STATISTICS 225 - Bayesian Statistical Analysis

Last offering was Fall 2018

Next scheduled offering in 2019-2020

instructor: Hal Stern office: 2216 Bren Hall phone: 949-824-1568 email:

Lecture notes: These files are sets of slides that serve as "approximate" lecture notes. Slides #1 - Introduction, univariate models, multivariate models, large sample results Slides #2 - Hierarchical models, Bayesian computing Slides #3 - Computation Slides #4 - Model checking, model comparison, model selection, classical vs Bayes Slides #5 - Robust models, regression models (regular and hierarchical), data collection Sample code One parameter example in R Logistic regression (2-parameter example) in R (grid sampling, Stan) Stan code for the logistic regression example Normal-normal hierarchical model (8 schools) in R (grid sampling, Stan) Stan code for the normal-normal hierarchical model Beta-binomial hierarchical model (70 rat studies) in R (grid sampling, Stan) Stan code for beta-binomial w/ default prior Stan code for beta-binomial w/ informative prior R code to compute Gelman & Rubin convergence diagnostics Gibbs sampling for normal-normal model in R Finding marginal posterior mode for normal-normal model in R (used to identify starting points for Metropolis algorithm) Metropolis algorithm for normal-normal model in R
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