CompSci 260 - Final Exam and the 260 Portion of the MS Comprehensive Exam - Winter, 2020 (Dillencourt)

Computer Science Department policy specifies that exams given in core courses will also serve as MS Comprehensive exams. Here is how this policy will be implemented in this offering of CompSci 260.

The final exam will be given during finals week, at the time stated on the class web page. This exam will also werve as the masters exam. The criteria for passing the masters exam will be

If you are enrolled in the course this quarter, all you have to do is take the final exam. No additional registration for the masters exam is required

If you have taken CompSci 260 in a previous quarter and want to take the 260 portion of the MS Comprehensive Exam this quarter, you need to register for the Masters exam before the signup deadline, which is posted here. Instructions for signing up are posted here.

Last modified: January 8, 2020