ICS 22H: Honors Introduction to Computer Science (II)

Winter Quarter, 2006

Instructor: Stanislaw Jarecki,  358B Computer Science, office phone 824-8878, email:  stasio@ics.uci.edu; Office Hours: TR 3-4PM, but please email me or call me first!

TA: Xiaomin Liu , CalIT building, room 2410 (?), office phone TBA, email: xiaominl@ics.uci.edu; Office Hours: room 127, ICS Trailers (Building 313 on the campus map)), 1:30-2:30 MW. However, only if you email her beforehand.

Class meeting time and place: 

  1. Lectures:  Tu-Th, 11-12:20, CS 243 
  2. Discussion Section(s):  W-F,  10-10:50 in CS 243
  3. Supervised Lab Time:  W-F, 11-11:50 in CS 189 (lab)

Class web site:  http://www.ics.uci.edu/~stasio/winter06/ics22H.html

Prerequisites:    pretty good grade in ICS.21H, very good grade in ICS.21, advanced placement, or permission of the instructor

Textbook: Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, 4th edition., by Michael Goodrich and Roberto Tamassia.

Email list for sending questions to the Instructor and the TA (e.g. on homework assignments, lab assignments, other class material): h22-questions@ics.uci.edu.

Class Organization

(1) Lectures:   There will be two lectures a week.  You are responsible for anything said in class, including class announcements. If you have to miss lecture for any reason, please ask one of your classmates to fill you in on what you missed.

(2) Discussions:  The TA will hold two discussion sections a week.  The discussion sections are optional and should be interactive.

(3) Lab:   There are also 2 hours of supervised lab time following the discussion sections. During this time, you have priority over other students in the lab. Note, however, you only have priority over other students if you are working on class work (i.e. not playing games). Our TA will be available in the lab during these times to answer questions. This is an ideal opportunity to get some help with your lab homework in front of a computer.

There are several department labs which you can use for working on your lab assignments. Information about the locations and hours of the labs can be found at http://www.ics.uci.edu/~lab. If you are experiencing difficulties in the lab with the equipment, let the lab attendant know. If they can not solve the problem, they will contact support.

Lab Assignments

Each new lab assignment will be made available by Wednesday morning through the class home page. An electronic copy of the lab will be due the following Wednesday at midnight.   Separate handout talks about starting up and submitting the lab assignments.

No late lab assignments will be accepted. For this reason, I recommend that you get started on your assignment early in case of unexpected delays. In particular, you should read through the lab assignment on the day that it is given and make sure that you understand the instructions.

Xiaomin will grade the lab assignments. If you have questions about your score, please see her during her office hours.


You might have heard about weekly quizzes in this class, but this quarter we'll run it differently and there'll be no quizzes but a midterm and a greater emphasis on homeworks.

Homework Assignments

There is a weekly written homework assignment that will be due Friday, at the beginning of the discussion section.

Grading Policy

Academic Dishonesty

I encourage you to discuss your lab and homework assignments informally with your classmates. However, it is critical that when you write up your homework or sit at the computer to write your programs that you do so without assistance. This is the only way to ensure that it is your own work. Group work, sharing code, or copying the homework assignments, is a violation of the honesty policy of the School of Information and Computer Science and UC Irvine.  You are expected to be familiar with these policies. They can be found at http://www.ics.uci.edu/~ucounsel/continuing_students/policies.html.

Any violation of these policies result in a letter describing the incident which is placed in your file on campus. Since abiding by the the honesty policies is an academic requirement of this course, failure to do so will typically result in an F in the course. Very severe incidents of academic dishonesty can result in suspension or expulsion from the university (and this is the case in all other classes you take at UCI).