Arcadia Papers: ABSTRACT

"Automatic Generation of Inequality Systems for Constrained Expression Analysis", by George S. Avrunin Ugo Buy and James Corbett in Technical Report 90-032, Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 1990.


This report describes a prototype tool for automating the generation of systems of inequalities, and for aiding in the interpretation of the solutions of such systems, in the analysis of constrained expressions. The constrained expression approach to the analysis of concurrent and distributed software systems is described in [4,5]; more detailed descriptions of the use of inequalities in such analysis are given in [2,5,6]. This prototype implements a piece of a toolset supporting automated analysis of distributed system designs written in the CEDL design language [11], which is based on Ada. The structure of the toolset and its application are described briefly in the next section and in more detail in [4]. Detailed discussions of the other components of the toolset are given in [1,7,9,12]. This document describes version 2.0 of the prototype, whose implementation has been completed recently.
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Last modified: Thu Jan 26 13:36:30 1995