
I am a 5 rd year Ph.D. candidate in computer science at UC Irvine advised with Professor Shuang Zhao.

My research focuses on sound rendering. That is to simulate sound propagation and model sound interactions with object surfaces based on geometric acoustics method.

Before becoming a Ph.D. student, I obtained my M.S. in computer science from University of California, Irvine (2016-2018), and B.S. in computer science and technology (railway information technology) from Beijing Jiaotong University (2012-2016).

I enjoy doing sport when I am not doing research, like tennis and swimming.

- [Resume]


Inverse-Rendering Based Analysis of the Fine Illumination Effects in the Salvator Mundi

Marco(Zhanhang) Liang, Michael T. Goodrich, Shuang Zhao

Leonardo (SIGGRAPH 2020 Art Paper), July 2020

On the Optical Accuracy of the Salvator Mundi

Marco(Zhanhang) Liang, Michael T. Goodrich, Shuang Zhao

Technical report (arXiv:1912.03416), December 2019


Implementation of Global Illumination Algorithms with Nori