Recursion In this lecture we will discuss the concept of recursion and examine recursive functions that operate on integers, strings, and linked lists, learning common idioms for each. When we cover linked lists again, we will first examine functions that do NOT change the structure of the linked list, and then examine functions whose purpose is to CHANGE the structure of the linked list (add or remove values). We will study how to hand simulate such functions and more importantly learn three rules for proving them correct. The concept of recursively defined (sometimes called inductively defined) data and recursion is fundamental in many areas of computer science, and this concept should be examined and discussed from many angles in many of your ICS classes; you should become comfortable with seeing and applying recursion. In addition, some programming languages (Lisp is the foremost example) use recursion (and also decision: if) as their primary control structures: any iterative code can be written recursively. Even languages that are not primarily recursive all support recursion (and have since the late 1950s), because sometimes using recursion is the best way to write code to solve a problem (sometimes simplest, sometimes fastest, sometimes both). C++ (and Java/Python) are not primarily recursive languages. Each has strong features for iterating through data (Python has the most powerful tools for such iteration, including generators; Java/C++ have slightly more restricted for-each loops). But, it is important that we learn how to write recursive code in C++ too. Later in the quarter we will recursively define tree data structures, which generalize linear linked lists) and learn how to manipulate them both iteratively and recursively. Side-Note: Douglas Hofstadter's Pulitzer-prize winning book, "Godel, Escher, Bach" is an investigation of cognition, and commonly uses recursion and self-reference to illustrate the concepts that it is discussing. This book is still very popular reading among computer scientists; you can buy used copies cheaply online. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Recursion vs Iteration Recursion is a programming technique in which a call to a function results in another call to that same function. In direct recursion, a call to a function appears in the function's body; in indirect/mutual recursion, the pattern is some function calls some other function ... which ultimately calls the first function. In the simplest case here, think of f calling g and g calling f: f and g are mutually recursive, with f calling f indirectly via calling g, and g calling g indirectly via calling f. For some data structures and problems, it is simpler to write recursive code than its iterative equivalent. In modern programming languages, recursive functions may run a bit slower (maybe 15%) than equivalent iterative functions, but this is not always the case (and sometimes there is no natural/simple iterative solution to a problem); in a typical application, this time differences is insignificant (most of the time it takes a program to run will be taken up elsewhere anyway). Sometimes a programmer will write a simple recursive solution, and rewrite it iteratively (not always possible) if the time it is taking is significant, and the iterative solution can really run faster. Recursive solutions can be faster (we will see such an example in a lecture on efficiency, later in the quarter). We will begin by studying the form of general recursive functions; then apply this form to functions operating on int values, and then apply this form to functions operating on strings and linked lists. In all these cases, we will discuss how values of these types are recursively defined and discuss the "sizes" of the problem solved. We will start by looking at the general form of all recursive functions and try to gain an intuitive understanding of recursion and constrast it to iteration. Recursion is actually a more powerful control structure than iteration, and recursion applied to non-linear linked structures (like trees and graphs) is a very powerful programming technique. Imagine that you have to solve the problem of raising $100 for charity. Assume anyone you approach would be willing to contribute the smallest amount of money, a penny. Iterative Approach: Visit 10,000 people and ask for a penny from each Recursive Approach: If you are asked to contribute a penny, contribute it to whoever asked Otherwise, Visit 10 people: ask each to raise 1/10 the amount you were asked to raise Combine the money they raise into bag Give it to the person who asked you In the iterative version each subproblem is the same; raising a penny. In the recursive solution, subproblems get smaller and smaller until they reach the size of collecting a penny (they cannot get any smaller: this problem has the smallest size). All the recursive subproblems are similar (raising money), but they differ in the amount of money they must raise. