ICS 46 Spring 2022
Notes and Examples: Priority Queues

What is a priority queue?

Previously, we learned about a data structure called a queue, which solves a classic, recurring problem in computing: Allowing a collection of objects to wait (in a fair way) to be processed, to have access to some resource, or what have you. They do this in the most straightforwardly fair way you might imagine, by handling the objects on a first-come, first-served basis. Each time an object is dequeued, it will be the one that's been waiting the longest. Because of the natural way that they solve a common problem, queues arise all over the place in real software, from the internals of operating systems and hardware, to the interconnections between components in a distributed system that process inputs at different rates, and lots of other scenarios where objects need to "wait in line" for some reason.

Queues rest on the fundamental principle that all waiting objects are equally important. In many cases, that's absolutely what you'd want, with the only factor distinguishing one object from another being how long it's been waiting. But this isn't necessarily the right way to handle every situation. The core of an operating system like Windows or Linux — when you strip away things like graphical user interfaces and focus only on their deeper internals — are mainly in the business of arbitrating access to hardware and other resources, so that many programs can be running simultaneously, yet still share access to processors, displays, network interfaces, and so on. For example, you may have noticed that your own computer sometimes runs much more slowly than usual, because you've asked it to do too many things at once; there simply isn't enough processing power to go around, let's say, so the operating system starts splitting processor time up and allocating a little bit to each program, so they can each make some progress, even though none of them is running anywhere near full speed. Have you noticed, though, that certain aspects of your machine still seem to run flawlessly in this situation? The mouse cursor might still move smoothly, the display is still being updated at a typical sixty times per second, and so on.

What this tells us is that queues — the kind that treat all objects equally, and simply handle them in a first-come, first-served way — aren't always the right solution to real problems. To maintain a reasonable user experience, to make sure that certain hardware constraints are met no matter what, or whatever, the operating system has to treat some programs as more important than others. If there isn't enough processing power to go around, the more important ones need to get their requisite share of that power at the expense of the ones that are less important.

This notion of importance is something that we often refer to as priority; for example, operating systems typically assign a priority to each program, with certain ones (like the ones that run the internals of the operating system) being considered more important than a program launched by a user. A priority queue is a kind of queue that is fundamentally designed around this idea, with every object having an associated priority that determines its importance. When an object is dequeued, the more important ones will always come out first. To settle on one notion of "importance," we'll say that priorities are integers, and that smaller-numbered priorities like 4 are considered more important than larger-numbered priorities like 10. (Note that you can do anything you'd like in practice, as long as there's an obvious way to compare two priorities to decide which one is "more important.")

A conceptual diagram of a priority queue might look something like this:

Conceptual diagram of a priority queue

The diagram shows the most important conceptual ideas underlying priority queues:

Implementing a priority queue

As always, if we want to implement a data structure, our goal is to take the concept and turn it into a concrete reality. In the case of a priority queue, that means we have to store the elements, provide a way to determine the priority of each one (either by storing the priority or by having a function that can calculate it for us), and arrange the elements into an underlying data structure. There are different choices we can make, and some will work better than others, but we won't know which are better until we do some analysis.

Using a linked list

One possible implementation would involve storing the elements and their priorities in a linked list, with each node in the linked list containing a single element and its priority. Additionally, we could keep the linked list sorted by priority, so the element with the minimum priority would always be at the head of the list — the most convenient place to access it. If we did that, how well would the common operations perform?

If we think the priority queue might have a large number of elements stored in it, a linear-time enqueue is a disappointing outcome, and we should seek to do better. What makes enqueue so expensive is the need to keep the list sorted by priority, which was making enqueue slower than we wanted it to be, so we could try keeping the list unsorted instead.

Not only are we no better off, but you might even argue that we're a little bit worse off, because while we had a potentially linear time operation before, we now have a certainly linear time operation instead.

Using an array-based list

We could try using an array or a std::vector as a list instead, but we'd ultimately be no better off. We'd be confronted with the same choice: Should we keep the elements sorted by priority or not? And regardless of which choice we made, either enqueue or dequeueMin would wind up being expensive.

So, generally, the "flat" data structures we learned about early on in the quarter are just not going to solve our problem very well. In order to maintain the priority ordering in a way that doesn't cost too much, we're going to have to be a bit more clever; simply maintaining a list isn't going to turn out well, so we'll need to try something else. It turns out that trees offer a solution, though only if we use them a little differently than we did when we used them to help us implement a better search structure. Knowing that our goal is different — arrange the elements so the one with the smallest priority is most accessible — calls for a different solution, since it's a somewhat different problem.

