V 1/22/2009 Lecture Notes
V Kick-off:
V Prospect.1 New Orleans Biennial 2008
V Learning Objective:
V "Be able to describe
* the steps of a crawling algorithm
* the desired characteristics of a web crawler
* why a good crawler is a complex piece of software
* how a website operator can control web crawler behavior
* how DNS resolution impacts crawling
* Survey Results (probably later)
* Cards
V Review Cards
* What does fetch mean?
* Do we have to be polite?
V Concerned about my grade
* Work in groups. Work efficiently.
V Where does the seed set come from?
* How do we demo for 4 if it's going to take so long?
* How do you get permission to crawl databases directly?
V Spider traps are still confusing
V Video break
* None today