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ General form or all recursive functions The general form of a directly recursive function is Solve(Problem) { if (Problem is minimal/not decomposable into a smaller problem: a base case) Solve Problem directly and return solution; i.e., without recursion else { (1) Decompose Problem into one or more SIMILAR, STRICTLY SMALLER subproblems: SP1, SP2, ... , SPn (2) Recursively call Solve (this function) on each SMALLER SUBPROBLEM (since they are all SIMILAR): Solve(SP1), Solve(SP2),..., Solve(SPN) (3) Combine the returned solutions to these smaller subproblems into a solution that solves the original, larger Problem (the one this original function call must solve) (4) Return the solution to the original Problem } } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Simple Recursion in C++ We will start by examining a recursive definition for the factorial function (e.g., 5! reads as "five factorial": ! is a postfix operator in mathematics) and then a recursive function that implements it. The definition is directly recursive, because we define a larger factorial in terms of a smaller factorial. Note that the domain of the factorial function is the non-negative integers (also called the natural numbers), of which 0 is the smallest value. 0! = 1 N! = N*(N-1)! for all N>0, By this definition (and just substitution of equals for equals) we see that 5! = 5*4! = 5*4*3! = 5*4*3*2! = 5*4*3*2*1! = 5*4*3*2*1*0! = 5*4*3*2*1*1 = 120 By the recursive definition, eventually all uses of the ! operator disappear (when we reach the base case, which is solved without recursion), and we are left with an expression that has all multiplication operators. The first definition below is a transliteration of the general code above. int factorial (int n) { if (n == 0) //Non-decomposable return 1; else { int sp1 = n-1; //(1)Decompose problem n into 1 subproblem int solved_sp1 = factorial(sp1); //(2)Recursive call to Solve subproblem int solved_n = n * solved_sp1; //(3)Solve problem n with solved subproblem return solved_n; //(4)Return solution } } We don't need to write all this code: we can simplify it in C++ as follows. int factorial (int n) { if (n==0) return 1; else return n*factorial(n-1); } This looks clean and closely mirrors the recursive mathematical description of factorial. In fact, because of the simplicity of this particular recursive function, we can write an even simpler solution using a conditional expression; but I prefer the solution above, because it is more representative of other recursive solutions (to more complicated problems), using an if/else int factorial (int n) {return (n==0 ? 1 : n*factorial(n-1));} Contrast this code with the iterative code that implements this same function (below). Note that the iterative code requires several state change operators while the recursive code uses none. State change operators make it hard for us to think about the meaning of code (and makes it tough to prove that the code is correct too), and makes it hard for multi-core processors to coordinate in solving a problem. "Functional programming languages" are more amenable to be automatically parallelizable (can run more quickly on multi-core computers). You'll see more about this in later classes at UCI (e.g., in Concepts of Programming Languages). int factorial (int n) { int answer = 1; for (int i=1; i<=n; i++) answer *= i; return answer; } We can mimic factorial's recursive definition for a function that raises a number to an integer power. Note that the domain of n for this power function requires n to be a the non-negative integer. A**0 = 1 (yes, this is even true when A=0) A**N = A * A**N-1 for all N>0 We can likewise translate this definition into a simple recursive C++ function. int power(int a, int n) { if (n == 0) return 1; else return a * power(a,n-1); By this definition (and just substitution of equals for equals) we see that calling power(a,n) requires n multiplications. power(a,3) = a*power(a,2) = a*a*power(a,1) = a*a*a*power(a,0) = a*a*a*1 Of course we could write this code iteratively as follows, which also requires n multiplications int power(int a, int n) { int answer = 1; for (int i=1; i<=n; ++i) answer *= a; return answer; } But there is a another way to compute power(a,n) recursively, shown below. This longer function requires between Log2 n and 2*(Log2 n) multiplications. Here, the Log2 means the log function using a base of 2. Note Log2 1000 is about 10, and Log2 1,000,000 is about 20, Log2 1,000,000,000 is about 30): so, to compute power(a,1000) using the function below requires between 10 and 20 multiplications (not the 1,000 multiplcations required by the original definitions -both recursive and iterative- of power). int power(int a, int n) { if (n == 0) return 1; else if (n%2 == 1) //is n odd return a * power(a,n-1); //yes, use standard defintion: n-1 is now even else { int temp = power(a,n/2); //no (so n/2 is an integer with no truncation) return temp*temp; } Here we store temp once and then use its value, which is fine for recursive code (generally we can assign a variable a value, but we should never change the value stored in a variable). We could get rid of the local name temp by defining the simple function int square(int n) {return n*n;} and then calling it in the else clause, with the single line of code: return square( power(a,n/2) ) For one example power(a,16) computes power(a,8) and returns its result with 1 more multiplication; power(a,8) computes power(a,4) and returns its result with 1 more multiplication; power(a,4) computes power(a,2) and returns its result with 1 