Binary min heaps

What is a min heap?

Let's start by considering the definition of a kind of tree called a min heap.

A min heap is a tree with the following properties:

Every node stores a key, and the main consequence of this definition is that the smallest key in any subtree is at its root; furthermore, the smallest key in the entire tree is in the root. Given its main objective of keeping the smallest key in the most convenient place possible, it sounds like a good candidate for implementing a priority queue.

However, like when we learned about binary search trees, this definition has a flaw: There's no restriction on the shape the tree might have. It might be a single root node with a very large number of one-node subtrees; it might also be "degenerate" in the way that binary search trees can be degenerate, with every node having a single subtree. And, ultimately, neither of these is going to be all that good, if our goal is to implement a priority queue:

What is a binary min heap?

If we restrict the shape of the tree, though, we might find a happy medium, the way we did when we introduced balancing to binary search trees. A binary min heap presents a great solution to this problem.

A binary min heap is a complete binary tree that is a min heap.

In other words, a binary min heap has a very restricted shape indeed: It must be a complete binary tree. The keys, furthermore, are arranged according to the same ordering rule in a min heap, with the smallest key in the root, and the smallest key in every subtree being in that subtree's root.

One interesting consequence of knowing that a binary min heap is a complete binary tree is that we don't actually need to allocate nodes and keep track of child or parent pointers. Instead, we can use a trick to store the whole thing in an array-based list (e.g., an array or a std::vector). Conceptually, we can number each node consecutively in level-order starting from 1, with the root being 1; its children being 2 and 3; their children being 4, 5, 6, and 7; and so on.

Numbering the nodes in a binary min heap

If we do this, then if we have the number of some node, we can always find the number of its children or its parent using a simple formula. For the node numbered i:

Each of these numbers could then be used as an index into an array or a std::vector. (Note, too, that you could start the numbering from 0, as well, which would lead to slightly different formulas that you could derive. We'll sidestep that issue for now, to keep things simple.)

This allows us to store a binary min heap very efficiently in an array or a std::vector, so we won't need to allocate nodes, manage pointers, or any of that. This makes for a very efficient data structure, in terms of memory usage and organization, which is a plus. As you continue reading through these notes, I'll continue to draw the trees, but make sure you understand that you wouldn't actually bother with them in the implementation; when we swap the keys in two nodes, for example, we'll simply be swapping the values in two array cells.

The next question, then, is whether we can efficiently maintain the heap-ordering property both when we insert an arbitrary key and when we remove the smallest key — these are the two most important things we'd need if we wanted to implement a priority queue, because they would provide an implementation of enqueue and dequeueMin.

Algorithm for inserting a key

Suppose you had a binary min heap arranged like this already:

Example binary min heap before insertion

Now let's suppose that you wanted to insert the key 12 into this binary min heap. There are two things we need to ensure:

And, unfortunately, these two goals are in conflict with one another, because the key 12 can't be a left child of 20. However, all is not lost; we just need to rearrange the keys a bit. Here's what we'll do.

Example of binary min heap insertion

That's all there is to it.

Analysis of insertion algorithm

There are three important facts here that we can combine to analyze this insertion algorithm:

So, ultimately, what we're talking about here is a path in the tree that stretches from some node to a leaf. Because we know the height of the tree is Θ(log n), but because we know the length of this path would not necessarily cover the tree's full height, this would take O(log n) time to run.

Algorithm for removing the smallest key

Consider, again, this binary min heap:

Example binary min heap before removal

Now suppose we want to remove the smallest key from it. Similar to insertion, there are two goals we need to meet:

As with insertion, achieving our goals will require some rearrangement of the keys, particularly with the goal of relocating 17. Here's what we can do:

Example of binary min heap removal

Analysis of removal algorithm

The analysis here is more or less identical to the analysis of insertion. The worst-case scenario is that the "hole" will follow a path from the root of the tree all the way to a leaf, but it may not get there. So, once again, we'd say that this operation would take O(log n) time.

How this helps us to implement a priority queue

Once we have this kind of data structure, we're in pretty good shape; it would form the basis of a priority queue implementation. A binary min heap could hold our keys (or, more completely, our elements and their associated priorities, with the priorities being treated as keys). Our insertion algorithm would be how we'd implement enqueue, and our algorithm for removing the smallest key would give us an implementation of dequeueMin. With both of these algorithms running in O(log n) time, that will be plenty efficient for most uses. Meanwhile, findMin would simply return the value in the root, which we would be able to obtain in Θ(1) time.