wedge Admin
wedge Quiz #2 feedback?
* facilities?
* content?
* Answer any questions
* Go over names
* Sign-in Sheet (use the exercise instead)
wedge Kick-off
wedge T-Shirt
* I Adore my 64
* Commodore 64 commercials
wedge Exercise
wedge Helping the user
* Write down your name (this will be anonymous)
* Close books etc.
wedge Think of the single thing that is causing the most stress for you right now.
* Write it down
wedge Think of the one thing that, if you knew it, would alleviate the stress.
* Write it down
wedge Now let's imagine you have 30 seconds with an omnipotent, omnipresence God
* What question would you ask God in order to get the answer?
* Now turn that question into three words which summarize the key points of the question
* Finish lecture on Web Search Basics - Helping the User