more multiplication; power(a,2) computes power(a,1) and returns its result with 1 more multiplication; power(a,1) computes a*power(a,0), which requires 1 multiplication: computing power(a,0) requires 0 multiplications (it just retuns the value 1). In all, power(a,16) requires just 5 multiplications, not 16. Note that this function is efficient, but it is NOT guaranteed to always use the MINIMUM number of multiplications. Here, power(a,15) uses 6 multiplications, but computing x3 = x*x*x then x3*(square(square(x3))) requires only 5: see the topic named "addition-chain exponentiation" if you are interested in what is known about the minimimal number of multiplications for exponentiation. Raising large integers (thousand of digits) to large power (ditto) is doable only with a function like this one. We will prove that this function computes the correct answer later in this lecture. Truth be told, we can write a fast power function like this iteratively too, but it looks much more complicated and is much more complicated to understand and analyze its behavior and prove that it is correct. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hand Simulation Next, we will learn how to hand-simulate a recursive functions using a "tower of call frames" in which each resident in an apartment executes the same code (acting as the function) to compute a factorial: he/she is called by the resident above and calls the resident underneath, when a recursive call is needed (calling back the resident above when their answer is computed). While it is useful to be able to hand-simulate a recursive call, to better understand recursion, hand-simulation is not a good way to understand or debug recursive functions (the 3 proof rules discussed below are a better way). I will do this hand simulation on the document camera in class, using the following form for computing factorial(5). Factorial Towers +---------------------------+ | n int return value | | +------+ +------------+ | | | | | | | | +------+ +------------+ | -------+---------------------------+-------- | n int return value | | +------+ +------------+ | | | | | | | | +------+ +------------+ | +---------------------------+ | n int return value | | +------+ +------------+ | | | | | | | | +------+ +------------+ | +---------------------------+ | n int return value | | +------+ +------------+ | | | | | | | | +------+ +------------+ | +---------------------------+ | n int return value | | +------+ +------------+ | | | | | | | | +------+ +------------+ | +---------------------------+ | n int return value | | +------+ +------------+ | | | | | | | | +------+ +------------+ | +---------------------------+ .... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The 3 Proof Rules for Recursive Functions Now, we will learn how to VERIFY that recursive functions are correct by three proof rules. Even more important than proving that existing functions are correct (to better understand them), we will use these same three proof rules to guide us when we SYNTHESIZE new recursive functions. Note that in direct recursion, we say that the function "recurs", not that it "recurses". Recurses describes what happens when you hit your thumb with a hammer the second time. I was taught that programmers who use the words "recurse" or "recurses" are not well-spoken. The three proof rules should be simple to apply in most cases. These rules mirror rules for proofs by induction in mathematics. Recursion (thinking about smaller and smaller problems) and induction (thinking about bigger and bigger problems) are two sides of the same coin. Here we look back to the Solve function: the general form of a recursive function. 1) Prove that Solve computes (without recursion) the correct answer to any minimal (base case) problem. Base cases are simple, so this should be easy. 2) Prove that the argument to any recursive call of Solve, e.g. SP1..SPN in the general code above, is strictly smaller (closer to the minimal/base case) than the Problem from which the subproblems are created. The notion of strictly smaller should be easy to understand for the recursive argument, so this should be easy. There are "standard" ways to recur: ints get smaller by 1 or smaller by 1 digit (i.e., x/10 has one fewer digit; Strings recur on a substring (fewer characters); linked lists recur on x->next, which is a(nother) pointer to a linked list that is smaller by one node (closer to the empty list, which is the typical base case for linked lists); trees recur on t->left and t->right (smaller subtrees of a root, again with the typical base case being an empty tree). 3) ASSUMING ALL RECURSIVE CALLS CORRECTLY SOLVE THEIR SMALLER SUBPROBLEMS -each callt to Solve(SPI)- prove that the code correctly combines these subproblem solutions to solve the original Problem (the parameter of the general function). This part should be easy, because we get to ASSUME something very important and powerful: all smaller subproblems are correctly solved. For example, for factorial we might state the proof as follows. 1) The smallest argument for which factorial is defined is 0. This function immediately recognizes this base case and returns 1, which is the correct value, because the rules state 0! = 1. 