ICS 33 Spring 2024
Notes and Examples: Classes and Objects

A brief review of classes in Python

In your previous studies of Python, we expect that you will already have learned about something called a class, which is a way to define a new type of object, specifying both the information that objects of the new type will store, as well as the details of how you'll be able to interact with them. While Python has many types built into both the language and its standard library, there is naturally a limit to what can be provided out of the box — the less common the problem you're solving is, the smaller the chance you'll find a type already within Python that solves it — so we'll need a way to specify our own when the need arises. Writing classes is how we do that in Python.

This is not a topic we expect to be entirely new territory, but there's plenty of fertile ground for exploration, because we're going to need to understand classes in a lot more depth than you've probably seen previously. Much of what we'll be discussing over the next few weeks will revolve around enriching our understanding of classes, as they form one of the pillars of Python's design. Before moving any further with this set of notes, though, you'll want to first be sure that you're up to speed on the notes from my ICS 32 (or 32A) course, which describe the basics of how to write a class and its methods, what the attributes of an object are, how to specify the initialization of a class' objects using the __init__ method, and how to call an object's methods. Your best bet is to read those notes first, then proceed from there, as I'll be assuming full familiarity with the specific way that I've presented this topic in past coursework — which should track pretty well with your understanding, even if you didn't happen to take these courses with me — then building on top of that familiarity.

What's inside of objects and their classes?

As we do with many programming language features when we first learn about them, we can use classes and their objects fairly effectively with only a limited understanding of how they actually work. Skipping many of the details allows us to learn new topics by applying them to problems without feeling overwhelmed by complexity, but there comes a time when we need to go back and fill in the details we've skipped. When it comes to classes, now is the time, because those details will form the backbone of Python features we've yet to learn.

Like we did when we explored modules, namespaces, and importation in depth, we can start by using the Python shell to experiment with the inner workings of classes and their objects. Let's begin by building a tiny class.

>>> class Thing:
...     pass

When we were learning about modules previously, a collision in terminology arose, though you might not have noticed it at the time.

There's one more interesting tidbit: When you try to call a non-existent method on an object of some class, the exception that's raised is known as an AttributeError, which suggests that maybe there's more going on there than you were first taught: Methods are attributes, too.

>>> s = 'Boo'
>>> s.cant_do_this()
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'cant_do_this'

If Python's modules have their attributes stored in a dictionary that we can access via an attribute named __dict__, perhaps it's reasonable to imagine that objects do, too.

>>> t = Thing()
>>> type(t.__dict__)
    <class 'dict'>
>>> t.__dict__

When we created a Thing object and asked it for its __dict__, we got back an empty one. And, if you think about it, that seems pretty reasonable. Since our class is empty, it has no methods, which means that it has no __init__ method, so nothing ever stored a value in any of our object's attributes. Consequently, its dictionary is empty. So, we strongly suspect that an object's dictionary is where its attributes are stored. To confirm those suspicions, let's see what happens to the dictionary when we store values in a couple of attributes within the object.

>>> t.name = 'Boo'
>>> t.age = 13
>>> t.__dict__
    {'name': 'Boo', 'age': 13}      # Suspicion confirmed.

On the flip side of the same coin, let's see what happens when we modify the dictionary directly.

>>> t.__dict__['age'] = 16
>>> t.age
    16                              # Updating an attribute's value updates the object.
>>> t.__dict__['color'] = 'tan'
>>> t.color
    'tan'                           # Assigning to a new attribute's adds an attribute to the object.

If methods are attributes, then we would expect to see them appear in an object's dictionary, as well. To test that theory, let's write a class with a single method.

>>> class Squarer:
...     def square(self, n):
...         return n * n
>>> s = Squarer()
>>> s.square(3)
    9               # We can call square on a Squarer.
>>> s.__dict__
    {}              # But where's the square method?

