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April 19, 2018

Experience Virtual Reality at the VRcade Game Night

Are you ready to immerse yourself in the future? You’ll have your chance on Monday, April 23, at UCI’s first VRcade event, hosted by the Virtual Reality Development Club (VRDC) in collaboration with UCI Esports. From 6-11 p.m. at the Esports Arena, multiple play stations will be set up with Oculus Rift headsets and an HTC Vive. You’ll be able to test out VR experiences such as painting in a 3D space with Tilt Brush, fighting off hostile enemies with SuperHot VR, or time-traveling to 2271 with Raw Data.

“I'm extremely excited to showcase some of the popular game titles we have recently acquired from Survios, a prominent game developer,” says VRDC president Edward Lok. “We are hoping to set up a multiplayer experience for their game, Raw Data, which is essentially a wave survival shooter [game], which would allow attendees to interact with each other.”

Lok started the VRDC club just last month and quickly reached out to UCI Esports to “increase exposure for VR and bring increased traffic into the arena for a new medium of gaming.” All gameplay will be free and based on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information, visit the VRDC Facebook page.

Shani Murray