2) For any non-negative argument n != 0, the recursive call is on the argument n-1 which is always smaller, closer to the base case of 0, than n. 3) Assuming factorial(n-1) computes (n-1)! correctly, this function returns n*factorial(n-1), so it returns n*(n-1)!. By the definition we know N! = N*(N-1)! so the code correctly uses the solved subproblem (for n-1) to produce a solution to the original problem (for n). Notice that the focus of the proof is on ONE call of the function (not like the hand simulation method above, which looked at all the recursive calls). That is, we look at what happens in two situations: the argument/parameter is a base case (rule 1 above); the argument/parameter is not the base case and the functions recurs (rule 2-3 above). For the recursive case, we don't worry about more recursive calls, because we get to assume that any further recursive calls (on smaller problems, which might be the base case or at least closer to the base cases) compute the correct answer WITHOUT HAVING TO THINK about how that happens during any recursive calls. When proving recursive functions correct, DO NOT think about what happens when the function is called recursively later, just assume in produces the correct answer. For a second example, here is a proof that fast-power function is correct (the code is duplicated from above): int power(int a, int n) { if (n == 0) return 1; else if (n%2 == 1) //is n odd return a * power(a,n-1); //yes, use standard defintion: n-1 is now even else { int temp = power(a,n/2); //no (so n/2 is an integer with no truncation) return temp*temp; } 1) The smallest power argument for which power is defined is 0. This function immediately recognizes this base case and returns 1, which is the correct value, because the rules state a**0! = 1. 2) For any non-negative ODD argument n != 0, the recursive call on the argument n-1 is always closer to the base case than n; for any non-negative EVEN argument n != 0 (so examples are 2, 4, ...), the recursive call on the argument n/2 is always closer to the base case than n: for large n, n/2 is much closer to the base case than n-1, which is what gives this method its speed. 3) Assuming power(a,n-1) computes a**(n-1) correctly and power(a,n/2) computes a**(n/2) correctly. If n is odd, this function returns a*power(a,n-1) which is a*a**(n-1) which simplifies to a**n. So the code correctly uses the solved subproblem (for n-1) to produce a solution to the original problem (for n). Also, if n is even, this function returns power(a,n/2)**2 which is (a**(n/2))**2, where n/2 is an integer, which simplifies to a**n. So the code correctly uses the solved subproblem (for n/2) to produce a solution to the original problem (for n). For example, with the even number 10: (a**(10/2))**2 = (a**5)**2 = a**10. It takes 1 more multiplication than computing a**5 to compute a**10 (squaring a**5). Again, the focus of the proof is on one call of the function: the parts concern only the base case and the recursive case (now two cases, depending on whether n is odd or even): and for the recursive cases, we don't worry about more recursive calls, because we get to assume that any recursive calls (on smaller problems, closer to the base cases) compute the correct answer without having to think about what happens during the recursion. In this function there are two ways to get closer to the base case, depending on whether n is odd or even. The Three Proof Rules are Necessary: What happens if we write factorial incorrectly? Will the proof rules fail. Yes, for any flawed definition, one will fail. Here are three examples (one failure for each proof rule). int factorial (int n) { if (n == 0) return 0; //0! is not 0; else return n*factorial(n-1); } This factorial function violates the first proof rule. It returns 0 for the base case; since everything is multiplied by the base case, ultimately this function always multiplies by 0 and returns 0. Bar bet: you name the year and the baseball team, and I will tell you the product of all the final scores (last inning) for all the games they played that year. How do I do it and why don't I make this kind of bet on basketball teams? int factorial (int n) { if (n == 0) return 1; else return factorial(n+1)/(n+1); //n+1 not closer to 0 } This factorial function violates the second proof rule. It recurs on n+1, which is farther away from -not closer to- the base case. Although mathematically (n+1)!/(n+1) = (n+1)*n!/(n+1) = n! this function will continue calling factorial with ever-larger arguments: a runaway (or infinite) recursion. Actually, each recursive call takes up a bit of space (to store its argument -see the hand simulation, which requires binding an argument for each recursive call), so eventually memory will be exhausted and C++ will terminate with an error. int factorial (int n) { if (n == 0) return 1; else return n + factorial(n-1); //n+(n-1)! is not n! } This factorial function violates the third proof rule. Even if we assume that factorial(n-1) computes the correct answer, this function returns n added to (not multiplied by) that value, so it does not return the correct answer. In fact, it returns one more than the sum of all the integer from 1 to n (because for 0 it returns 1) not the product of these numbers. In summary, each of these functions violates a proof rule and therefore doesn't always return the