Recall what you saw in the ICS 32A notes that I linked previously, though. There are two ways to call methods in Python:

>>> s.square(3)

>>> Squarer.square(s, 3)

While we tend to prefer the first of these syntaxes when we have no reason to choose one over the other — since it's the notation that's most straightforward for a human reader, conveying nicely the idea that an object is being asked to do a job — the truth is that both of these call the same function in the same way. And if we can call Squarer.square by passing s as an argument, then it seems reasonable to imagine that perhaps the square method isn't associated with each object at all. Perhaps it's associated, instead, with the class. (This is actually an idea with a lot of merit, because if you had millions of objects of the same type, all of which contained the same ten methods, why store an extra ten references in each object's dictionary, when we could instead store them once in the class and be done with it?)

So, if our theory is that a class has its own dictionary, and that its dictionary stores its methods, let's test that theory.

>>> type(Squarer.__dict__)
    <class 'mappingproxy'>
>>> Squarer.__dict__
    mappingproxy({'__module__': '__main__',
    'square': <function Squarer.square at 0x000002F275F4B640>,
    '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Squarer' objects>,
    '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Squarer' objects>,
    '__doc__': None})

The results here are a little more mixed: We see that Squarer has a __dict__ attribute, that it contains square, and that square is a function, all of which are in line with our expectations. But we also see some other things that are a little less obvious.

Let's take these issues in turn. If a mappingproxy looks like a dictionary, can we treat it like one?

>>> Squarer.__dict__['square']
    <function Squarer.square at 0x000002F275F4B640>
>>> Squarer.__dict__['square'](s, 3)
>>> Squarer.__dict__['square'] = 13
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: 'mappingproxy' object does not support item assignment

It looks like the answer is that we can read from it like a dictionary, but not write into it (i.e., change the value associated with a key, add a new key that isn't already there) like we could a dictionary. But, for our purposes, we can think of it as a dictionary — we won't generally want to write directly to the dictionaries belonging to objects, classes, or modules, anyway — and move on to greener pastures.

What about the other question we had? What are the other things in Squarer's dictionary?

Summarizing what we've seen so far

What have we seen in our exploration of the internals of objects and classes so far?

However, there's still a gray area to be explored here. If every object has a class, then how does Python decide what's stored in the object's dictionary and what's stored in its class' dictionary instead? When we interact with an object, how does Python decide whether to look for an attribute in the dictionary belonging to the object or its class? From a design perspective, which attributes do we want to belong to the class, and which do we want to belong to each object?

Getting to the bottom of those questions begins by knowing a bit more about the underlying mechanisms that Python uses to find attributes within objects and their classes.

Accessing the attributes of objects and classes

Let's begin again with a fresh Python shell and further explore objects and their classes. Even in prior coursework, you will have seen the techniques below, but we're now interested in the details that make them work.

>>> class Person:
...     def __init__(self, name, age):
...         self.name = name
...         self.age = age
...     def describe(self):
...         return f'{self.name}, age {self.age}'
>>> p1 = Person('Alex', 47)
>>> p2 = Person('Boo', 13)
>>> p1.name
>>> p2.age
>>> p1.describe()
    'Alex, age 47'
>>> Person.describe(p2)
    'Boo, age 13'

Now that we have a class and a couple of objects to work with, we can inspect their internals a bit.

>>> Person.__dict__
    mappingproxy({'__module__': '__main__',
    '__init__': <function Person.__init__ at 0x0000026E81E7D5A0>,
    'describe': <function Person.describe at 0x0000026E81E7D7E0>,
    '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Person' objects>,
    '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Person' objects>,
    '__doc__': None, '__annotations__': {}})
>>> p1.__dict__
    {'name': 'Alex', 'age': 47}
>>> p2.__dict__
    {'name': 'Boo', 'age': 13}

Ignoring the dunder attributes of the Person class (i.e., those whose names begin and end with double underscores, which are sometimes referred to as "dunders"), we can theorize that Python stores methods in a class and other data in its objects.

