ICS 32A Fall 2023
Notes and Examples: Classes


You've seen previously how to use namedtuples, which is one way in Python to collect heterogeneous data into a single object. Each piece of data is called a field and the fields are identified by their names. You can access the value of each field, but you can't change its value; instead, if you want to change the value of a field, you build a new namedtuple with one or more fields' values replaced with something different. Beyond that, namedtuples don't really know how to do much of anything; they're useful, but limited to the problem of bringing a few pieces of data together into the same object.

Namedtuples are handy, but when you think about the types of objects that are built into the Python language and its standard library, like strings, you realize that they don't just store things, like namedtuples do; they can also do things. For example, consider this interaction with the Python shell.

>>> s = 'Boo is happy today'
>>> s.upper()
>>> s.split(' ')
    ['Boo', 'is', 'happy', 'today']

After creating a string and storing it in the variable s, we then ask that string to do a couple of things for us:

The syntax s.upper() is called a method call on the object s; in this case, upper() is called a method. Since the type of s is str, and since upper() is a method belonging to the str type (or, more properly, the str class), we can call the method upper() on s, in which case we're asking s for an uppercase version of itself. However, we can't ask an integer, a float, a list, or a socket to do the same thing; there is no upper() method in these classes, because it wouldn't make any sense for there to be one. Different classes support different methods that are specific to what each type of object can reasonably do.

Seeing that strings can do things, in addition to just storing things, the natural next step might be for us to wonder why we can't create objects that are endowed similarly; why can't our objects be smarter and know how to do things for themselves? The answer is that they can. We just have to know how to define them in Python.


In Python, a class is a blueprint for a new kind of object. That blueprint specifies what objects of the class can do, by defining a set of methods, each representing one operation these objects are capable of performing. For example, the str class, which is built into Python, contains a number of methods we've seen, like upper(), split(), and startswith().

We define a new class by using the class statement in Python. The simplest kind of class is one that doesn't know how to do much of anything (aside from a few built-in things that all objects can do), which we could write this way.

class Thing:

As in if statements and loops, pass is used to specify that a class is empty. An empty class isn't a very interesting one, and we'll want to write ones that do more. First, though, we need to know a little bit about the mechanics of method calls in Python, which aren't quite as they seem, and our Thing class will help us to learn those mechanics.

Method calls

When you call a method on an object in Python, there's more going on than meets the eye. For example, consider this method call that we made previously:

>>> s.split(' ')
    ['Boo', 'is', 'happy', 'today']

If I were to ask you "How many parameters are being passed to this method?", you might well be tempted to answer "One." However, methods aren't quite like functions; they get called on an object (i.e., they're something that you're asking some particular object to do for you). In this case, that object is s. In Python, there is an alternative syntax for calling methods, which we don't use often when we write programs because it's not especially clear, but which demonstrates why the answer to the question above isn't really "One."

>>> str.split(s, ' ')
    ['Boo', 'is', 'happy', 'today']

This alternative syntax is written by first specifying the name of the class containing the method (in this case, the str class, which is the class from which string objects are built), followed by a dot, followed by the method's name, and followed by its parameters. Notice that the first parameter listed is s, the object on which we wanted to call the method.

Whenever we write method calls in the clearer and more familiar form s.split(' '), Python essentially translates these calls behind the scenes to the longer form str.split(s, ' '). While that sounds like a ticky-tack detail that isn't worth knowing — because writing the long-form method calls is generally not a good idea, since it's more verbose and less clear — it's a critical detail if you want to understand how to write classes that contain their own methods, as we'll see. Methods need what seems like an "extra" parameter, usually called self, which represents the object that the method is called on.

Constructing an object

If a class is a blueprint for a kind of object, it stands to reason that there must be some way to create an object from that blueprint. In Python, that is called constructing an object, and we do it by calling a class' constructor, which we do by calling a function whose name is the name of the class:

>>> x = Thing()

After this statement executes, x will refer to a Thing, an object constructed from our Thing class.

As we'll see, it's also possible to require a constructor to take parameters, and we can write code that is executed when an object is initialized and uses those parameters during the initialization.

