3.8 OEEuler

OEEuler : public OETransBase

This object is one of the molecular transformation base classes which derive from OETransBase and work with OETrans.

OEEuler(const double *angles)
OEEuler(const float *angles)
OEEuler(double phi, double theta, double psi)
OEEuler(float phi, float theta, float psi)
OEEuler &operator = (const double *rhs)
OEEuler &operator = (const float *rhs)

This OETransBase object represents rotation about 3 Euler angles. This objects assumes the angles are ordered phi, theta, psi and have radian units.

OETransBase *CreateCopy() const

void GetAngles(double *angles) const
void GetAngles(float *angles) const
double GetPhi () const
double GetTheta() const
double GetPsi () const
void SetPhi (double radians)
void SetTheta (double radians)
void SetPsi (double radians)

These methods give access to the angle data.