB??} We continue by exploring this node and choose aspect 9. Since it is connected to 2 and 7, which already have colors G and R, there is only 1 choice for the color for aspect 8. In the tree below we will focus on {RGGGRBRBB?}. {??????????} 1=R/ 1=G| \1=B {R?????????} {G?????????} {B?????????} 2=G/ \2=B RG????????} {RB????????} 3=G/ \3=B {RGG???????} {RGB???????} 4=G/ \4=B {RGGG??????} {RGGB???????} 5=R/ \5=B {RGGGR?????} {RGGGB??????} 6=B| {RGGGRB????} 7=R| {RGGGRBR???} 8=B| {RGGGRBRB??} 9=B| {RGGGRBRB??} We continue by exploring this node and choose aspect 10. Since it is connected to 4, 8, and 9, which already have colors G, B, and B, there is only 1 choice for the color for aspect 8. In the tree below we will focus on {RGGGRBRBBR}. {??????????} 1=R/ 1=G| \1=B {R?????????} {G?????????} {B?????????} 2=G/ \2=B RG????????} {RB????????} 3=G/ \3=B {RGG???????} {RGB???????} 4=G/ \4=B {RGGG??????} {RGGB???????} 5=R/ \5=B {RGGGR?????} {RGGGB??????} 6=B| {RGGGRB????} 7=R| {RGGGRBR???} 8=B| {RGGGRBRB??} 9=B| {RGGGRBRBB?} 10=R| {RGGGRBRBBR} There are no aspects left for the problem, so the apsects and their values describe a solution: 1 is red, 2 is green, 3 is green, 4 is green, 5 is red, 6 is blue, 7 is red, 8 is blue, 9 is blue, and 10 is red. To generate more solutions we would backtrack to node 4 (the last time we generated two subtrees), and take the right subtree by assigning aspect 5 a value of B. Then we would choose aspect 6 again. Since it is connected to 4 and 5, which now have colors G and B, there is only 1 choice for colors for aspect 6. {??????????} 1=R/ 1=G| \1=B {R?????????} {G?????????} {B?????????} 2=G/ \2=B RG????????} {RB????????} 3=G/ \3=B {RGG???????} {RGB???????} 4=G/ \4=B {RGGG??????} {RGGB???????} 5=R/ \5=B {RGGGR?????} {RGGGB??????} 6=R| {RGGGRB????} And the search would continue through all combination of colors. In the worst case, each aspect would have three possible values, which would lead to 3^N leaves. But, we see that some aspects (especially those "lower" in the tree) are constrained to have fewer: 2, or even 1 (or possibly 0 aspects, meaning no solution is possible for the choices already made). General Algorithm: There is a rather compact algorithm for implementing recursive-backtracking search. Generally, each recursive call reduces the problem size by choosing an aspect and iterating through all possible values for it (like searching an N-ary tree) finding those values for the aspect that lead to a solution. All solutions are accumulated in a set of solution maps: each solution map in the set has all the aspects as keys, with each key mapping to its value in that solution. //Find all solutions to a problem (each is a Map) and return a Set of them public static void solveAll (Problem problem, Set> solutions) { try { //Choose an aspect (and exclude it from being chosen again) // Possibly throw Succeed/Fail //Succeed if no more aspect to choose from and problem solved //Fail if no more aspect to choose from and problem NOT solved Problem.Aspect aspect = problem.chooseAndExcludeAspect(); //For every possible value for that aspect, recursively attempt to // solve a copy of the problem with that aspect bound to that value //If a solution is found, return it; if not, unbind the aspect and // continue looping (finding a new value to bind to the aspect). for (Object value : aspect) { problem.assignAspectValue(aspect, value); solveAll (problem.copy(), solutions); problem.removeAspectValue(aspect); } } catch (Succeed s){solutions.add(problem.getSolution());} catch (Fail f){} } } On the page that lists sample programs, there is a download for "Backtracking" which include a few classes comprising this general problem solver, as well as classes to represent and solve the satisfiability problem, the N-Queens problem, and Sudoku. Here is a recap of the aspects and values for these problems as well as N-Coloring of maps and maze escaping. When writing code to solve a new problem, you must examine the Problem and Aspect classes. If you can correctly write the Problem and Aspect classes, supplying all the specified methods to represent and manipulate a specific problem to solve, the code in the backtracking package will solve that problem. That code works without knowing what problem it is solving, much like sort methods can sort using a comparison function, without knowing what they are sorting, so long as the comparison function correctly determines which is smaller. Examples Satisfiability: Illustrate with Aspect : a variable Values : false, true Solution: Map[variable] -> boolean N-Queens Aspect : a row for the queen Values : a column for the queen (not attacked by any placed queen) Solution: Map[row] -> column of queen in that row N-Coloring a Graph (related to 3-Coloring a Geographic Map) Aspect : a node to color Values : one color (number them 1-N) not the same as an adjacent node Solution: Map[node] -> color of that node Sudoku: Aspect : an entry in the digit matrix Values : a digit allowable in that entry by the Sudoku rules (unique digits in colunns, rows, and 3x3 blocks/regions) Solution: Map[entry in digit matrix] -> digit in the matrix position Maze Exploration Aspect : the spot you are standing if you are not at the exit Values : the spots you can move to in one step (not moving through walls) Solution: Map[time] -> which-way you stepped at that time (North, South, East, or West) I'm looking for students to implement classes that my problem solver can use to solve N-Coloring, Maze Exploration, and other problems solvable within this framework.