correct value. The first function always returns the wrong value; the second function never returns a value; the third function returns the correct value, but only for the the base case. The Three Proof Rules are Sufficient: We can actually prove that these proof rules are correct! Here is the proof. This is not simple to understand -unless you have thought a lot about recursion- but it is short so I will write the proof here and let you think about it (and reread it a dozen times, maybe later in the quarter :). The proof form (a proof by contradiction) should be familiar to ICS 6B/6D students. Assume that we have correctly proven that these three proof rules are correct for some recursive function f. And assume that we assert that the function is NOT correct. We will show that these two assertions lead to a contradiction. First, if f is not correct, then there must be some problem that it does not correctly solve. And, if there are any problems that f does not solve correctly, there must be a SMALLEST problem that it does not correctly solve: call this smallest unsolvable problem p. Because of proof rule (1) we know that p cannot be the base case, because we have proven f recognizes and solves the base case correctly. So, f must solve p by recursion. Since f solves p by recursion, it first recursively solves a problem smaller than p: we know by proof rule (2) that it always recurs on a STRICTLY SMALLER problem size; and we know that f correctly solves this smaller problem, because p, by definition, is the SMALLEST PROBLEM THAT F SOLVES INCORRECTLY. But we also know by proof (3) that assuming f solves all problems smaller than p (which it does, because p is the SMALLEST PROBLEM F DOES NOT SOLVE CORRECTLY), then f will use these solutions of smaller problems to solve the bigger problem p correctly. So, f must solve p correctly, contradicting our assumption. Therefore, it is impossible to find a smallest problem that f incorrectly solves; so, f must solve all problems correctly. Well, that is how the proof goes. We assume that we have proven the 3 proof rules and that the function is incorrect: that leads us to a contradiction, so either we haven't proven the 3 proof rules or the function is not incorrect (yes, a double negative, so it is correct). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mathematics Recursively (we will skip this section; you might be interested in reading it) We can construct all the standard mathematical and relational operators on natural numbers (integers >= 0) given just three functions and if/recursion. We can recursively define the natural numbers as: 0 is the smallest natural number for any natural number n, s(n) (the successor of n: n+1) is a natural number Now we define three simple functions z(ero), p(redecessor), and s(uccessor). bool z(int n) // z(n) returns whether or not n is 0 {return n == 0;} int s(int n) // s(n) returns the successor to n (n+1) {return n+1;} int p(int n) { // p(n) returns the predecessor of n, if one exists if (!z(n)) // if n == 0, it has no predecessor return n-1; else throw Exception("p: cannot compute predecessor of 0"); } Note we should be able to prove/argue/understand the following equivalences: z(s(n)) is always false: the successor of any number is never 0 p(s(n)) is always n: predecessor is the inverse function of successor s(p(n)) is n, but only if n != 0 (otherwise p(n) throws an exception) successor is the inverse function of predecessor, so long as the predecessor exists (p(0) does not exist). Given these functions, we can define functions for all arithmetic (+ - * / **) and relational ( == <... and all the other relational) operators. For example int sum(int a, int b) { if( z(a) ) # a == 0 return b; # return b: 0 + b = b else # a != 0 return sum( p(a), s(b) ); # return (a-1)+(b+1) = a+b = sum(a,b) } Proof of correctness 1) The smallest first argument for which addition is defined is 0. This function immediately recognizes this base case and returns b, which is the correct answer: 0+b = b. 2) For any non-negative argument a != 0, the recursive call is on the argument p(a) which is always closer to the base case than a. 3) Assuming sum(p(a),s(b)) computes (a-1)+(b+1) correctly, this function returns that answer, so it returns (a-1)+(b+1) = a+b = sum(a,b). Another way to define this function is as follows (notice that the s function here is applied to the recursive call, not to one of its arguments as is the code above) int sum(int a, int b) { if( z(a)) # a == 0 return b; # return b: 0 + b = b else # a != 0, so can call p(a) return s (sum( p(a), b); # return (a-1)+(b) + 1 = a+b = sum(a,b) } We can also use the 3 proof rules to prove this function correctly computes the sum of any two non-negative integers. We can similarly define the mult function, multiplying by repeated addition. Assuming sum is correct... int mult(int a, int b) { if ( z(a) ) # a = 0 return 0; # return 0: 0*b = 0 else # a != 0, so can call p(a) return sum(b, mult(p(a),b)) # return b+((a-1)*b) = b+a*b-b = a*b = mult(a,b) Switching from arithmetic to relational operators.... bool equal(int a,int b) { if (z(a) || z(b)) # a = 0 or b = 0 (either == 0) return z(a) && z(b); # return true (if both == 0) false (if one != 0) else # a != 0 and b != 0, so can call p(a) and p(b) return equal(p(a),p(b)); # return