
DCOracle2 is a replacement for DCOracle, written primarily in C. DCOracle 1 uses OCI 7 bindings for most Oracle calls, with OCI 8 mixed in for LOB support. Oracle 8i disallows mixing of calls within a statement, and so breaks LOB support. DCO2 uses entirely OCI 8 calls, and thus can use LOBs.

New in this Release

Beta 3
Fixed IN OUT bind widths. Added ORACLE8i define to NT build for SPs. Added Z Oracle Stored Procedure objects to ZOracleDA. Format conversion on IN/OUT binds for SQLT_NUM. Other small changes (see CHANGELOG)
Beta 2
Fix ZOracleDA attempting to fetch on non-select. Add explicit C Cursor.close() to break cycle allowing cursor to be deallocated. Change fetchmany() and fetchall() to return None if no results remain rather than []. Several connection/cursor and cursor/procedure cycle deferring actions. SPARC byteorder fixes for stored procedures.
Beta 1
Stored procedure input works properly, cycles in stored procedures removed. Stored procedures now have meaningful docstrings (describing their parameters). Type coercion change from a tuple kludge to a TypeCoercion object. Set ability (and default) to do static binding for BindingArrays, working around dynamic fetch occasional NULL bug on Linux. Batch executemany(). Add backward compatable dbiRaw and execute modes.
Alpha 6
Nested Cursors, e.g. SELECT ENAME, CURSOR(SELECT ENAME FROM EMP WHERE MGR=7908) FROM EMP WHERE EMPNO=7908). API 2.0 type objects. Add trim() to LobLocators. Wrap LOB permissions for Zope in ZOracleDA. Change result on execute w/o results to None, not []. Return statement type code after execute().
Alpha 5
Stored procedure fixes, and debugging enhancements.
Alpha 4
Stored procedure IN/OUT variables, changes to executemany()
Alpha 3
Changed ZOracleDA to not use method call to connect(). Partial stored procedure work
Alpha 2
Bug fixes, largely packaging, from Alpha 1. Added SQLT_AFC handler, SPARC alignment fixes.
Alpha 1
First release


This release contains both DCOracle2 and a slightly modified ZOracleDA; it will register as ZOracleDA would (to silently upgrade Oracle connections) and thus cannot be run concurrently with ZOracleDA/DCOracle.


To replace ZOracleDA, untar into lib/python/Products and make, move ZOracleDA out of lib/python/Products, and rename lib/python/Products/DCO2 to lib/python/Products/ZOracleDA.


This release is intended for testing with ZOracleDA feature compatibility (including LOB support) and is also intended for general use.


NT support has been tested, Microsoft Visual Studio project files are included; this has only received testing with Oracle 8.0 and Oracle 8.1 on Linux, Solaris, and Windows NT; a wider variety of platform experience is welcomed.


The product is available at

Matt Kromer