Pattern specification (normal version)

In submitting a PATTERN to be searched, upper and lower-case letters are not equivalent
(however, you can optionally choose to make them equivalent).
Be careful in the use of special characters as listed below.

special character what it does
period . A wildcard that matches any single character.
carat ^ Requires the pattern to be at the beginning of the entry.
brackets [ ] Enclose a collection of characters,
any one of which will cause the bracketed collection to be matched.
Use [a-z] for any small alphabetic character,
use [A-Z] for any Capital letter,
use [A-Za-z] for any alphabetic character,
use [0-9] for any digit.
asterisk * Allows 0 or more repeats of the previous character match.
So, use x* for 0 or more x's,
use xx* for 1 or more x's,
and use [0-9][0-9]* for 1 or more digits.


pattern matches with does not match
you should try this for pre-1830 records
1807.*Abraham records from the year 1807
that contain Abraham
Hirsch Hirschfeld
Hir[sz]b Hirsberg
Hir[sz].berg Hirshberg Hirzberg
Hir[sz].*berg Hirshberg
Hirsch and iceberg
Hir[sz][a-z]*berg Hirshberg
Hirsch and iceberg
Elk.*Beil any line containing a name that
    starts with Elk and
    any later word contains Beil
such as Elkan Rachel Beile
^1806.*May any line that starts with 1806 and
    any later word contains May

Pattern specification (powerful version)

In addition to the characters that are normally treated as being special by the pattern matching program,
when using the more powerful version, the following additional characters are also special.

special character what it does
parentheses ( ) Enclose a pattern
question ? Allows 0 or 1 matches of the previous pattern
plus + Allows 1 or more repeats of the previous pattern
vertical bar | Allows a choice of matching previous or next pattern


pattern matches with
JONAS|JOHANNES records containing either JONAS or JOHANNES
you should try this for pre-1830 records

Dan Hirschberg
Computer Science Department
University of California, Irvine, CA 92697-3425
dan at
Last modified: Jan 12, 2009