a-1 == b-1 which is the same as a == b bool less_than(int a,int b) { if (z(a)) # a = 0 return !z(b); # return true (if b != 0): 0 < anything but 0 else if z(b) # a != 0 and b == 0 return false; # return false; nothing < 0 else # a != 0 and b != 0, so can call p(a) and p(b) return less_than(p(a),p(b));# return a-1 < b-1 which is the same as a < b We also might find it useful to do a hand simulation of these functions, with the two parameters a and b stored in each "apartment" and passed as arguments. The right way to illustrate all this mathematics is to write a class Natural, with these functions, and then overload/define operator+ etc. for all the operators. I just didn't have the time to do that now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Synthesizing a recursive string function We can define strings recursively: "" is the smallest string a character concatenated to the front of a string is a (bigger) string; so "a" is really 'a' concatenated on the front of the empty string "", and "ba" is 'b' concatenated on the front of the string (see above) "a",... all strings can be constructed as catenations of characters to smaller strings (except the empty string). Let's use these proof rules to write a reciple for synthesizing (and therefore proving correct as we are writing them) a few recursive functions that process strings. Here is our approach: (1) Find the base (non-decomposable) case(s) Write the code that detects the base case and returns the correct answer for it, without using recursion (2) Assume that we can decompose all non base-case problems and then solve these smaller subproblems via recursion Choose (requires some ingenuity) the decomposition; it should be "natural" (3) Write code that combines these solved subproblems (often there is just one) to solve the problem specified by the parameter We can use these rules to synthesize a function that reverses a string. We start with std::string reverse(std::string s) (1) Please take time to think about the base case: the smallest string. Most students will think that a single-character string is the smallest, when in fact a zero-character string (the empty string) is smallest. It has been my experience that more students screw-up on the base case than the recursive case. Once we know the smallest string is the empty string, we need to detect it and return the correct result without recursion: the reverse of an empty string is an empty string. If we chose a 1-character string as the base case, then the function would not work correctly for an empty string. std::string reverse(std::string s) { if (s == "") return ""; else{ Recur to solve a smaller problem Use the solution of the smaller problem to solve the original problem } } We can guess the form of the recursion as reverse(s.substr(1)) note that s.substr(1) computes a string with all characters but the one at index 0: all the characters after the first. We are guaranteed to be calling substr on only non-empty strings (those whose answer is not computed by the base case), so s.substr(1) will always be a smaller string. We get to assume that the recursive call correctly returns the reverse of the string that contains all characters but the first. std::string reverse(std::string s) { if (s == "") return ""; else Use the solution of reverse(s.substr(1)) to solve the original problem } Now, think concretely, using an example. if we called reverse("abcd") we get to assume that the recursive call works: so reverse(s.substr(1)) is computing reverse("bcd") which we get to assume returns the correct answer: "dcb"). How do we use the solution of this subproblem to solve the original problem, which must return "dcba"? We need to concatenate 'a' (the first character, the one at s[0]) to the end of the reversal of all the other characters: "dcb" + 'a', which evaluates to "dbca", the reversal of all the characters in the parameter's string. Generally we write this function as std::string reverse(std::string s) { if (s == "") return ""; else return reverse(s.substr(1)) + s[0]; } We have now written this function by ensuring the three proof rules are satisfied, so we dont' have to prove them; but, we will note that (1) the reverse of the smallest string (empty) is computed/returned correctly (2) the recursive call is on a string argument smaller than s (all the characters from index 1 to the end, skipping the character at index 0, and therefore a string with one fewer characters) (3) ASSUMING THE RECURSIVE CALL WORKS CORRECTLY FOR THE SMALLER STRING, then by concatenating the first character on the end of the solution to the smaller problem, we have correctly reversed the entire string (solving the problem for the parameter). In fact, we can use a conditional expression to rewrite this simple code as a single line as well. std::string reverse(std::string s) {return (s == "" ? "" : reverse(s.substr(1)) + s[0]);} It is not always possible to directly/simply guess the form of recursion, but the standard ways should be tried first. