V 1/15/2009 Lecture Notes
V Kick-off:
V Learning Objective:
V "Finish our overview of the current web search landscape"
* What is web spam like?
* Take a quiz
* Go over names
* GetSatisfication posts
* Survey Results
* No cards today - quiz instead
V Review Cards
* Is it possible for a web search engine to find a page which is not linked?
V Why are we using getsatisfaction rather than EEE?
* useful service for you to know about post-graduation
* Admin tools are stronger.
V Just because a webpage is dynamically constructed doesn't mean it doesn't have static content.
* A search engine can load it twice and see how much it changes before deciding whether or not to remember it
V How does google keep track of you?
* cookies possibly tied to a google account
* also keeps track of queries independent of users
V Microsoft
* Don't confuse my lack of knowledge of MS products with a statement that they are bad
V I largely don't use MS products because they do not facilitate my work as a computer science researcher, in my opinion they are geared toward business users.
* e.g, equations editing
* cost of software
* access to source code
* ability to change a technology
V How does Google judge a high quality page?
V for ads:
V Video break
* None today - quiz