Bryant Hornick

Position: Programmer

Beginning 2nd yr. Bachelor's student
Email: bhornick [at]

What do you do on the project? I started off working primarily on the computer game version, but I kind of got pulled away, so now I'm just working on various programming tasks for the installation project.

How long have you been with the group? I started around January or February.

Why are you working on the project? Probably for experience.

What do you think is the overall goal of the project? To make a life-changing exhibit about ecological restoration to teach kids.

What was your favorite part of [or working on] the project? I guess getting to work with all the people here and getting to go to the Discovery Science Center and playing with the kids.

Have you gotten any awards and/or publications? Not yet.

Any other questions and/or answers would you like on your site? I don't think so.

Last updated: October 18, 2005