Objects and their attributes

All objects in Python have a class, which specifies what kind of object they are. Additionally, all objects in Python have a collection of attributes, which are the information that they're storing at any given time. Assigning a value to an attribute is as simple as any other assignment statement, except that we use the "dot" operator to qualify which object we'd like to store the attribute into. For example, given the Thing object we created earlier, we can store values in its attributes in the Python shell directly, and then read them back later.

>>> x.a1 = 3
>>> x.a2 = 4
>>> x.a3 = 5
>>> x.a1 + x.a2 + x.a3

Meanwhile, it's an error to use an attribute that hasn't already been stored in an object.

>>> x.a4
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<pyshell#17>", line 1, in <module>
    AttributeError: 'X' object has no attribute 'a4'

We can also remove existing attributes using the del operator, similar to how we can remove elements (or slices) from a list, keys from a dictionary, and so on. Once removed, it's like they were never there; subsequent attempts to access those attributes results in an error, while other attributes are unaffected.

>>> del x.a2
>>> x.a1
>>> x.a2
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<pyshell#20>", line 1, in <module>
    AttributeError: 'X' object has no attribute 'a2'

Maintaining the similarity of objects that have the same type

If we assign to an object's attributes willy-nilly, while feeling free to delete those attributes whenever we want, we'll quickly reach the point where multiple objects of the same type will look wildly different from one another. What we actually want is for all of the objects of a type to have (more or less) the same characteristics; a type is a strong indicator of how we expect to be able to use an object, so if we can't infer those things from an object's type, we'll have a difficult time writing programs that work correctly.

For that reason, we assign values into the attributes of an object only within that object's class, initializing them when the object is constructed, and changing them only within methods whenever they need to be changed. This is so we localize the intimate knowledge of the inner workings of a class inside that class, rather than spreading it throughout our program, which has a number of benefits, including making it easier to find and fix bugs, and making it easier to make changes without causing a cascade of negative effects in other places. (Note, also, that some classes are written in a way that makes this kind of open-ended assignment to its objects' attributes impossible. For example, if you tried to do this with a string, an AttributeError would be raised. But our classes will always have this ability.)

Nonetheless, the syntax here is important: You assign to an object's attribute by saying object_name.attribute_name = value. That's true wherever you do it, even within the class itself.

Writing a "counter" class

Next, we'll write a class that implements a "counter," whose role is to count how many times it's been asked for its count in its lifetime. Initially, the count is zero. Each time it's asked for its count, that count is incremented, so it grows over time. It also allows you to reset its count, if you'd like. You could imagine using a class like this, for example, to implement a "hit counter" on a web page that keeps track of how many times the web page had been visited.

Before we spend too much time writing our class, we'll envision how we'd like it to work. (This is an important thing to remember: We can't build ourselves a tool unless we know what kind of tool we want.) Let's say that this is what we decide we want:

>>> c1 = Counter()
>>> c1.count()
>>> c1.count()
>>> c1.count()
>>> c1.peek()
>>> c2 = Counter()
>>> c2.count()
>>> c2.peek()
>>> c1.peek()
>>> c1.count()
>>> c1.reset()
>>> c1.count()
>>> c2.count()

So, we want to be able to construct a Counter object and pass no parameters to it; its count would be initialized to zero. And we want a count() method that increments and returns the count belonging to that Counter, a peek() method that returns the count without changing it, and a reset() method that resets the count to zero. Note in the example above how separate Counter objects have separate counts; attributes belong to objects, as opposed to classes. (Remember: A class is a blueprint for a kind of object, but many objects can be created from that blueprint, with each of those objects being separate from the others, even though they're all capable of behaving the same way.)

Below is the complete Counter class. It consists of four methods:

class Counter:
    def __init__(self):
        self._count = 0

    def count(self) -> int:
        self._count += 1
        return self._count

    def peek(self) -> int:
        return self._count

    def reset(self) -> None:
        self._count = 0

You'll notice a few things here:

The code

Below are the Counter and Person classes that we wrote in lecture.