ICS 184 / EECS 116 Summer 2006
Installing and Using MySQL


This quarter, we'll be using an open-source database management system called MySQL for some of our work. MySQL has a long history and has been through many versions; for our work, you'll need the latest major version — MySQL 5.0 — which supports some fairly important database features, such as views and stored procedures, that previous versions of MySQL did not.

This document explains how to install and use MySQL on your own computer, as well as how to use it via your ICS Unix account in the ICS labs (or from home), if you prefer to take that approach. (If so, read the next section titled "What is MySQL?", then skip to the section of this document titled "Using MySQL in the ICS labs.")

What is MySQL?

MySQL is an open-source database management system, which is available on a variety of platforms, including Windows, Mac OS X, and various distributions of Linux and Unix. It is centered around MySQL Server, which is the component that manages data and executes SQL statements that are issued to it. MySQL Server provides services to other programs, such as stand-alone applications with graphical user interfaces, web servers, and application servers.

In order to use MySQL Server, it's necessary to have a separate program that connects to it. For our use, since we want to issue SQL statements directly to the server, a good choice is the MySQL Monitor, also known as mysql, which is described in the document below. For those of you who prefer a graphical client instead, you can try the MySQL Query Browser.

Downloading MySQL

The latest version of MySQL can be downloaded from http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.0.html; it is available free of charge for non-commercial use, including use in our course. You'll no doubt notice that there is a huge number of builds to choose from, supporting Windows, Mac OS X, various distributions of Linux and Unix, as well as other platforms. The latest version, as of this writing, is 5.0.22; new versions arrive fairly frequently, so there could be a newer version available by the time you read this. If so, download the latest one, though if you've already got a 5.0 installation, you won't need the latest minor release for this course. (There is a MySQL 5.1 available, as well, but it's still in an early testing phase, and isn't necessarily stable enough for our use. Since we won't be depending on any of its new features, it would be best for you to stick with 5.0.)

If you want to download MySQL for Windows, there are three choices listed on the download page that I linked above. I suggest downloading the choice marked "Windows (x86)", which is the complete version of MySQL 5.0, along with an installation program that will make it easy to install. This is a fairly large download, weighing in at over 30MB, but be patient and wait for it to finish; after it's complete, proceed to the next section of this document, which assumes that you've downloaded the "Windows (x86)" version of MySQL 5.0 and intend to install it on Windows.

(For those of you running other operating systems, you're on your own to choose and install the version of the software that will work on your computer.)

Installing MySQL (on Windows)

The "Windows (x86)" version of MySQL 5.0 is provided in a Zip archive, which contains one file called "Setup.exe". Unzip the archive and run "Setup.exe".

When the setup program begins, it will ask you whether you want a "Typical", "Complete", or "Custom" installation. I suggest choosing a "Typical" installation, since that suffices for our course, and will save you from having to answer questions that you may not be prepared to answer.

Next, you'll be asked to sign up for a MySQL.com account. This is up to you, and it's not a requirement.

After that, you'll be told that the setup wizard is finished, and you'll be offered the chance to "Configure the MySQL Server now". Make sure this checkbox is checked (it should be by default) and click "Finish".

You'll now be taken into a new wizard that will configure your installation of MySQL. What follows is a list of choices that I suggest you make as you work your way through each page of the wizard:

  1. Select "Standard Configuration" and click "Next".
  2. Make sure the checkboxes "Install As Windows Service", "Launch the MySQL Server automatically", and "Include Bin Directory in Windows PATH" are all checked, and use "MySQL" as the service name. Click "Next".
  3. Make sure the "Modify Security Settings" checkbox is checked and that the others are not. Choose a password and enter it into the "New root password" and "Confirm" boxes. Don't forget this password! Click "Next".
  4. Click "Execute" to start the configuration process. When it's done, click "Finish".

Congratulations! MySQL 5.0 is now installed on your computer and ready to use for your assignments (or whatever else). The "server" will be running in the background whenever your computer is running, so you can connect to it anytime using the mysql command-line program (or the graphical MySQL Query Browser tool, if you prefer).

It's possible from time to time that you may need to know what port MySQL Server is running on. By default, it runs on port 3306.

Configuring and running MySQL via your ICS Unix account

If you'd prefer to forego the process of installing MySQL 5.0 on your own computer, we're providing an alternative way for you to get your work done in this course. MySQL 5.0 has been installed on the ICS Unix machines, and is therefore accessible via your ICS Unix account.

Loading the MySQL module and necessary libraries it depends on

Each time you log in to your ICS Unix account and want to use MySQL, begin your session by issuing this command:

    module load mysql/5.0.17 gcc

which will allow you to run any of the MySQL-related programs that have been installed on the Unix workstations.

