Informatics 141/ Computer Science 121: Information Retrieval

Assignment 05

Winter 2008

Department of Informatics

Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences

University of California, Irvine

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Due 02/22/2008

  1. Firefox Extension
    1. Build a Firefox extension that gets a callback every time the main page reloads.
    2. It should appear as a sidebar within the browser (as the browser history or bookmarks would)
    3. It should work with Firefox version 2.0 and higher
    4. Send the link to download or install the extension to the TA
      1. Name your extension <LastName><FirstInitial>Assign05
  2. Evaluation
    1. Can the TA install the extension?
      1. Does the link work (10%)
    2. Does it do what it is supposed to do
      1. Shows up as a sidebar (20%)
      2. Displays the URL everytime the main page reloads (50%)
      3. Links work in sidebar (20%)
  3. Some resources to get you started
    1. making a sidebar
  4. This is a group project for the entire class
    1. Your grade will be 85% what you turn in and the remaining 15% will be the average of what everyone else in the class gets
      1. So if you get 100% and the average of the rest of the class is 66% your final grade will be 95%.
    2. You may not give your code to anyone else in the class.
    3. Since this assignment is not directly about information retrieval the grading is structured to encourage everyone to collaborate on the forum.