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Recursion on Linked Lists (Queries/Accessors) Linked lists have a natural, recursive definition: 1) An empty list (the smallest linked list) is nullptr 2) Any non-empty list is a pointer to an object (from class LN) whose "next" instance variable points to some smaller linked list (one fewer LN objects) either empty or not Using this defintion as a guide, we can often write linked-list processing code recursively. This definition suggests an idiom for writing recursive functions, treating an empty list as the base case. We start our discussion with a function that recursively computes the length of any linked list (the number of LN objects it contains), using the standard recursive form and the empty base case: template int length (LN* l) { if (l == nullptr) return 0; else return 1 + length(l->next); } This function has an iterative version that is just as simple, although it does involve straightforward state changes to the local variables count and p. But the check == nullptr, adding one to a value, moving the cursor to the next LN appear in some form in each function. template int length (LN* l) { int count = 0; for (LN* p = l; p != nullptr; p = p->next) ++count; return count; } A previous note shows some simple variants of functions that iteratively process all the values in a list: to sum up all the values and to display all the values of a list on std::cout (separated by spaces). Here are their recursive versions. template int sum(LN* l) { if (l == nullptr) return 0; else return l->value + sum(l->next); } template void display(LN* l) if (l == nullptr) std::cout << "nullptr"; else{ std::cout << l->value << "->"; display(l->next); } } What is interesting about this function is that a small change to the code (reversing the order of std::cout << and the recursive call in the recursive case) leads to a big change in what the function does: it displays all the values from the linked list, but in the REVERSE order. This is a task that we cannot do easily iteratively. The best we can do iteratively is to reverse the list, then display it, then reverse it again (to get back to the original list). Another option is to push all the values in a stack and then empty the stack, printing the values last to first. Contrast this with a hand-simulation of this code, which implicitly uses the call-frame stack to get the job done in a similar way, but with no explicit stack or stack operations. Here is the recursive code for printing all the values in a list in reverse order, with all the values separated by spaces. It is followed by a proof that it display all list values in the reverse order. template void display(LN* l) if (l == nullptr) ; //Do nothing, explicitly else{ display(l->next); //These lines std::cout << l->value << " "; //are reversed } } 1) The smallest argument for which display is defined is an empty list. This function immediately recognizes this base case and returns, which correctly prints all the values in an empty list (there are none) in the reverse order. 2) For any non-nullptr argument l, the recursive call is on the argument l->next which is always closer to the base case than l: itis a list with one fewer LN objects.. 3) Assuming display(l->next) correctly prints the values in a linked list in the reverse order, display(l) prints those values followed by the first value on the list (i.e., the first value is printed last), which means it prints all values in the linked list l in reverse order. The following code searches for a value in a linked list and returns a pointer to the first LN storing its values, if there is one (or returns nullptr otherwise). template LN* find (LN* l, T to_find) { if (l == nullptr) return nullptr; else if (l->value == to_find) return l; else return find(l->next, to_find); } We can simplify this code a bit as follows combining the nullptr and found cases (using short circuit evaluation to ensure l->value is legal): template LN* find (LN* l, T to_find) { if (l == nullptr || l->value == to_find) return l; // may return nullptr, or a pointer to an LN storing to_find else return find(l->next, to_find); } Here is a simple and elegant recursive function that makes a copy of a linked list. template LN* copy (LN* l) { if (l == nullptr) return nullptr; else return new LN(l->value, copy(l->next)); } 1) The smallest argument for which copy is defined is an empty list. This function immediately recognizes this base case and returns nullptr, which correctly returns a copy of all the values in an empty list. 2) For any non-nullptr argument l, the recursive call is on the argument l->next which is always closer to the base case than l: it is a list with one fewer LN objects.. 3) Assuming copy(l->next) correctly returns a pointer to a copy of all the LN objects in l after the first, new LN(l->value, copy(l->next)); uses this result to return a pointer to a copy of the first LN object on the linked list l, whose next instance variable points to a copy of all LN objects after the first: so this function returns a copy of all LN objects in l. Contrast this with the iterative function that we used previously for copying. The best/fastest iterative code for this function is not so simple (or easy to understand), although getting used to reading recursive functions does take a bit of time. Note that the complexity of both functions is O(N): N iterations vs. N recursive calls. There are more variables and complex state changes in the iterative code. More on complexity classes and analysis of algorithms next week. Next we will look at a function