But is that theory really true? We've previously seen that a def statement in a module builds a function and stores it in an attribute of that module, and it looks like classes behave similarly. But we've also seen that a module's attributes can store values that aren't functions. Can we do that in classes? Suppose we wrote this short module.

person.py (click here for a commented version)

class Person:

    def __init__(self, name, age):
        self.name = name[:self.MAX_NAME_LENGTH]
        self.age = max(0, age)

    def describe(self):
        return f'{self.name}, age {self.age}'

Let's execute this module in the Python shell and interact with it.

>>> p1 = Person('Boo', 13)
>>> p1.name
>>> p1.age

So far, our theory seems to be holding up fine: Since MAX_NAME_LENGTH is not a function, we can access it within the object — both in the Python shell where we wrote p1.MAX_NAME_LENGTH and in the __init__ method where we wrote self.MAX_NAME_LENGTH. Therefore, we would expect to find MAX_NAME_LENGTH in p1.__dict__.

>>> p1.__dict__
    {'name': 'Boo', 'age': 13}       # <-- Where's MAX_NAME_LENGTH?
>>> Person.__dict__
    mappingproxy({'__module__': '__main__', 'MAX_NAME_LENGTH': 30,     # <-- There it is!
    '__init__': <function Person.__init__ at 0x00000184C1EFC8B0>,
    'describe': <function Person.describe at 0x00000184C1EFC9D0>,
    '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Person' objects>,
    '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Person' objects>,
    '__doc__': None, '__annotations__': {}})

Given this, we'll need to think about our assumptions a little more carefully. What's really going on here? There are four things we need to understand, for the time being.

  1. When we define any value within a class, whether it's a def statement or an assignment, we're specifying a class attribute. Our Person class has three attributes (aside from those created automatically behind the scenes): the __init__ method, the describe method, and the MAX_NAME_LENGTH value.
  2. When we store any value within an object, such as when we wrote self.name, we're specifying an object attribute.
  3. When we access an attribute of an object, Python first checks whether that attribute is defined within the object. If so, that's what we get. If not, Python then checks whether that attribute is defined within the class. If so, that's what we get. If not, an AttributeError is raised.
  4. When we access an attribute of a class, Python only checks whether the class has that attribute. If so, that's what we get. If not, an AttributeError is raised.

Let's test our understanding in the Python shell.

>>> p1.name
    'Boo'        # This works, because p1 has a name attribute.
    30           # This works, because MAX_NAME_LENGTH is found in the class,
                 # even though it's not found in the object.
    30           # This works, because MAX_NAME_LENGTH is found in the class,
                 # which is the only place where Python will look.
>>> Person.name
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    AttributeError: type object 'Person' has no attribute 'name'
                 # The Person class has no name attribute.  If we want a
                 # person's name, we have to specify which person's name we want.

Our understanding of Python's attribute lookup rules also tells us what should happen when the same attribute appears in a class and one of its objects, but let's verify our understanding.

>>> class Xyz:
...     value = 11
...     def __init__(self):
...         self.value = 17
>>> x = Xyz()
>>> x.__dict__['value']
    17            # The object has a value attribute.
>>> Xyz.__dict__['value']
    11            # The class also has a value attribute.
>>> x.value
    17            # When objects have attributes, they "win".
>>> Xyz.value
    11            # When we look up attributes in classes, we get the class' attributes,
                  # even if objects of that class have their own attributes with the same name.

So, now that we've seen the details of how class attributes and object attributes work differently, we should consider how we might summarize our understanding. It seems that the rules boil down to this.

But there's another question worth considering. Objects store values in their attributes, and they have methods that let us interact with them. Classes also store values in their attributes, so doesn't it also make sense that there be a method that we can call on a class as a whole, rather than calling it on an individual object? In other words, if a class can contain information that doesn't require objects to access, aren't there jobs that a class could do that also don't require an object? If so, what mechanism would give us the ability to write a method with no self parameter?

