wedge Admin
wedge Assignment 04 triage
wedge Office hours yesterday 10-11
* A few people showed up
wedge Ran into a problem with setMaxDepth
* It needs to be higher than the default 5
wedge Office hours today 2-3pm
* in ICS 1 3rd floor lab
wedge Jam
* 9am to 10 am this morning
* 11am - 1pm after class
wedge Midterm evaluation this week
wedge Change in grading
* midterm evals are worth 5%
* Final exam is worth 5% less
* Check them on EEE
wedge There are 2 midterm evals.
* EEE system
* Paper
wedge Thank you for your feedback in the evals so far
* Website color change
* More work on prepping Assignment 3 and 4
* Generally people think the class is going well, that it is a good course, very informative, but that it is hard.
* Cover the readings more in class.
* Less groupwork?
* Boolean Query Dance?
* No class on Monday
wedge Quiz 04 coming up
* It will be on reading list 4 only (reading list 5 later)
* Assignment 05 id finalized and posted
* Answer any questions
* Go over names
* Sign-in Sheet
wedge Kick-off
* Vector Space Model and Scoring
* Mid-Term Evaluation Supplemental