Thomas A. Alspaugh's Teaching
 2007-08  Spring '08  IN4MTX 115 Software Specification and Quality Engineering
 IN4MTX 215 Software Analysis and Testing
 Winter '08  (Research)
 Fall '07  IN4MTX 213 Formal Specification and Modeling
 2006-07  Spring '07  IN4MTX 43 Informatics Core III
 IN4MTX 115 (ICS 122) Software specification and quality engineering
 Winter '07  (Sabbatical quarter in residence -- Research)
 Fall '06  (Research)
 2005-06  Spring '06  IN4MTX 115 (ICS 122) Software specification and quality engineering
 ICS 224 Software analysis and testing
 Winter '06  (Research)
 Fall '05  ICS 222 Formal Specification and Modelling
 2004-05  Spring '05  ICS 122  Software specification and quality engineering
 Winter '05  (Research)
 Fall '04  ICS 102  Requirements engineering
 ICS 221  Software engineering
 2003-04  Spring '04  ICS 122  Software specification and quality engineering,
 ICS 280  Seminar: Scenario-based requirements engineering 
 Winter '04  (Research)
 Fall '03  ICS 224  Software analysis and testing
 2002-03   Spring '03  ICS 102  Requirements engineering
 ICS 222  Formal specification and modelling
 Winter '03  (Research)
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Thomas A. Alspaugh