Second-chance grading policy

In this class we will adopt a "second-chance" grading policy. In essence this policy states that if you do poorly on one of the first three tests (relative to the rest of the class) and do better on the final exam, relative to the rest of the class, your grade on the one of the first three tests will be replaced by a grade based on your performance on the final.

Details of the policy

Applying the policy consists of two steps.
  1. Compute an alternate score for each of the first three tests.
    Here we describe the computation of the alternative score for Test 1. The computations for Tests 2 and Test 3 will be similar.
  2. Replace your actual score on one of the three tests with your alternate score for that test.

A final note

The final scale will be based on the actual test scores, before applying this policy. This means that applying this policy will not lower the grade of anyone in the class.

Last modified: February 27, 2024