that recurs on two linked lists: it determines whether the two linked lists are "equal" (have the same number of nodes, each storing the same values, in the same order). Note that this version DOESN'T compute the length of either list first: it recurs down both lists so long as each contains another value to check for equality. There are four cases (3 of which are base cases, allowing an immediate answer to be returned without recurring): Linked list l2 nullptr non-nullptr +----------+------------+ nullptr | equal | not equal | Linked list l1 +----------+------------+ non-nullptr | not equal| check/recur| +----------+------------+ So, if either linked list is nullptr (or both are nullptr), we can compute the answer immediately: the lists are equal only if both are nullptr; if one is nullptr and one isn't nullptr, then the lists cannot be equal (they have a different number of nodes). This handles 3 of the 4 possibilties in the code. Otherwise (if both linked lists have at least one node) we can check the first values in these nodes for equality (since both lists are NOT nullptr, both have first values), and if they are equal, we must also check for equality for the rest of the nodes in the linked lists; if they are not equal, the linked lists are not equal and we don't need to do any further computation. There are many ways to code these 3 checks: the nullptr-ness of at least one list. For example, we can very explicitly write if (l1 == nullptr && l2 == nullptr) return true; if (l1 == nullptr && l2 != nullptr) return false; if (l1 != nullptr && l2 == nullptr) return false; which tests each of these three cases separately. It is equivalent (try all 3 cases) to the shorter (but less obvious) //Returns a value if either l1 or l2 is nullptr if (l1 == nullptr) return l2 == nullptr; if (l2 == nullptr) return false; //if got here because l1 != nullptr, but l2 == nullptr Here is how I wrote this function (with one if for the 3 base cases) template bool equals (LN* l1, LN* l2) { if (l1 == nullptr || l2 == nullptr) //if either is nullptr, return true return l1 == nullptr && l2 == nullptr; // if and only if both are else return l1->value == l2->value && equals(l1->next,l2->next); } Notice because of the short-circuit property of of &&, if at any time in the recursion l1.value == l2.value returns false, there will be no more recursion, because &&, when its first argument is false, doesn't evaluate its second argument -doesn't perform the recursive call (because whether it is true or false, the result of false && anything is false). Writing this test as return equals(l1->next,l2->next) && l1->value == l2->value; has the same LOGICAL meaning, but can be much less efficient for large unequal lists; if the lists are equal, C++ recurs to the end of each with either form of the "return". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Recursion on Linked Lists (Commands/Mutators) Now we will show and briefly discuss recursive add_rear/remove, first without reference parameters, then with reference parameters (which simplify the code, as it did with iterative implementations of these functions). The first of these functions are called like x = add_rear(x,some_value); or x = remove(x,some_value); each returns a reference to a linked list that can have been altered. template LN* add_rear(LN* l, T value) { if (l == nullptr) return new LN(value); else { l->next = add_rear(l->next,value); return l; } } template LN* remove (LN* l, T to_remove) { if (l == nullptr) return nullptr; //not present else if(l->value == to_remove) { LN* rest_of_list = l->next; delete l; return rest_of_list; }else{ l->next = remove(l->next,to_remove); return l; } } Note the code l->next = remove(l->next,to_remove); return l; keeps the first node in the returned linked list (by returning l, the pointer to it) but first ensures that the nodes in the linked list after it (by storing into do not store the first occurrence of to_remove (i.e., that node, if present, is removed). I admit this is a bit subtle, but it appears in the SAME form in add_rear. Finally, we can simplify these functions using reference parameters with recursive calls. These functions are called like add_rear(x,some_value); or remove(x,some_value) - as void functions that don't return values. template void add_rear(LN*& l, T value) { if (l == nullptr) l = new LN(value); else add_rear(l->next,value); } Here each recursive call to add_rear has its parameter l referenced to the pointer to the first node in the list or to some next instance variable; eventually (the last call for a non-empty list) it is referenced to the next in the last LN in linked list (storing nullptr), which this code udpates to store a pointer to a new LN. template void remove (LN*& l, T to_remove) { if (l == nullptr) return; //not present else if(l->value != to_remove) //not here remove(l->next,to_remove); else{ LN* to_delete = l; //remove one l = l->next; delete to_delete; //must come after l = l->next } } The picture appearing with this lecture shows a hand simulation of how the code above removes the first occurrence of to_remove from a linked list. Notice how the parameters in each recursive call of the function are aliased to an LN*: either the variable that refers to the first node, or a "next" instance variable in one of the nodes.