Static methods and class methods

When a class attribute stores a value such as an integer, its value is meant to describe something about the class as a whole, rather than an individual object of that class. For example, one of the Person classes we saw previously included a MAX_NAME_LENGTH attribute in the class, because it describes something about the class in its entirety, since all Persons have the same maximum, rather than each having a separate one. And, in fact, there's a maximum length whether there are any Person objects or not.

So, certainly, one reason we might want to use class attributes is to store what are essentially class-scoped named constants. But it's not necessarily going to be the case that class attributes have values that are constants; they just need to have values that are meaningful class-wide, rather than being separately meaningful for each object of that class.

Suppose, for example, that we're implementing a class called Widget. It's not particularly important what problem Widget solves, except that one thing we'd like to know is how many Widgets have been created since our program started running. Somewhere we'll need an integer value that is the answer to this question, and we'll need to update it accordingly when that answer changes. But there's only one answer to this question — How many Widgets are there? — no matter how many Widget objects have been created, and even if no Widget objects have been created. Nonetheless, it's absolutely and directly related to the Widget class. So, a class attribute is a natural place to store it.

We'd want it to be possible to ask what the value is, but not for code outside of the class to change it, so it seems wise that we mark this class attribute as protected (i.e., prepend an underscore to its name). But we'll then need a way for code outside of the class to obtain its value. For this purpose, we'll want a static method, which is a method that differs in two ways from the methods you've seen previously.

To tell Python that we want to treat a method specially in this way, we mark it with @staticmethod on the line above it. These kinds of markings, starting with the symbol @, are called decorators, and we'll see them in more detail later this quarter, but you can think of them, for now, as being a way to tell Python to treat something differently than it might normally be treated. Normally, methods have a self parameter and we call them on an object; with the @staticmethod decorator above them, they become methods we call on the class instead.

widget.py (click here for a commented version)

class Widget:
    _count = 0

    def __init__(self, id):
        self._id = id
        Widget._count += 1

    def id(self):
        return self._id

    def widget_count():
        return Widget._count

After executing that module, we can interact with it, so we can see how using static methods is different from using non-static ones.

>>> Widget.widget_count()
    0             # Initially, no Widgets have been created.
>>> w1 = Widget(13)
>>> w2 = Widget(18)
>>> w1.id(), w2.id()
    (13, 18)      # Individual Widgets have their own IDs.
>>> Widget.widget_count()
    2             # Creating Widget objects adds to the count.
>>> w1.widget_count()
    2             # We can call static methods on Widget objects notationally, but
                  # the usual mechanics of w1 becoming a self parameter are
                  # not applied.
>>> Widget.id()
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: Widget.id() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self'
                  # We can't call non-static methods on the entire class.  If we aren't
                  # specific about which Widget we're asking about, it doesn't
                  # make sense to ask for an ID, since each Widget has its own.

Class methods

There is another variation on this theme that's worth taking note of. A class method is similar to a static method, in the sense that it applies to the class as a whole, rather than to individual objects of that class. How a class method is different, though, is that the class becomes a parameter to that method, similar to how normal methods transform the target object into a self parameter, which is useful if we'll need to use the class for something.

One example where class methods are useful is for creating what are sometimes called factory methods, which are methods whose job is to create objects of a type, but that have names that make clearer the way that job is being done, which can be especially useful if there's more than one of them in the same class, though can still make for a more readable syntax even if there's only one of them.

point.py (click here for a commented version)

class Point:
    def from_cartesian(cls, x, y):
        return cls(x, y)

    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self._x = x
        self._y = y

    def x(self):
        return self._x

    def y(self):
        return self._y

Given that class, we can create objects using the somewhat more humane and readable name Point.from_cartesian, making clear not just that we're creating a Point, but that we're creating it from Cartesian coordinates. (If we additionally had a way to create them from some other coordinate system, like polar coordinates, then this technique would shine more brightly.)

>>> p = Point.from_cartesian(11, 18)
>>> p.x(), p.y()
    (11, 18)