Initially configuring MySQL Server

After logging into your ICS Unix account and loading the MySQL module, issue the following sequence of commands to configure the server so that it can run in the environment of your ICS Unix account.

    mkdir -p mysql/var
    mysql_install_db --datadir=/home/<your_username>/mysql/var

where <your_username> is replaced by your ICS Unix username. Once you've issued this sequence of commands, you'll be ready to go any time you want to run MySQL from now on; it's not necessary to configure the server again.

Starting MySQL Server

Once it has been configured, you're almost ready to run MySQL Server, but there's one more problem to deal with; because the ICS Unix machines are shared, it's possible that more than one user attempting to running MySQL Server on the same machine will cause them to conflict with each other. In particular, because the MySQL Server listens for connections on a particular port, and because two programs on the same machine can't listen on the same port, it may be difficult to get the MySQL Server to run under these circumstances.

The solution to the problem is to choose a port at random, say, between 40000 and 49999 each time you run the server. Pick some number in this range; it doesn't really matter what you choose, but picking something at random each time leaves it very improbable that your choice will conflict with someone else's. It's important that you remember what you chose, though, because you'll need it again in order to connect to the server and also when you shut it down. Choose something different each time, and write down your choice each time.

Once you've chosen a port, you can start MySQL Server using the following command:

    mysqld_safe --datadir=/home/<your_username>/mysql/var --socket=/home/<your_username>/mysql.socket --port=##### >/dev/null &

replacing ##### with your choice of port and <your_username> with your ICS username (the one you used to log into your ICS Unix account).

Don't forget the "&" character at the end of this command! This tells Unix to run the server in the background, so that you'll be taken back to the prompt and can issue subsequent commands.

Once the server has been started, you can then connect to it using the mysql command-line tool. Remember that it's necessary to start the server before you can connect to it and issue SQL commands.

Setting a root password

When you first set up MySQL to run in your account, there will be a root user, who has full privileges to do anything, but it will not have a password. You should fix this problem, which you can do by running this command from the command prompt after starting the server:

    mysqladmin --user=root --socket=/home/<your_username>/mysql.socket --port=##### password "your_new_password"

Remember this password! You'll need it subsequently whenever you connect to MySQL Server.

Running the mysql command-line tool

To execute the mysql command-line tool, which will allow you to execute SQL commands, run the following command:

    mysql --user=root --password --socket=/home/<your_username>/mysql.socket --port=#####

The use of this tool, which behaves equivalently on every platform, is described in the next section of this document.

Shutting down the server before logging out

Before you log out of your ICS Unix account, be sure to shut down the MySQL Server. You can shut it down with the following command:

    mysqladmin --user=root --password --socket=/home/<your_username>/mysql.socket --port=##### shutdown

You'll be asked for the "root" password before the server can be shut down.

Using the mysql command-line tool

If you're running Windows and you followed the installation instructions above, MySQL Server will be running in the background at all times, whenever your computer is on. If you've set up MySQL to run within your ICS Unix account, the server will be ready whenever you start it. (If you're running MySQL on your own computer running something other than Windows, be sure you've set up MySQL so that MySQL Server is running in the background, and you should be able to proceed with this set of instructions, as well.)

Start up a "command prompt." You can then connect to MySQL Server using the following command:

    mysql --user=root --password

The command-line parameters tell mysql to connect to the server using the username "root" (which was created for you during the installation process and has full rights to do anything) and to allow you to type the root password (the password for the "root" username) when the program starts. Without the --password option, you simply won't be able to connect to the server, so be sure to include this option.

When asked, type the root password you specified during installation, and you should see something like this:

    Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
    Your MySQL connection id is 5 to server version: 5.0.18-nt

    Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.


The prompt mysql> is where you type SQL commands. To verify that things are working correctly, go through the following steps to create a simple database and query it. In the text below, boldfaced text indicates something that you should type, while normal-weight text indicates something that the mysql program will print in response.

    mysql> CREATE DATABASE test184;
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

    mysql> USE test184;
    Database changed
    mysql> CREATE TABLE customer(
        ->     customer_id INTEGER,
        ->     customer_name CHAR(30),
        ->     customer_city CHAR(20),
        ->     PRIMARY KEY(customer_id));
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.16 sec)
    mysql> INSERT INTO customer VALUES (1, 'Ann', 'Irvine');
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.08 sec)
    mysql> INSERT INTO customer VALUES (2, 'Joe', 'Mission Viejo');
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.09 sec)
    mysql> SELECT * FROM customer
        -> WHERE customer_city = 'Irvine';
    | customer_id | customer_name | customer_city |
    |           1 | Ann           | Irvine        |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> DROP DATABASE test184;
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.09 sec)

    mysql> \q

There are a few things I want you to notice in the example above: